Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 116: The Start of the Semester (End)

I’m really glad I ended up at the same university as Han-gyeol.

If we hadn’t been at the same university, I might have... gotten pretty obsessed.

Honestly, I don’t like this part of myself, but I must really love Han-gyeol a lot.

I want to see him, to touch him, even now.

Wanting to touch him is just a bonus.

Should I make a ton of money and just stay at home with Han-Han-gyeol?

But to live without working, we’d need to own a building…

Even buying a small building would cost around 3 billion won…

It’s an unrealistic amount to save up just from our salaries.

“Eun-ha, what are you thinking about so deeply? Your boyfriend?”

“How did you know?! Was it that obvious?”

“No... it’s just, you always seem to be thinking about your boyfriend.”

“As a single person, seeing you like this makes me feel lonely~”

Yoori and Jiyoung were also doing assignments with me in the study room.

“Jiyoung, you could start dating if you wanted to~”

“Thanks for saying that, but I can’t seem to find anyone decent~ How about you, Yoori? How’s your boyfriend?”

“Well, he’s studying hard~ We don’t talk much though...”

Seeing Yoori’s slight bitterness made Jiyoung and I feel sorry.

Not being able to talk or see each other freely must be tough.

Seeing Yoori force a smile made me uncomfortable.

It’s not good to be too affectionate in front of her.

“But it’s okay-! He said he could come out this weekend~ We’re meeting then.”

“That’s great! Where are you going on your date?”

“Just hanging out by the Han River and then going to Lotte Tower.”

“Oh, that sounds fun. Tell us all about it afterwards.”

“Sure~ Let’s finish our assignments quickly.”

“Yeah, let’s focus now!”

After ending our conversation, everyone concentrated on their assignments.

I knew the Film Studies department had a lot of assignments, but I didn’t realize it would be this much.

Each major class assigned new projects, and delaying them would definitely lead to disaster.

After about an hour or two, the project plan started to take shape.

Since we could do the filming later, I decided to wrap it up for today.

“Ugh... I need a break.”

As soon as I stretched, my phone on the desk buzzed.

It was a call from Han-gyeol, so I grabbed my phone and left the study room.


-Yeah, Eun-ha. Were you doing assignments? You didn’t check my messages.

“Oh! I must’ve missed them while focusing!”

-I’m going to grab some drinks now, but I wanted to see your face before I go.

“Really? Where are you now?”

-I’m in front of your building. Can you come out for a bit?

“Just wait a minute!”

As soon as I hung up, I fiddled with my bangs and walked down the stairs.

When I stepped out of the building, Han-gyeol was waiting for me with a drink in his hand.


“You came quickly. You haven’t finished your assignment yet, right? Here, drink this while you work.”

Han-gyeol handed me an iced chocolate he had bought from a cafe.

“I was just craving something sweet. Thanks! I’ll enjoy it.”

I took a sip of the iced chocolate Han-gyeol bought for me. The sweet taste spread through my mouth, making me feel great. But then a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

“Why do you always get iced chocolate? You could bring coffee, you know?”

“Eun-ha, you don’t drink coffee. You have a bit of a childish taste.”

“Well, I’ve started drinking it a bit since I’m a college student now! I drink it whenever you do!”

“You never finish it though~ Alright. Since you’re an adult now, I’ll get you an Americano next time.”

“Just sometimes get chocolate, okay? Are you going to drink with your friends right after this?”

“No, I still have some time.”

“Then let’s sit on the bench and chat for a bit longer!”

“Sure, I’d like that too.”

We took a seat on a bench next to the building.

“How’s the assignment going? Is it tough?”

“Don’t even get me started…! Every major class has its own assignments, and none of them are easy. I heard there would be a lot of assignments, but I didn’t expect this much. I feel buried under them. And today, we got another one.”

“That’s really a lot. Don’t overdo it. When are you going home today?”

“I plan to leave after finishing the project proposal. I’ll probably leave with my friends.”

“Don’t stay too late. If you’re out late, call me. I’ll come pick you up.”

“Hey~ You can’t just leave your friends in the middle of hanging out!”

I want to be a cool girlfriend to Han-gyeol.

I hope our relationship stays comfortable like this.

“What about dinner, Eun-ha?”

“I’ll probably eat with my friends after finishing the assignment. Don’t worry about me~”

It’s right to let him go since he cares about me like this.

He’s someone who will think of me even when he’s out drinking.

While we were talking, Han-gyeol’s phone started ringing.

“Is it time to go? You should go quickly.”

“Yeah. You should go back in. I’ll wait until you’re inside.”

“Alright~ Thanks for the iced chocolate!”

“Get home safely~”

After finishing our conversation, I went straight back into the building.

I waved back at Han-gyeol, who was waving at me from behind, and returned to the study room.

“Eun-ha, did you finish the assignment?”

“Huh? I almost finished the proposal. I’ll do the filming tomorrow. What about you, Jiyoung?”

“I’m almost done too. Yoori just finished.”

“I should hurry up and finish too~”

“Take your time. We’ll wait for you~”

With Yoori and Jiyoung’s encouragement, I quickly finished up the project proposal.

Just to be safe, I uploaded it to the cloud, and then we all left the college building together.

As soon as we stepped outside, Jiyoung took a deep breath and exhaled deeply.

“Ah-! I feel alive again.”

“You guys worked hard.”

“I’d love to have a drink, but I have prior plans, so I’ll be heading off first!”

“I’m tired, so I’m going home to rest. Eun-ha, are you heading to your apartment?”

“Yeah, I’m going straight home.”

“Yoori, are you taking the bus?”

“I’m taking the subway. We’re all going different ways.”

“Take care, everyone~ See you tomorrow.”

“Yeah~ Eun-ha, get home safely~”


After parting ways, I headed straight to my apartment.

For dinner, I thought I’d have the leftover sundubu-jjigae I had for breakfast.

I planned to spend the evening studying video editing.

“Maybe it’s because Han-gyeol isn’t here, but my apartment feels farther away today.”

I walked home quietly, turned on the lights, and immediately went to take a shower.

After a quick dinner of the sundubu-jjigae I had in the fridge, I headed straight to the computer room.

Most of my peers seemed to have some experience with video editing, but I needed more practice.

I noticed some seniors making money with their video editing skills, which seemed like a good opportunity.

It seemed like a good long-term plan to improve my video editing skills and earn some money.

Plus, I wanted to buy Han-gyeol the electronics he wanted in the future.

“Everything seems to lead back to Han-gyeol, doesn’t it?”

Love is such a strange thing. All the couples in the world must have started as strangers. They get to know each other, share their daily lives, and eventually become each other’s everyday.

Just as I was thinking this, I received a message from Han-gyeol.

[Han-gyeol♡: I'm drinking with my classmates right now. We ran into some second-year seniors and are drinking with them. I won’t stay out too late.]

I quickly replied.

[Okay! Don’t drink too much~]

After responding to Han-gyeol, I began my video editing studies.

Thanks to some basic knowledge I already had, it didn’t take long to get the hang of it.

Following the book recommended by my senior and practicing video editing was quite enjoyable.

“Maybe I should film a vlog with Han-gyeol next time~”

If I pointed the camera at him, he’d probably dart around trying to hide.

He’s a bit shy, so he might run away.

The thought of playing around like that with Han-gyeol made me smile. I hummed a tune and continued studying.

After about four hours, it was almost eleven at night when my phone rang again.

It was Han-gyeol, so I answered immediately, but his voice sounded troubled.


“Hmm? What’s wrong with your voice?”

-“Well… it’s a bit of a weird situation…! I just wanted to prevent any potential trouble…!”

“What’s going on?”

After hesitating, Han-gyeol finally spoke.

-“A female classmate got drunk and passed out on the street. What should I do…?!”

‘Female classmate’

That was all I heard.



“Send me your location and wait right there.”

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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