Philstar or Gaju’s Regression

Chapter 151

151 KRW 50. Return (2)

Knock, knock!


In the gloomy voice that I heard with the knocking on the door,

“Yes, wait! ”

Parviti, who was cleaning the house, hurried back to the front door, lowering the sleeve he had lifted.

It’s been a month since Roan left for the South.

At this time, no one will come to their home, not Chaplin, but I have no news of Roan, so I am in a hurry to hear from him.


And when you open the door,

“Oh, my.”

There was a person standing who didn’t think at all.

“Freya? ”

Emilia’s servant, Freya.

“Hello, Mr. Parviti! Long time no see!”

Bright Freya always smiles brightly and says hello.

“Yes, it’s been a long time. You see it in almost a month, right? ”

Parviti replied with a friendly smile.

It was a rare face before Loan went south, but he rarely had a chance to see it afterwards.

It’s a little strange that Emilia, the princess, came to this place without Roman, but since he left for the South, Linguini Academy was also scheduled for the exam, so it was right to focus on it.

And yet, as Parviti really welcomes you,

“Oh, I see. I wanted to see you with Emilia, but I barely had time. You know, there’s an academy exam. ”

Freya also replied with a smile.

“No, you’re going to be very busy, that’s for sure. ”

Soon Parviti also smiled more kindly.

Is it really because you met two bright and sweet people?

“Thank you for your understanding! ”

In the midst of a very sweet atmosphere without anything else,

“But what happened today? ”

Parviti raises his head and asks a question.

It’s true that it’s nice to meet you, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have any questions.

If Emilia’s servant came all the way here herself, there must be a reason.

“Please go and look at the basement and don’t stay here. ”

And according to Parviti, who thought that the main character of the case was not himself, but William,

“Ah, yes! That’s what I thought! I think you should tell Mr. Parviti too! ”

Soon Freya nodded with a brighter face.

“So what the hell is going on? ”

He was laughing in Bangladesh, even with a flushed face, and even Parviti was feeling better.

Then she asked again,

“If you hurry, he’ll be back this afternoon! ”

Freya told me right away.

“Ah……. ”

As soon as I heard that, Parvity hardened like a stone.

The Loan who left for the South a month ago is finally back?


I don’t even know what kind of boobs she jumped at.

“ ……. ”

I took a breath for a while.

I would be forced to.

The only time Loan is going south is because he and she have been away the longest.

So I was worried and worried about what happened to him every night.

Even when I heard that he was pledged in the south, and after that.

She’s good at concealing emotions, but she doesn’t have any inner color.

“But this is not the only good news! ”

Soon Freya said with a more glamorous face.

“Yes? Any other news? ”

As Parviti opened his eyes more and more and listened,

“This is a real secret. His Excellency is about to award him the title of Knight. The Noble Prize seems to be too repulsive, so I’m going to give it to you first. Now you really are Lord Philstein! ”

It’s Frey whispering around because he wants to hang.


As soon as I heard that, Parviti’s face also burst with laughter.

I can’t believe Roman has already earned his title!

In fact, it was very natural for him to get an article title.

Given the fact that he was the only Sword Master in the Empire, it was rather late.

But she also knows how fiercely he is restrained.

So it was true that I was even more pleased with the appearance of Loan, who was shaking away all his restraints and gradually spreading his wings.

“It was really good……. ”

In the face of Parviti, who was so moved and almost cried,

“Yes, I do. I don’t know how happy Emilia was. You were crying all by yourself? ”

Freya also whispered with an impressive face.

“Ahhh……. Emilia?”

When Parviti carefully asked,

“You said you would contact Genovese in Nero directly. Genovese likes Emilia a lot, doesn’t he? ”

Freya smiles and answers.

“Ahhh……. ”

Soon Parviti nodded as if he was positive.

“I see.”

Her face was still kind and kind.

“ ……. ”

Somehow, I became a sad looking eye.

Of course, even that’s too brief.

“This award ceremony is intended to be held in Hwang Seung Soon! So people will be coming from Hwang Soon, and you can come to Hwang Soon! ”

I didn’t even notice Freya right in front of me.

“Yes, I will tell the Lord right away. ”

Soon she smiled comfortably and nodded.

“Anyway, I’ll go to the academy! I’m glad you told Alicia and Hannah to share this news too! ”

Freya is waving her hand with a bright face.

“Yes, Freya. Be careful.”

As soon as Parviti greets you,

“Yes, I understand! See you soon!”

Freya runs like a rabbit and heads to the academy.

Looking back at her glorious figure,

“….. I don’t think so. ”

Parviti that can’t easily get inside and look at Freya to the end.

And when she became as small as her nails, then she became completely invisible.

“…… Phew. ”

Then she sighed.

“…… you’re going further and further, Master. ”

Why is Loan so uncomfortable right now?

One corner of my chest was very heavy and I couldn’t feel anything.

“ ……. ”

And she knew why she felt that way.

“… Haha. ”

I held a bitter smile without knowing, and I closed the door so that she could not see anyone, and I bowed my head.

“…… Master. No, Loan. ”

The more he shines, the further away he is from her.

Now he is the youngest Sword Master on the continent and the newest young knight of the Rosesta Emperor, Loan Pilstein.

Now he will soon be a nobleman.

Then more people will see it, and its reputation will be widely known not only to the Empire but to its surroundings.

By contrast, she’s just a slave to the Philstein family.

No matter how family, no matter how intimate, the fundamental relationship remains unchanged.

You have to say that it can get better, just to be normal.

“Ha…. ”

I think Parviti really sighed deeply in his heart.

“…… I don’t even know if he’s right. ”

And he smiled with a self-conscious smile.

After Loan disappeared to the south, he seemed to be turning out to be like Maharajah, who appeared to be amazingly black.

He told her.

– You want your real identity back, don’t you? Are you satisfied with your real life, living here as a slave, as a fake?

Even now, I didn’t know exactly what that meant.

“ ……. ”

But if anything is clear,

– Your roots are in Ig.

She wasn’t a slave from the beginning.

– If you’re really ready to face your destiny, come find me. I will lead you to your true destiny.

And Maharajah obviously knows her past.

Nevertheless, Parvity could not tell others that he had appeared again.

The moment I told someone about it, it seemed like there was no way to reclaim his lost past.

I haven’t paid much attention so far.

But I didn’t know if it was really this good.

Do you really think you can be satisfied with living as a slave to the Philistines?

And the thought was that the bigger Loan gets, the more she shines, the more she must come to prison.

“…… I don’t know if I can be better than I am right now, even though I’m a normal person. ”

Then you don’t have to qualify for liking him, and you don’t have to qualify for other people.

I never had such greed when I lived with him in the castle of Philstein.

But she changed a lot when he came to Bologna to dream of a wider world.

I thought about how big a wall of identity there was between them, and now I don’t even think I like tea.

Why can’t I? ’

However, it was also true that every time I asked myself a question.

There’s a princess around him, and the nobles are happy, so there’s a reason to shrug themselves?

He’s the same man!

“ ……. ”

But he wasn’t the same man.

Just as the skin color was different, everything was different in the world where I lived, where I looked, and where I dreamed.

– Find your life, Parvity.

At that last moment, recalling what Maharajah had said, Parviti took a deep breath.

“…… what is my real life? ”

In fact, I didn’t want to find anything like that.

“I just want to be together….. ”

I just miss the days of Saint Philstein who was with Loan.

Soon she swallowed the snowflaked dew.

And I want you to close your eyes and take a few breaths.

“Phew, this is not the time. ”

Soon after returning to her original appearance,

“I should also tell the Lord this news….. ”

I turned around again as if I were as kind and friendly as usual.

Perhaps if we just look at her now, no one will know that she is suffering.

“ ……. ”

Then she stopped without me knowing.

In fact, even this is actually a lie.

It’s just a real hypnotism of my heart.

“…… my real life. ”

Recalling what he said, Parviti stepped out of the world.

* * *


“…… Bishop. ”

The infiltrators were separate from Parviti.

“ ……. ”

It was the Bishops of the Ariman Church and their herds.

Desperate news that Rudwick and the Red Wolf failed was already received two weeks ago.

In the meantime, I wish Roan were dead, but he is now on his way back to Bolonez.

So what do we do?

Like a man who lost his country,

“Ha…. ”

The bishop sighed unknowingly.

Maharajah, who was defeated by him, seems to have resurrected as expected, but he has been walking completely independently ever since.

He quickly moved on to Ig, after which he had no way of hearing from Maharajah.

And the red wolves would have been extinct or all dead.

There are no more who can speak like a handsome man.

So what more cards can we get out of here?

No, there will be no way to defeat him, even if he pulls something out.

If a powerful guardian had been on his side, moreover!

I felt I had to fight a monster named Loan in the absence of any answer, so it was not too gloomy.

“What kind of life is this? ”

I don’t know.

“…… Bishop. ”

The congregation became more gloomy.

It is true that even a few months ago, I never imagined this appearance.

Even if the opponent came back in time, he thought there was a limit.

But it wasn’t.

It was so strong that even if Loan did not regress, he would not be confident of winning.

“Why the hell did he come out! ”

In the first place, he wasn’t supposed to be the master of the world!

It was deeply related to the history of the Philstein family that was not used.

They were the ones who should never have been the leaders of the world.

History rejected them because they were naturally too superior to others.

But now they’re out of the world.

One of the descendants of the Philistine family, the strongest Roman Philistine of all time.

“…… Bishop, is there no way to calm down? ”

The congregation sighs deeply and asks questions about this situation, which cannot be counted.

He didn’t want the bishop to be frustrated either.

“…… nothing. For now.”

And the answer I heard was really futile.

“…… like that. ”

In the face of the discouraged congregation,

“No, I would if I had. ”

The bishop sighed and shook his head.

“Yes? What is it? ”

The congregation’s question fell terribly.

“…… it’s an all-out war. ”

The bishop pressed his forehead under the hood and said:

“An all-out war?”

Does that mean that the bishop is going to face to face with Ron now that he has revealed his identity?

“Ha, but it is! ”

Let the congregation look at the bishop in astonishment.

“Yeah, now’s not the time. ”

The bishop also breathed deeply again.

“Even though Maharajah is out of control, I will surely go to Ig and assassinate the elder of a school and resurrect Ig. And Schwabaltz is ready to wake up the Deep Ones. ”

Be calm.

Judge rationally and try your best to stop that monster!

That’s how the bishop took care of himself.

“There are also a lot of old things hidden in the south that we don’t even know yet. Wake them up and disperse Roan Pilstein and his hordes. And when our troops are fully prepared. ”

I took a deep breath.

“That’s when you have to do it. ”

In fact, I didn’t know if this would work or not at the moment.

Whatever it is, it must be true that Loan’s confidence has hit the ground.

“Bishop……. ”

As the congregation’s affectionate voice was heard,

“That’s when I summon Ariman myself and start an all-out war. If we don’t get rid of him, we have no future! ”

The bishop also voiced a clear voice.

“You are a bishop, too! I will follow the bishop until he dies! ”

I think it was enough to provoke the loyalty of the congregation anyway.

Sometimes faith paralyzes reason and allows you to see and hear only what you want.

“Can I have that? ”

At that instant, I heard a gloomy voice echoing the darkness.

“You, you! ”

As soon as I heard the voice, the Bishop’s frustrated young voice rang out.

And in order to do that,


A white hand on a bishop’s shoulder one day.

Within a minute, white teeth flashed behind his right shoulder,

“Who the hell are you? ”


The congregation draws the sword from Hornbeak.

“I can’t use a kid to talk to adults. ”

But soon,



The tree trunk that rises through the floor bends the congregation’s body.

Boom! Boom!

The trunk of a tree that breaks bones in a single breath and digs into the skin was disgusting.


Thanks to him, he suffered as if he had lost his breath.

“I’ll let you live until the end of our story. ”

The opponent is Nialie.

A creature that is not born with compassion.



When the tree trunk dug into the congregation and began to shatter the broken bones,


Nialie soon stood in front of the bishop,

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

He smiled brightly, looking at his golden eyes in the hood.

“…… why are you here? ”

The bishop looked at her with a stiff face.

Even if he is the head of the evil Ariman Church,


It must have been hard to get her in front of me.

Seeing him shaking instinctively, Nialie laughed.

“I’ll listen to your plan. ”

“…… Yes, I don’t need your help! ”

The moment the bishop shook his head in a trembling voice.

Hot rocks!

Nialie reaches out and grabs his neck.


The suffocated bishop grabbed her hand with both hands, but


It couldn’t have been possible to escape from her with his power.


When the bishop’s face was distorted in pain, Nialie said with white teeth.

“Your refusal is not in my plan. ”

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