Philstar or Gaju’s Regression

Chapter 53

53Ch 18. New Incident (3)

A freak with a sickle!

And the blurred sound that resounded naturally evoked an ominous sight.


That was the same for the woman watching the situation.

The boy who heard the screams must have been struck by a strange sickle.

Strong enough to crush the stone floor…!


She couldn’t open her eyes and closed her eyes.

‘Soon that demon will hurt me! ’

I want to escape the hopelessness and fear that I can’t escape from here.

And you are.


Following the sound of something falling,

“….. You got rid of it. ”

When the boy’s voice was heard, as expected,


She opens her eyes as she closes her cheeks.

Apparently, I thought the boy was beaten. Why?

The panicked sight in her eyes,

“…… That’s ridiculous. ”

A boy looking out for him with a fallen freak and a wary face!

‘How the hell? ’

I’m surprised I didn’t. It was embarrassing.

How did that bare-handed boy defeat that monster?

And what solved her question was,

“…… Stones? ”

It was a sharp stone stuck in the right eye of a freak’s mask.

I must have been a piece of rubble when the freak smashed the stone floor with a sickle.

Did you pick up that fragment and stick it in the freak’s eye?

What the hell are you gonna do?

As a woman stared at him with a frozen face,


Suddenly the boy raised his voice.

The freak’s already down. What do you mean?


Let’s repudiate the embarrassment she’s having,

“Come on!”

The boy with the voice again!


The woman hurriedly avoided her body by grasping her bloody right arm.


And the boy left alone, Loan, pulls out the Throwing Knife from his arms.

Throwing Knives are always on standby in case of emergencies since you noticed Hugo’s betrayal!

I just pierced the opponent’s right eye with a dialysis.

‘It’s not over yet! ’

Loan’s instincts kept sending warnings.

“Dahak can’t die that easily! ’

Yes, if the opponent is Dahak, then it’s no wonder Lee won’t be able to end this easily!


Dahak’s weakness, which he knew, was his neck.

These monsters, which have hardened skin and regeneration like armor, can’t stand to die when their necks and bodies are separated!

Even if all I have now is a self-winding knife, it was definitely right to finish it somehow.

In order to do so, when Loan approached Dahak in a mask,


At that instant, the masked Dahak swung his sickle, raising his body.

It’s as if Ron was waiting for you to come!


It was also a tremendous speed.


Strange enough to have been dialyzed with that kind of physical ability!

‘It has nothing to do with being blindfolded? ’

Ka ‘ang!

With a short, short-circuited knife-breaking scythe,


The freak pulls out the shards in his right eye and throws them to Loan.


I swung the sickle again.


Flying Sharp Stones and Scythes!

Loan was trying to avoid stones and sickles by exerting his concentration.


The scythe with the mask of Dahak was not just a scythe.

It looks like it’s a combination of a spear and a sickle. At the top of the window was a sharp spear, and the window blade tore off Loan’s shirt.


And the unstoppable mask of Dahak breaks the floor again.

One more burst of debris with a powerful force.


Ordinarily, they shriveled in fear, but at that moment the light shone from Loan’s eyes.

I had no idea that I was moving so viciously, although I had excellent physical abilities.

You will have to say that you rely only on excessive force!


At that instant, Loan, who had the timing of the counterattack, stabbed the freak’s neck artery through a throwing knife held in reverse.


Starting with that, I stabbed an artery under the clavicle.


Right humeral artery!

Loan, who stabbed three arteries in an instant!


And then the masked Dahak shook Loan.


I swung the sickle again.


It’s a great power, but it’s not an evil teasing!

“Don’t stay away! ’

The opponent uses a large sickle that is long.

The more distances there are, the more disadvantageous it is for Loan!

Roan, who seized the opportunity, could not stand down so easily.

If he had a weapon in his hand, the best assassin in history, even if he didn’t have a sword,


Isn’t there any reason not to kill anyone?

Amazing concentration, avoiding the sickle and this time stabbing the other neck artery!

A stab that was much more powerful than before was instantly accompanied by a sword, making the stranglehold of the stranglehold more tender.


Subsequently, it was thrown through the subclavian and humeral arteries in an instant.

He’s been stabbed six times in a very lethal position.


The opponent doesn’t seem to have much damage.

“There’s no blood! ”

A normal person would have spilled blood like a fountain and fallen into excessive bleeding!

‘The Dahaks were clearly bleeding and suffering! ’

This is the first time that even Loan has ever had in his life!

To him who’s embarrassed,


Once again, it seemed like there was no time to think.

Ka ‘ang!

A reflectively throbbing knife that stops the scythe!

However, it was quite difficult to stop a large scythe with a short rowing knife, only about two fingers.


Loan frowns at the large sickle that stops sharply in front of his hand.


That’s the moment!


The red light flashed from the sickle of the freak.


Obviously it must have been the same as Ludwig used.

It’s not refined, but it’s a force similar to a sword!

Oh, my God!

At that moment, even Loan’s dorsal trunk was touched by a chill.

‘This is dangerous! ’

My instincts have warned me.


Red light exploded with him.

“Damn it!”

No matter how strong Loan is, it’s hard to fight this Dahak who can’t be identified without a proper weapon.

The Dagger is a weapon that can strike rapidly, but it has a short day to attack.

Now, no matter how quickly you attack this Dahak, you won’t be affected. What are you going to do?

Throwing knife that even now has a two-finger blade!

Just a knife will amputate the limbs or cut off the ground, but for now there is no answer.


He quickly pulled himself out and barely escaped the aftermath of the bloody age, but the aftermath seems to have remained.

The blood flowing through the tapered shirt clearly shows that Ian has had the most dangerous moments since time came.


And that crisis is not over yet.

The beastly scythe resumed.

Ka ‘ang!

Loan bites his molars tightly and throws out his sickle.

But because the day was so short, we just stopped changing course!


Once again, the moment the Masked Dahak tries to swing a sickle at Loan!


Once again, Roan, who has captured another opportunity, shines a light in his eyes.

At that moment, the blue sword came out of the tip of the Throwing Knife.

“Just one second! ’

Loan takes out the skill of blackening materialization, which can be called the top level of blackening!


At the same time, a blue black blade stretched out from Roan’s Throwing Knife blew his throat out.

The shape of a sword is perfectly shaped, not a buzzing image!


At the same time, the Dahak of the Masked Drinking Mask!

“…… hoo. ”

This is a skill that can only be reached at the pole from the horizon of the Sword Master!

Loan sighs as he can’t help but feel extreme fatigue.

“Is it over? ”

Luckily, the movement was very monotonous compared to its ability.

Thanks to it, I was able to go into battle with one throwing knife.

“…. What the hell is this guy? ”

I have a very good physical ability, but I didn’t like the way I roll it.

So it must have been easier to defeat than expected.

Somehow, an unstoppable Loan stares at Dahak’s body as it falls.

Several questions were raised at the same time on his head.

Why did the Ariman Church suddenly do this?

And is this really Dahak’s right?


In the meantime, I felt the blood flow from the wounds on my body as I was caught in the blood.

Not life-threatening fatal injuries, but the moment she bled out, Loan laughed.

“… It’s been a long time since I’ve been hurt. ”

However, it was not that big of a wound compared to the wounds he had suffered in the past.

I’ve always been familiar with pain.

So this Dahak existence, which has no identity at all, is more disturbing than that, and Loan looks back at the corpse with a serious face.


At that very moment,


Was it because of the late return of Loan?

When Willian brought Hans in,

“Hey, there! ”

I revealed myself with the woman who ran away earlier.

“What the hell is going on! ”

The injury itself is not serious, but William raises his voice, surprised by Loan’s half-bloody appearance.

In response to that cry, Loan just shrugged.

“… I think they’re starting to move again. ”

What matters now is not injury!

And Loan points to Dahak’s body that fell next to him.

“No, what the hell is that…? ”

“Oh, my God!”



Emilia and Freya, who followed Willian and Hans, were very embarrassed when they saw it.

“Dahak? What the hell! ”

Given the pupil’s tremendous swing, Dahak in this mask must be unaware of the identity of Emilia.

So how do we think about this?

“We have entered a new future. ’

It seems that the defeat of Basto and Dahaks last time was quite a shock to the Ariman Church.

‘That’s why they took out more than Dahak. ’

So the Ariman Church, which became even more urgent, must have begun to decorate something.

It was a clear grasp of the opponent’s collar, and Loan had a cold eye.

“Are you hurt again? ”

One day, Emilia, who came all the way to his side, asks with a worried face.

“Don’t worry, it’s not that big of an injury. ”

Loan, shaking his head with a bold face, reaches out to Dahak’s fallen body.

“Wait a minute.”

For now, I need to see the face of the man who was masked.

He blew his head off, so no matter how Dahak he is, he will not move again.

When Loan’s hand just touched his severed head.

Oh, my God!

His senses have warned me again.

It’s not over yet!


And the strangely lost body swung the sickle back to Ron and Emilia surprisingly.

“Emilia! ”

Freya’s screams began to sound terribly,


Loan throws herself in her arms!


This time, Ron couldn’t completely avoid it either.


Bane Loan frowned on his back in an unexpected surprise.


Dahak’s body, swung with a sickle, quickly reached out and grabbed his head that had been cut off.


And Dahak is leaving at a tremendous speed!


“It’s okay, Father! ”

I’ve been hurt, but I can handle this!

“We have to go after him! ”

That scream began to sound terribly,


“Yes, Lord! ”

William and Hans went straight to the chase.

“Emilia, me too! ”

And when Loan tries to follow,

“Idiot! You’re hurt! ”

Emilia screams with a loud, startled face.

Roman’s bleeding was so severe that Emilia’s white dress was red in the moment of the hug.

I said it was okay, but it couldn’t really be okay.

Normal people would faint into shock, but it was nothing unusual!

Roman smiles lightly, looking at Emilia’s blue-eyed eyes as if she was about to cry.

“That’s fine. Don’t worry.”

“There’s a lot of blood! ”

Nolan wants Emilia to be sweetened, but I don’t think she should.

“It’s familiar. ”

I couldn’t do that right now.

Normal Dahak could have left it to Willian and Hans, but this time, he was different from normal Dahak.

I stabbed him a few times and didn’t even cut his head off.

No, I was like a doll when I think about it.

A doll controlled by someone!

‘Is that why you were blindfolded at first? ’

Thinking about it, I understood that I had tremendous physical abilities and was blindfolded.

That would have been a blind spot!

“Anyway, my father and Hans can be dangerous! Then I’ll go!”

Anyway, the only thing that matters now is that William and Hans could be in danger if the substance wasn’t revealed!

So to a more hasty Loan,

Hot rocks!

Emilia grabs his shirt.

“And if you’re wrong! You could be in danger! Loan!”

Don’t be so hurt.

“I don’t care. ”

Loan shakes his head quietly.


“It’s better than what happened to my father and Hans! ”

I can’t lose anyone more precious than my life!


And Loan went straight after her with Emilia sprinkled.

Even though he was injured, he didn’t care at all.

“Loan……. ”

Emilia was saddened.

“… why aren’t you taking care of yourself so much? ”

He also flew to protect Lorelai at the Holy Party, and was also hit by arrows to protect Parviti, Lada, and Alma.

And I just threw myself out to protect Emilia!

I’ve felt so good before.

Loan doesn’t care about injuries or scars at all.

At first, I didn’t know he was confident enough in his skills.

But right now, I didn’t think it was just because I was confident.

I felt that I didn’t value my life so much.

If one day he had to choose his own life with others, he seemed willing to choose death.

“…… Loan. ”

What happened when he came back?

Emilia sighs deeply as the new future begins to unfold, but becomes unable to smile.

“Emilia, what the hell is going on? ”

And the late arrival of Pete and Egbert,

“And Loan?”

Hannah, Damon, Alicia, Povos, Busha!

There must have been all the combatants in Chaplin.

“…… I think there’s been another incident. ”

Emilia sighs.

“Freya, take care of the wounded. We need to get her to Chaplin and help her heal! ”

I instructed Freya to take care of the woman who followed.

“Yes! This way! ”

Soon Freya took care of her.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Looking at the figure, everyone asked Emilia again.

Apparently, something new happened.

“Are you saying there was a man who fled against Roman? ”

The incident seemed to be a commonly incomprehensible situation.

It was bare, but Roan can defeat the opponent with the sword.

Even if it’s a knight, it doesn’t matter!

Then someone more than that has appeared.

“Is that Rudwick guy back? ”

And the problem was the scene of the incident.

There were traces of destruction that seemed to have hit the ground with a giant hammer.

It looked very much like the traces of the destructive technology Ludwig used before.

And there’s even a trail of bleeding!

I wondered if it was Roman’s, but considering the blood on Emilia’s dress….

“Did Loan get hurt? ”

Obviously, it wasn’t usually a fight with the opponent, so concerns were mixed in everyone’s eyes.

“…… yes. ”

So with a more distressed face, Emilia nods.

“We join the chase too! Let’s go, Povos! Alicia!”

To hear that, Damon raised his voice terribly.

“I see!”

“Yes! Let’s go! ”

Immediately, Damos led Phobos and Alicia away from the direction of Ron’s bleeding.

“Emilia, you tell the guard the news! It’s unarmed! Busha, come with me to find Roan! ”

“Got it!”

Hannah joined the chase with Busha as she thought she couldn’t spend this much time.

“… what the hell is going on here? ”

With Pete and Egbert left confused.

“I think bad things will continue to happen to the eclipse, brothers. ”

Emilia said she had to do what she could and sober up again.

“I have to tell the Guard the news quickly! ”

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