Philstar or Gaju’s Regression

Chapter 90

90KB 33. Real Face (3)

“See you tomorrow, then. ”

Loan Joe, who was called to the dorm for unexpected happenings.

“Farewell, Loan! ”

It’s time to break up.

“See you tomorrow! ”

After all, with a smile on Alicia’s face, who had found stability so quickly thanks to the gathering of everyone,

“You’re going back to Chaplin, right? ”

Emilia, who sent Freya to the dorm room, naturally followed and asked questions.

Others have already said goodbye and returned to their respective rooms.

“Yeah, I guess I should. I haven’t told my father that the Sword Master certification process will be going on yet. ”

And so, naturally, Loan answered,

“Oh, you did. ”

Emilia smiles and sweeps her hair.

I felt a little cold because of yesterday’s work, but there was not much cold emotion left since the last time.

No, it would be right that I can’t feel cold because of the feeling that it’s good to be together.

That’s it.

“….. with Busha too, right? ”

The presence of Busha, who is now going back with Loan, was Emilia, who continued to take the night after yesterday.

I want to be alone, but I can’t.

“Ah, if you have something to talk about, do it. ”

And that she is more precious than I thought to Loan.

“I’ll go first and wait. ”

Without knowing Emilia’s insides,

“Thank you, Busha. ”

“You’re welcome.”

Shameful Busha shrugged her shoulders and left the dormitory first.

That’s how Busha left first.

“… I think it’s been a long time since I’ve had two. ”

“…… so be it. ”

When a strange static hovers, both Roan and Emilia squeal.

“Well, anyway! ”

And Emilia leaves her mouth as if she had something to say first.

“…… I got tired yesterday, so I went in first and took a break. ”

Unlike always laughing and pranking, Emilia seems to be riding quite shamelessly today.

Just like Angelina said, “Shame Captain.”

“Are you all right? ”

“No, what! She’s not hurt, she has a day like that! ”

And when Emilia blushes her very embarrassed face,

“Ahhh……. ”

Loan’s face is also flushed red.

I don’t know how much he’s had, but he’s been alive for almost 50 years, and you don’t know that, do you?

“You did….. ”

“Yes……. ”

However, the atmosphere became even more awkward.

In fact, it’s a secret that you can share with your lover.

“Anyway……. ”

So, when Loan, who was in a state of panic, groaned until the end of the day,


This evening, thanks to dinner with Hannah, Emily, who found confidence, nods at his eyes.

“… I didn’t know what to say when I looked at him like that. ”

Then, Loan avoids the gaze with an awkward smile again.

It was shameful rather than repulsive.

“…… why? ”

Always so ashamed of his appearance,

“Were you thinking of something strange? ”

Emilia was always as pleasant as a girl to ask questions with a playful mind.

“Yes, Loan. ”

And now all the awkward energy that was hovering between them seemed to be gone.

When Emilia plays around like she used to,

“….. you made me imagine. ”

Loan also became the same face as before.

A meeting with Angelina revealed that Emilia was hiding something, but it seemed like it would be good.

Just being together like this is fun and happy enough.

And you might ask yourself, how satisfied are you with this over time?

“…… really? ”

Looking at Emilia, who is so shocked by her honest confession,

‘I’m the same person, so don’t talk too loud! ’

I wanted to give you that answer.

“… I know all I know, but I still have age. ”

“…… That’s right, really. ”

Therefore, I felt good to have an awkward energy hovering again.

“…. Roan is also a worn and worn man and he misunderstood it. ”

“It’s not worn out. I didn’t open it. ”

And that seemed the same to Emilia.

“Oh, I said I wasn’t married! What a relief!”

Loan’s answer blushes and bursts into laughter.

I thought I wasn’t married, but it wasn’t.

It was unexpected, but that was also why Emilia was happy.

“… But I know all that, and it’s amazing. ”

So in the voice of Emilia, who was a little bit more up-and-coming,

“…… there was Parvity, there was Busha. ”

Loan smiles and replies that this is something he has learned from both of them.

“Ah……. ”

Parvitilla is like a family, but Busha is a little different.

I would have been the longest family, friend, and even lover I’ve ever been with.

Busha and Emilia, who naturally overlapped yesterday, pause.

“But there is. ”

And she was unlucky as if she had a curiosity about Busha.

“How did Busha meet…? In the past hour. ”

Emilia expressed her curiosity,

“I was captured by Aux. I rescued what was being tortured by him, and that made me a member of our family. ”

“Oh, you saved it earlier this time. ”

“Something like that. I’m so glad I didn’t get in trouble. ”

I still feel relieved about that.

With deep satisfaction hovering over his face,

“….. You did. I’m so glad.”

Emilia smiles brightly and nods.

It’s true that I’m jealous, but that doesn’t mean I can’t even hope for Busha’s misfortune.

Is that how you felt about her complicated feelings?

“Emilia….. ”

Ron calls her name pretty seriously.


Soon she stopped at the entrance to the dormitory and looked back at Loan.

To her who is waiting to say what she has to say,

“I want to ask you something. ”

He said with a pretty serious face.


Emilia jumped out of my chest without even knowing what she looked like.

“… What is it? ”

I asked carefully.

Maybe you just felt jealous of Busha?


Thinking about it, Emilia, whose heart began to flutter so badly, was rarely able to pretend to be okay.

The sound of wheezing was so loud that I could hold my breath a little and pretend to be okay.

“I wanted to ask you about yesterday. ”

But I don’t think Loan was able to break Emilia’s jealousy.

Even if Loan is perfect in almost every way, he has no experience in dating, so it’s not a big deal.

“…… what happened yesterday? ”

However, his question was unexpected as Emilia.

“… what? ”

And it was something I didn’t want to talk about!

In the face of Emilia, who was a little nervous,

“A guy named Polks. ”

Loan felt sad and bitter.

Why are you hiding it?

What the hell?

I couldn’t hide my anxiety and worry, even if she was on a bad path.

“Yes……. ”

And when Emilia’s answer was open,

“I participated…? Freya said.”

Loan told me what he had read on the scene that day.

“That wasn’t a one-sided raid by Polks. It was a fight. I won.”

Emilia’s eyes shake as she answers with confidence.

She wouldn’t have thought of it either.

Loan’s snowflake would be so good.

Of course, there was Angelina’s message, and that was possible because she was more conscious of the scene of the incident.

“…… Tell me the truth, Emilia. ”

Soon, Loan takes a deep breath.

“Is there a reason you had to keep it a secret from me? ”

In response to his question,

“…… I didn’t mean to cheat. ”

Emilia shakes her head with an unknown feeling of happiness.

Roan is on a subway.

I am happy on the one hand because I am sorry, worried and concerned, but at the same time I am thinking about myself that much.

This treacherous emotion is clearly far from efficiency, and may be unusual, which is hard to grasp.

– You’re the same kind of monster I am.

What Caravan said momentarily touched Emilia’s head.

“Freya was my Hidden Card……. ”

I didn’t want to admit it.

As soon as you admit it, it will be true.

“…… Hidden Card? ”

Anyway, that’s not what’s important right now.

It was more important to find the cause of the distance.

Loan’s brilliant snowflakes gave him a sense of distance, and this is enough to stitch him up!

“Yes, I need strength to confront the power of the church. By myself, I realized that there are some forgotten divine beings in this world. And there are humans who have inherited the power of those divine beings. ”

And when Emilia gets her answer,

“Forgotten God? Yard Tatag? ”

Loan also asked cautiously.

“Yeah, something like that. I didn’t know it was evil or anything, but… ”

Emilia didn’t tell me all the facts, but that doesn’t mean everyone is lying.

“Then what does that mean…? ”

“Yes, Freya is a child born of the power of a forgotten god. So I was born with strength. Normal people, of course, even those Polks, are overwhelmed. ”

At the end of the day, Loan could fully understand why the fighting had taken place.

The remaining factions on the scene are proof of that overwhelming strength!

“….. You did. ”


“But why did you keep it a secret? ”

There was something I still needed to find out.

Rather than find out more specifically what Freya is,

“I pretended to have been beaten by him…. ”

I needed to know why Emilia was trying to hide the fact.

She became a little embarrassed at the words.

“…… that. ”

And Emilia sighs in less than a minute.

“Because the Fomorro Church hates heresy. If Freya’s whereabouts become known, Freya will be banished from the Empire or executed. So I had to be as careful as I could. Ron and Freya are different. I brought him here, so I’m the one responsible. ”

By the way,

“Ahhh……. ”

Loan nods, as if somewhat convincing.

The heretical oppression and rejection of the Church of Fomorro is quite level, unlike the doctrine.

Of course, if it turns out that Freya was the one who fought in the field, and if it turns out that she is an incarnation of a god other than the Fomorro god, then she will be forced to express her quite uncomfortable planting.

Moreover, if Freya is the child Emilia brought, it has to be a very fatal situation for her, who is supported by the Fomorro Church.

“You did.”

It wasn’t perfectly explained, but it seemed obvious that there was a reason to be careful.

“Yeah, that’s why I was so discreet. I never really tried to trick Loan! ”

And there’s even Emilia’s sobriety!

‘I want to believe. ’

Loan smiles as his heart keeps feeling toward her.

But, uh…

‘Not yet. ’

As he had the miserable end at the last moment, he had not yet lacked a decisive piece of trust.

“I know how you feel. So don’t worry too much. ”

Loan shook his head with a gentle smile.

“…… Thank goodness anyway. That’s why you care. ”

“Something like that. I was wondering if Emilia bit the Ariman Church. ”

“No way! ”

Emilia also shakes her head with a smile as if she had been relieved of tension.

“… I can’t forgive them alone. I’ve suffered all the pain of being born a woman because of them. ”

But the content was not unusual.

“… Emilia. ”

Soon after, with regret and anger, the face of Loan was distorted.

“But it’s all gone. And now you have two people to protect me. ”

Emilia smiles brightly that she doesn’t care anymore.

“Anyway, so did the pair change today, and I didn’t have time to talk, so I’m glad I have time to talk. ”

Soon she said this time was really happy and enjoyable.

“….. so do I. ”

As much as that, he nods his head without hiding anything from Roan.

“But I have to go now. ”

And Loan stares at the back of Busha, who is waiting without going first.

She said she was hiding behind a tree, but the long shadow left in her ear was squeezed out.

I feel bored, and I feel like I’m painting with my feet on a tree. It’s cute and lonely.

“Then I’ll go. ”

Loan smiles and says, “I can’t go.”

“Yes, Loan. ”

Emilia also nods with a smile.

“See you tomorrow. ”

And to her greetings,

“Oh, Emilia. ”

Roan quickly turns his head.

“Huh? Why? ”

“Do you know what the name of that forgotten god is? Freya’s….. ”

Ron asks again to see whose incarnation Freya is.

This was a much more natural question than openly asked, and the fact that he was originally meticulous and carefree became quite a merit in this situation.

“It was a god named Lrogg. And Freya lived in the ‘Howling Forest’ on the border with the Grand Pia Coalition. If you send your men or investigate, they’ll be able to confirm. ”

Emilia answering without a doubt.

That’s why he felt rather guilty, and he felt something that was hard on him.

‘Maybe Emilia feels this way, too? ’

I didn’t know that lying was another pain in itself.

“…… yes. ”

Soon, Loan hugs Emilia.

“Ah……. ”

I held her in my arms the other day, but in a more natural complexion, Emilia stares at him with a red face.

“This is the kind of goodbye you can say. ”

Maybe what we want is very little happiness.

And when he waved his hand,

“It’s weird that I’m going to see you tomorrow and say goodbye. ”

Emilia also shook her hand with a smile.

Obviously there are things we don’t know about each other, but that’s a natural start.

“See you tomorrow, then. ”

And he turned around.

“Yes, Loan. See you tomorrow.”

Emilia greets you again with a sad heart.

Soon, he looked back and shook his hand.

I don’t want you to go, but…

“ ……. ”

He will have to go.

“…… I finished talking sooner than I thought. ”

“Yeah, I’m waiting. ”

“Rice, not much! ”

Next to him was Busha, as always.

The appearance of two people walking side by side seemed different from that of any other lover.

Emilia sighs and closes her eyes as she stands still and watches him.


Soon after she opened her eyes again, she grumbled and said with her eyes behind her.

“… but I finally met you. ”




Ig’s night was very cool, unlike the day.

There may be desert weather that is temperate at night, but the ‘Ethereum’ is much cooler than anywhere else.

Because this is where the war between the former Rosesta Empire and the Ig Kingdom took place, and tens of thousands of Ig soldiers lost their lives.

Ethereum was a place where the Eggs did not find much, especially at night.

But it is.


There were exceptions today.

Two black figures standing on a sandboard with the light.

Seeing the magical drops of warp scattering around them, they must have moved here by spell.

“Why the hell did you drive all the way to Ig…. ”

They are the Bishops and Suicide of the Ariman Church!

“Yes……. After all, I came to this desolate and dry land…. ”

Soon the bishop grabbed a handful of soft sand on the ground and scattered it in the air.

Sand scattered under the nocturnal sky with no clouds.

“Still full of the smell of death. ”

Soon the bishop said he was satisfied with the deep night air of Ethereum in his lungs.

“Where the hell is this place, Bishop? ”

Soon the pagan next door asked cautiously as if he still did not know exactly where this place was.

It would be worth it.

Ig is half the desert in the Territory, and moreover, it’s midnight.

Even if you’re an Egg, it won’t be easy to tell where this place is now.

Human beings are spreading all over the dark, crumbling sand plywood they can’t find.


Soon the bishop replied with a smile.

“If it’s Ethereum…? ”

The pagan next to the horse opens his eyes wide beyond the hood, as if he had dug out what the place was.

“Isn’t that where Sword Master Maharajah died? ”

Scaringly, before his question came out,


The bishop, who made the sand on the palm of his hand into ashes and scattered it into the night sky, drew the golden eyes red.

“We looked at the Sword Master too funny. ”



I wanted to see the light in Charlna’s moment.

Kuku Palace!

With a tumultuous sound, the sandplow begins to shake.

Like boiling water, in the shape of a swamp of sand.

“This, this! ”

The clergyman knelt down with a frightened face.


At the same time, there were countless bodies buried under the sand of the desert.


He appeared to be resurrected on the ground.

Resurrect the lion!

With the advent of things that shouldn’t exist in the world,

“Oh, Ariman! ”

While the pagans were frightened,

“Where are you! ”

The bishop who raised them looked after the lions.


There’s only one thing he’s trying to save in the first place!

Sword Master Mahara of the battlefield!

And finally, where his gaze remained,



Much more furious than the other lions, he was slaughtering the lions around him.

Even though all the flesh was rotten and only the white bones were left, we’re looking at a silver curvature that hasn’t lost sight of ( Qi) despite the luxurious armor he’s been wearing or buried in the sand for 30 years.

Obviously he was in a pretty high position.


And finally, with his blue sword,


Hundreds of lions were blown to the ground.

It was a scene that showed the power of the Sword Master who was still on the sacred ground after his death.

“Oh my God……. ”

Unlike the blood vessels shown by Rudwick and the Red Army, the bishop laughed at the appearance of a slightly more devastating and deadly power.

“You must be the Sword Master to catch the Sword Master. ”



The bishop once again shouted Maharajah’s name.


At the same time Maharajah, who was slaughtering his surroundings according to the emotions of the last moment, stopped and looked back at the bishop.


To do so, let’s run back to the bishop in fear!


I pulled the sword from my waist as the astonished religious man flinched.


But soon the bishop raised his voice,


Maharajah’s body stopped like a broken doll.

Soon the bishop stepped towards Maharajah with a red eye.


He recalls the name of Maharajah and takes the black pill out of his arms.

Kick! Kick!

Maharajah tried to resist with a strange voice, but he was already alive by the power of the bishop and was dominated by the power of the bishop!

“I’ll give you one more chance. I will give you a chance to live again, just as Loan Pilstein has been given a chance! ”

Soon the bishop made a serious voice to persuade Maharajah.

“I will give you the chance to bring back lost flesh, honor, and hopeless death! ”

Is that what you said?

Maharajah’s body began to calm.

The bishop laughed at his calm appearance like an anxious patient taking a neurostabilizer.

“Then obey me, Maharaja. ”

And he opened his mouth to subdue Maharajah’s soul.

“ ……. ”

Of course, Maharajah could not speak, but the situation was clearly different from before.

“Choose, Maharajah! We’ll take our chances, we’ll bury them like this! ”

It was not quiet where I came from.


And he knelt down as if he had chosen “Another chance to live.”

I would be forced to.

Those who have not done anything and have suffered death will surely need time to recover their honor!

“Good, Maharajah. ”

Soon the bishop smiled and brought the black pill to Maharajah’s forehead.


At the same time, the Black Gospel began to wrap around Maharajah’s white bones, twitching like a living creature.

And surprisingly, muscles and flesh begin to grow over the white bones!

“Hey, this! ”

And when the pagans were amazed at it,

“Calm down.”

The bishop raised his hand and humbled him.

“And you said you shouldn’t take it out of that black hole? ”

Soon, let’s make a horrible voice.

“Sin, sorry! ”

With a panicked face, the clergyman puts the sword back into the black house and covers it with a hood.

And, uh…


In the meantime, Maharajah, who has recovered more than half of his body, rolls the sand floor with a painful tingling.

Resurrection was a more painful process than death.


But every time he continued to scream and suffer, his body added flesh.

How long has it been?

The skin was filled with a mixture of Maharajah’s unique leukoplakia.

“Argh….. Ugh… ”

One day the perfectly resurrected Maharajah breathed exhausted.

“…… I? ”

And let’s raise our hands and look at ourselves as if we didn’t realize we were still alive!

The blowing brown hair turned upside down, and his face was revealed.

With the exception of the forehead impregnated with black pills, a compliant face with brown skin is no different from any other!

“You’re back? ”

Then Maharajah, who realized that he was alive, asked,

“Yes, you came back from the dead. Maharajah.”

The bishop stood before him and said,

“…… you? ”

“Ariman’s Lion. ”


“Who gave you a new opportunity. ”

Maharajah nodded his head, ignorant before the words fell.

“…… new opportunities. ”

And, uh…

“What about the Rosesta Empire?! What happened to the war? ”

He shouts, as if his memory had stopped.

“It’s been a long time since the war was over, Mahara. It’s been 30 years. ”

Then the bishop wrapped Maharajah’s face in two hands and said,

“30 years?”

The eyes of the surprised Maharajah grew.

He realized that he came back from the dead.

“Yes, 30 years. ”

I can’t believe it’s been 30 years!

“Thirty years later, you were resurrected. ”

Seeing Maharajah’s dizzying, pale eyes, the bishop laughed wickedly.

“And it was me who gave you life. ”

In any case, a contract is what happens when the interests of each other coincide.

It’s Maharajah’s emotion. Anyway, as much as I brought him back, the bishop also had something to receive from him.

“Now you must be my sword. ”

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