Philstar or Gaju’s Regression

Chapter 67

67 Ch 24. Confession

“Are we done? ”

After the crazy black arrows poured out,

“Master, are your wounds okay? ”

Hans first took care of Loan’s comfort.

He said he had overwhelmed Caravan, but he also had a lot of wounds, and thanks to that, he turned his blood upside down.

“It’s okay, Hans. No fatal injuries.”

However, almost every week, it looks like this, and it seems a little frustrating as a Roman.

I would be very worried if William, Parviti and Busha would see this, even if it were me.

“I’ll take Roan to Pomodro Temple. Hans, call the guard and preserve the site. Aux, go back to the basement and chase them! ”

Immediately, Emilia calmly gave instructions.

Even if the embarrassing circumstances were overcome and there was emotional agitation, her instructions were cold and accurate.

“Oh, yes! ”

I don’t think Hans or Aux wanted to bet even if he saw it.

Even if she’s a princess, no.

Rather, because she is a princess, it would be right to be afraid of this and panicked.

“You heard the order, right? Let’s move quickly!”

“Now, hurry up! ”

After all, Hans and Aux gave instructions to others,

“Freya’s with Hans. Do you understand?”

Emilia said to Freya as she looked at him.

“Yes, Emilia! ”

“I’ll take good care of it! Don’t worry about it! ”

Emilia laughs out loud at Hans’ words to protect Freya in case things get dangerous.

“Then let’s go, Loan. ”

“…… Ah, yes. ”

Loan also nods with an unknown smile in the face of Emilia, who instructs skillfully on her behalf.

“And Hans, call Busha Chaplin. ”


“Yeah, talk to the guard and get me an arrow. I beg of you.”

“Yes, Master! ”

Soon after, he instructed Hans to take a step together.

And it’s not the Temple of Pomorro where the two of them are headed, it’s the lush alleyway.

“What the hell happened? ”

“Did you have a fight with the Philstein assassins? ”

“Isn’t that Aux? In the basement?”

There were no other people because of the fighting between Roan and Carabine.

“Quite a crowd. ”

It was quite a late time, and despite the fact that the killer of the night now appeared and had to pay attention,

“You must have defeated Roan Pilstein, right? ”

“You really have a Sword Master! ”

“How can a man fight like that? It’s amazing!”

The crowd was probably due to the expectation or belief of Loan.

In the reaction of people mixed with curiosity and favouritism,

“It’s popular, too. ”

Emilia blushes.

It is no wonder that Roman will get a little more injured by this!

Even if Rosesta society is very rigid, popular popularity is one of the factors that cannot be ignored.

If you think that the time when Emilia became the ruler of the Emperor’s succession without a base was after taking on the role of a popular saint, this will certainly be a great force on the road ahead for Loan.

“Smooth, but don’t be so relieved. ”

However, he shook his head boldly, saying that it was not just a fun thing to start gaining popularity.

That would be because he is not slowing down the string of tensions that his situation will not be easily resolved.

He’s a man who has very little room for manpower.

“…… silly. ”

But when you’re happy, you better be happy.

Dear Emilia,

“I think it’s gonna be okay here. ”

Loan takes a look around and pauses.

It was not necessary to go to the Temple of Pomorro because of this scar.

Because, uh…

“Yeah, I’ll get started. ”

You don’t have to go there.

With Emilia’s whispering, a warm, magically distinctive light begins to hover with her recovering fingertips.

And the relatively clear light of color hovered over Loan’s wounds and quickly healed them.

Although it was not a priesthood of the Fomorro Church, it must have been a much better skill than apprentice priests or Basto.

“…… this is amazing whenever you see it. ”

I can’t believe Emilia can do this to anyone else.

“I’m glad there’s no major injuries. ”

In that way, Emilia said with a pale smile.

This is the only thing that can help Loan in this situation.

Seeing Emilia buried in her pride,

“I will.”

Loan also nods with a smile.

And Loan, who touches the scar on her forehead, who was most in love with her.

The scar on Caravan’s scythe was not a fatal injury to Bane’s forehead, but it was true that he cared about how much tea he had.

Fortunately, through Emilia’s spell, all the forehead wounds seemed better.

“There’s nothing else to worry about. ”

There was no longer any fear of injury, as the powerful power of recovery spells was sublimating.

“…… what it would feel like to recover a wound you don’t want to heal. ”

Of course, you can’t just like it if it’s different from your own.

Think of Caravan, who, unlike himself, may have already been cured by natural recovery.

“Because what someone desperately wants can be a curse to someone. ”

Emilia nods with a nice face, saying she doesn’t know how Karabine feels either.

Immortal and Powerful!

This is something no one will ever want!

But Karabine, yearning for death, seemed to have no more curses.

“It’s going to be really painful….. ”

It was the same for Emilia, whose mind and body had been shunned by a continuous regression.

Despite enjoying the miracle of “regression,” which no one hopes for, she became even more distressing and difficult.

It is not surprising that I have suffered all the misfortunes I can experience.

I soon felt the pain with Emilia’s eyes.

“….. The fundamental cause of the creation of Caravan must be slavery. ”

Ron seems to have fallen in love with Carabine’s emotions.

Loan sighs heavily without reading the anguish that lingers in Emilia’s eyes.

That would be natural.

The days with Karabine, who had incredible resilience and combat abilities, reminded me once again of the problem of slavery.

There is still a problem of identity and slavery in the background of the creation of the monster Karabine.

This is a long-standing evil attack on the Empire and a deep-rooted illness.

But just because some of you realize it and try to change it doesn’t change the whole thing.

So even more so, I’m forced to fall for it.

“…… I will. ”

Apart from his personal pain, Emilia, who understood both Loan’s thoughts and Karabine’s pain, sighed and nodded.

“Perhaps if Caravan hadn’t been brought to the Empire, there would have been no such thing as a monster if he hadn’t been abused by a madman, Baron Grey. ”

Actually, it’s not that different.

After swallowing the horse, she sighed heavily.

“… I’m sure it is. ”

I’m dying desperately.

You can’t even choose it of your own volition.

This was nothing like the last life of Loan, who had not dared to choose death for the family, and was eventually killed by the family.

Is it because of that?

In the face of his heartfelt sadness,

“…… are you okay? ”

Emilia asks carefully.

It was always comforting and pleasant to be with Loan, but it was only because he was always strong and relaxed.

Unlike now that I’ve become an admirer.

She still does not know much about the time zone in which Loan came back.

I only know that he had a very painful time.

So Loan is just extrapolating to a man like Caravan and asking him if he can understand.

“It’s okay. Anyway, the important thing is another new enemy showed up. ”

Within minutes, Loan shakes her head with a smile.

“Snipers are quite tricky to deal with. ”

I wanted to fall for a while, but I quickly returned to my relaxed state again.

It’s always a caring Loan, so of course it’s worth it, but as time goes by, I feel like I’m not showing my emotions anymore.

The hardest thing about this is that it must be Roan.

On the one hand, I was compassionate and caring, but on the other hand, I liked it.

Why aren’t you talking to me? ’

Emilia is the only one who can understand his heart.

If you talk, you can listen and understand!

“I don’t like to keep grasping and suffering from a problem that I can’t use. ”

As if he had counted Emilia’s feelings,

“… yes, that would be right. ”

She nods.

“Anyway, this new archer is a big deal. ”

And Loan turned the topic back to work.

“Even the Sword Master is not steel. ”

Emilia isn’t just going to be emotional, she’s just going to press and hold on to those flashing emotions.

“He’s probably the one who’s really after Loan. He’s a very dangerous man, so be careful. ”

Let her speak with a cold face,

“…… Have you ever met him? ”

For some reason, Loan cautiously asks if Emilia wanted to know about the big black arrows.

“It was the arrow that assassinated our swordsman Damon in the third regression. Now I know who you are. ”

Within hours she replied with a bitter laugh.


No matter what, Emilia, I wouldn’t have fought alone.

She’s a normal person, unlike Loan.

And the Church of Ariman is huge, powerful enough to still not reveal its substance.

If her regression was four, she would have made allies of the forces around her, and experienced all of their deaths.

Let’s face it, Ron, who knows better than anyone how painful and difficult it is.

“It’s already past. It’s okay.”

Emilia replied with a smile.

However, when I saw him, I couldn’t smile as much as Loan did.

I don’t know much about her past either.

He went through four regressions, and in turn witnessed the fallen and insane sight of his brothers and sisters, apart from failing to resist the conspiracy of the Ariman Church.

Is it because it was?

When the odd static touches,

“…… That’s strange. We have so much to talk about, we don’t talk about. ”

Emilia smiles as if she feels the same way.

“…… so be it. ”

Loan also burst into laughter at the end of the day.

Maybe it’s because the past is full of wounds.

Therefore, I will not want to talk about my wounds and suffering.

“But I wonder. ”

Immediately, Emilia stares at Loan with her face on the table.


Contrary to her usual playful attitude, she was more serious today without fear.

“And I want to know. ”

And when she reveals her insides,

“….. so do I. ”

Roan nods.

It was true that he also wanted to know all about Emilia’s past.

Was it love?

Did you use it?

You still can’t find the answer to this question, but even so, emotions that have lasted more than 30 years have not been erased or extinguished in a single moment.

“Shall we ask and answer just one question? ”

Emilia takes the first step on behalf of Loan, who is not used to revealing herself.

In the way she looks,

“…… yes. ”

Loan also nodded that he really wanted to do so.

“Then I’ll ask you first! ”

I don’t want to talk about the Ariman Church anymore!

Is it because of that?

Emilia’s face looked so joyful.

And she said,

“What happened to me in Roan’s time zone? ”

I looked him in the eye and asked him a question.

In fact, what I really want to ask you is,

‘How did you and I get along? ’

It was this.

She already expects that her life would never have been successful in Loan’s time zone.

Her existing plan would have leaked to the Ariman Church through Hugo, and as a result, William Philstein was killed.

After that, if the necklace had been handed over to Loan, she would certainly have met Loan.

I would have formed a relationship.

Even if you were the strongest man on the continent, you wouldn’t just leave Loan alone.

So I wanted to know what the relationship was, but it must have been very bad when I saw that Ron couldn’t answer easily before.

He seemed really distressed at the moment.

So I wanted to approach it a little more carefully.

Unlike what I see, it’s so that Loan, who really has a heart, can tell the story a little more comfortably.

“ ……. ”

Looking at Emilia, who is waiting quietly, Loan closes her eyes.

He seems to think about what to say.

How long has it been?

A Loan who brushes his lips a few times.

And you are.

“….. he was murdered. ”

Finally, he said.

Recalling again what happened to her, the guilt she still had not washed away.

“…… Ah. ”

I felt bitterness on Emilia’s face.

I was expecting it for some time, but I’ve been so distressed because I think I’m listening to it from Loan.

“But I’m used to it. ”

Pretty soon, pretend she’s okay.

“I’ve never been through natural history! ”

I purposely took out the horse more playfully.

So don’t be so hard and distressed.

“….. You did. ”

And Loan opens his eyes, which he closes with a sad face.

I can’t believe I’ve never been through natural history.

Are you saying you were killed by your brothers every second and came back?

How horrible is this?

“I’m glad I didn’t remember this time. It’s not very pleasant. ”

It’s so miraculous to be so healthy.

No, actually, I don’t think he’s okay. He’s pretending he’s okay.

No matter how many times a strong man goes through that, he can’t survive in his right mind.

Then I was forced to grow even more guilty.

Even if it was 30 years ago, and now it’s gone.

Loan took a deep breath and said,

“…… in my hands. ”

Scary to take that out.

“Ah…? ”

Emilia’s expression hardens.

“I did….. ”

I looked at Loan with my blue eyes shaking, losing my place.

“That’s….. ”

That was a really unexpected answer.

I really didn’t think.

I don’t know what to say, but for a moment, Emilia, whose head became blank, stared at Loan with a shaking eye.

He was closing his eyes one day.

It seems really hard to look her in the eye.

“You did….. ”

I think I can see why Loan keeps shrinking in front of him now.

Maybe it’s guilt.

Emilia to stare down with a bitter face.

After feeling the look on his face disappear, Loan closes his eyes again.

“After my father died suddenly, the family was in danger. I stopped all the quests and started investigating my father’s death. Then I couldn’t find the reason for my death, and I fell into a bankruptcy crisis due to the continuing failure of my quest. I had no idea what to do. I was so young and foolish then…. ”

19 years old.

When all of a sudden things changed one day.

Recalling that day, Loan said:

“It was Egbert who gave us the hand of salvation. ”

“….. I have decided to settle all my debts. ”

“I had no choice but to save the family. ”

And Emilia understands enough.

“Well, then what! I had no choice! ”

I purposely pretended to be brighter.

But it is.

“… even if I had no choice, I shouldn’t have done anything out of people’s minds. ”

I killed you with my loving hand.

Ron, who still hasn’t escaped his guilt, only makes a self-centered laugh.

“…… silly. ”

Emilia thought that she looked something like Caravan, who was longing for death.

And at that moment, I realized that Ron had empathy with Caravan because he also wanted to die that much.

“… Is that why you wanted to die? ”

And she asked right away.

To him who is not afraid of death.

“Second question. ”

Loan smiles lightly without answering, and Emilia looks fat.

“…… this is the current type! ”

I was so angry that I didn’t answer, and I still seem to be hoping for death.

I don’t know why you’re bringing all the pain on yourself!


“… Emilia. ”

I hugged him without even knowing.

“Did I give you the necklace? I’m sure he will. ”

And she speaks in a convincing voice.

“….. I did. ”

In his words and appearance, Loan opens his eyes wide and nods.

“Then I’ll forgive you. So forget all that. ”

Even if she doesn’t remember, he will.

So it was Emilia who knew better than anyone what these words meant.

“I gave the necklace to Loan because I trusted him more than anyone else. I can’t give you something so important without it, can I? ”

She looked at her tears with a hard face on her chest.

“You’re the only one who still needs to give me the necklace. So don’t be sick anymore. ”

Ron also felt a slight weakening of his guilt.

“It’s amazing……. ”

And in what he said,

“What’s wrong?”

Emilia asked.

“This way I can fix my heart’s illness…. ”

If restorative magic was a miracle of healing the pain and wounds of the body, it would literally be a miracle of healing the wounds of the heart.

“…… it’s important now. You can do better in the future as much as you have regrets about the past. That should do it. That way we can survive. ”

Emilia, who regretted and suffered from the past more than anyone.

The reason she failed four times was because she didn’t give up hope for a better future.

Even if holding onto the rope of hope now became too harsh and painful, it was because of that that that I met Loan.

“Depending on which death you face, your life depends on it. ”

Soon, Loan said with a pale smile.

“I will never die like that again. ”

Apparently, the burden of the mind seems to have been lifted, but the answer is ambiguous without knowing where.

“So you still want to die, don’t you? ”

That’s why Emilia, who became even fatter, made a slightly more nervous voice.

“I’m happy now. There’s no reason to want to die. ”

As if trying to calm her down, she gently stroked her hair in her arms and said.

Emilia’s tails begin to tickle as I feel uncomfortable in that touch.

I didn’t have much on my mind when I hugged her.


I feel so ashamed because I’m awake.

I didn’t think I was old enough to go through this anymore.

“… just make it sound like you want to die! ”

And she raised her voice.

I’m ashamed of that, but my worries about Loan rarely disappeared.

The second life that the necklace offers you is a chance for a new life!

Of course, you can’t think of death, but the focus of Loan’s orientation does not seem to be focused solely on success or happiness.

He has an ideal scent.

Would you dare die immortal to complete that ideal?

Loan’s self-sacrifice, which was unfolding under the idea of protecting someone, was in some sense creepy.

The arrow pierces the body, and the whole body becomes bloody.

So much so that if the fight escalates, if it gets bigger, you don’t want to carve a bigger scar all over your body.

“My body is not mine already. ”

As if he had read Emilia’s worries, let’s shake his head with a smile.

“That’s right. You should never die thinking about everyone. Do you understand?”

Emilia who pays and pays again.

That must be because of the sensation that she had experienced four times in her life.

A person who is not as obsessed with life as Loan knows that he/she dies easier than he/she thought.

“Don’t worry. You can’t die until you name it in history. ”

“You’re already going to name yourself the youngest Sword Master? ”

Loan shrugs as if her heart is at rest at night.

“I don’t even know that. If Capelini or Clyde keeps slowing down the Sword Master accreditation, they may not even have the youngest title. ”

“No matter how powerful those fools are, they can’t disobey the emperor. Brad’s brother knew Damon wasn’t doing well, so he’ll be right back. ”

She said it was absolutely unacceptable.

“…… not that I can’t. He has a strange charm. ”

Loan also replied with a relaxed face with a fluffy smile.

“Are you against Damon? ”

Emilia with a jealous face.

This is no different from a lover who enjoys the secret of the night.

Later, when he realized that he was very close to her, he blushed his face without even knowing it.

“I’m not that kind of person? ”

“You just got red in the face! Are you sure you want to kill Damos? ”

It’s silly, but it’s no exaggeration that Damos is a prettier man than a woman.

The Rosesta Empire is a country with a special affection for beautiful things, so there is a fairly generous atmosphere about homosexuality, so it was not unusual to worry about it.

“…… it’s not about Damon. ”

And Loan, who is conscious of Emilia, turns his eyes red.

When I started to feel ashamed again,


Emilia smiles with a playful smile as she feels her heart beating loudly.

“Is it Damon or something? ”

And she’s so mean close.

No matter how hard and painful things are, their nature doesn’t change.

But one day, Emilia’s face was also bitten red.

Loan swallowed a dry saliva and said, “I don’t know if the pounding of the ear is hers or hers.

“…… because of you. ”

As soon as I heard that,

“Ugh… ”

Emilia, who played a mean game, hardens awkwardly.

I thought I’d continue to be ashamed, but I didn’t think I’d tell you right away.

“If you’re a normal man, of course you are! I’m pretty, aren’t I? ”

And when he saw Emilia, who had become awkward again, he nodded.

“…… it’s so pretty. ”

I can’t believe you’re doing this again!

That too is very serious.


That’s why Emilia jumped more.

“… that, right? ”

I began to be more ashamed of myself than Loan.

I thought I could take it audaciously, but I couldn’t because I looked him in the eye and answered him so seriously.

Looking at her like that, Ian smiled at me without even knowing,

“… then who is the prettiest? ”

Emilia asks again.


When he was a little embarrassed by the words,

“Which one of Parviti, Busha, Hannah, Alicia, Lorelei, me, Damos, Egbert is the prettiest? ”

This is really curious. Emilia sends a serious glance.

“…. Why does that include Damos and Egbert? ”

That’s a strange question, but why are they there?

I wonder what Loan looks like.

“Oh, I should also put caravans in. I think I’m obsessed with Loan a lot. ”

Emilia that further expands her options.

Is Emilia playing around again?

To Loan, who thought so.

“I’m not kidding. Answer me correctly.”

Emilia’s eyes are very intense.

At that moment, it was Loan, whose heart was choking without even knowing it.

“But isn’t it my turn to ask? I think Emilia asked me four times already…. ”

Pick the prettiest one!

Emilia narrows her eyes as he switches topics.

“Shut up and answer the questions! ”

No, I’m not listening!

In her stern eyes, Loan instinctively realized.

‘This is a question that has been answered! ’

And he smiles awkwardly and points to Emilia with his hand.

“I want you to tell me for sure. ”

In her hardiness to ask for a definitive answer,

“…… you are the prettiest. ”

Loan, who burst into laughter.

Then Emilia smiled with satisfaction.

And then you step back and you get the distance.

“Oh, I didn’t know Loan was thinking about me like that! ”

Emilia, who pretends to be naturally ashamed!

As she smiles again, Roan sighs with relief and nods.

“Stay down and accept me, but if you change your mind, I won’t stand still. ”

But carelessness is forbidden.

“Never get caught. ”

Loan smiles again in the face of Emilia, who truly warns.

“…… I will. ”

With regard to the matter of reason, it is not much different before, after or after the regression, so if you let it happen, you will be forced to do as you are told.

“But you have a head. ”

Emilia then scratches Roman’s hair as if it came into her eyes late.


Loan reaches out in front of her head reflectively at her words.

It looks like the head that was cut off the other day with Carabine was empty.


Soon, Emilia burst into laughter.

“Like a child! ”

Loan’s hair was cut off with great care, and she looked like a child.

He always seemed strong and relaxed and mature, because he was only 17 years old.

And of course, when she burst into laughter,

“…… is that so weird? ”

Roan is flawed too.

I didn’t have much talent or interest in decorating, but I was greatly embarrassed by unexpected hairstyle changes.

He was slightly embarrassed and covered his forehead with his hands.

“Let me take a closer look. ”

Emilia smiles and lowers her hand.


And she burst into laughter again.

Why is that cut-out front hair so cute!

It seemed even cuter because it was a completely different hair style than the usual image of Loan.

“What’s so weird? ”

Emilia’s reaction was a lot of concern, but she quickly covered her forehead again.

Emilia smiles brightly behind all the bad memories and all the sad emotions in his appearance.

“No, you look great! You’re getting cute! Enough for the boy perverted nobles to drool! ”

“What the hell is that….. ”

I didn’t seem to care much, but I actually cared quite a bit.

“… it doesn’t even heal with recovery magic. Hair is fine.”

Emilia laughs with a pretty depressed look at Loan because she has been holding on for a long time.

“And now the question is over, Loan. ”

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