Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3604 - Xiaolong Breakthrough


At the top of the cave, a bit of stagnant water also fell along with Tang Xiaolong’s fall, and this drop of water fell impartially on the mouth of Tang Xiaolong’s back vest. ..

This drop of water fell on Tang Xiaolong’s hot body, just like a drop of rain falling on a long-dried land, instantly evaporated without a trace.

However, this drop of water did exist, and it had already entered Tang Xiaolong’s body.

Tang Xiaolong felt his hot body gradually start to boil because of this bit of water, and the blood in his body veins began to rush.

&nb sp; At the beginning, it was just like a breeze blowing on the sea surface, only a layer of small waves formed on the sea, but soon, the breeze turned into a violent storm, and the small waves also turned into a cloud of sky and earth. Huge waves.

The huge waves of this wave slapped on Tang Xiaolong’s body, causing the skin, bones, and veins in Tang Xiaolong’s body to be shattered.

Tang Xiaolong was almost fainted by the piercing pain in an instant.



Tang Xiaolong felt that his body was constantly being destroyed, and then he began to reorganize itself.

Such repetition, and Tang Xiaolong is in pain to die and live in such repetition.


A loud noise pierced through Tang Xiaolong’s body, and with the loud noise, Tang Xiaolong’s body suddenly began to tremble.

Trembling, trembling, and twitching, but there was such a trace of strength in Tang Xiaolong’s body, at first it was like a silk, then it was like a rope, and then it became a small stream and a big river.

The waves were still beating against Tang Xiaolong’s body, but Tang Xiaolong no longer felt the slightest pain. Instead, it was a kind of comfort that made Tang Xiaolong’s whole body indescribable. A powerful force filled Tang Xiaolong’s whole body.

The fifth level of the tenth refining body.

After the Phoenix Nirvana rebirth, Tang Xiaolong finally broke through to the fifth stage.

All this seems to have taken a long time, but the time is less than a second.


Tang Xiaolong kept falling, and the mutant bear was demonstrating.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Tang Xiaolong’s mouth, but Tang Xiaolong’s light and fluttering body was suddenly full of power, like a meteorite falling from a high altitude, and slammed into the mutant bear.

That mutant bear is not a low-level creature after all, and he also felt that powerful force from above his head.


That mutant mourning bear can completely avoid Tang Xiaolong’s falling blow, but this is a fourteenth-level mourning bear, a fourteenth-level mutant mourning bear, and a fourteenth-level mutant that has been king in the Qinling Mountains for several years. Lost bear.

How could this mutant bear to allow him to escape by himself.

Speaking of power, isn’t the power of this mutant mourning bear small?

Even if the power of the black monkey in front of him is completely restored, or even stronger, would this fourteenth-level mutant mourning bear be afraid of Tang Xiaolong?


The mutant mourning bear continued to roar, and the two sturdy hind limbs like trees slammed to the ground, and then jumped out with a “boom”.

And the right front palm of the mutant mourning bear struck out heavily in the direction of Tang Xiaolong’s fall.


Another loud noise rang in the bear cave, and the two figures separated almost at the moment they first touched.

A dark shadow flew upwards in the direction of the hole, while another huge body dropped and fell towards the bottom of the hole.

After falling on the ground, Tang Xiaolong stepped back 17 or 8 steps continuously before stopping, and the mutant mourning bear used four claws to grasp the ground forcefully, dragging a line two meters on the ground. The long scratches then stopped.

The mutant Lost Bear slowly stood up, looked at Tang Xiaolong’s direction, and suddenly spoke.

“Your strength is very strong. From the perspective of strength alone, you are almost reaching the level of my normal state. In order to show respect to you, I will use all my strength to entertain you well! And you , You need to pay the price of life to gain my respect!” said the fourteenth-level mutant mourning bear.

“I’m going! You can talk!” Tang Xiaolong said in surprise.

However, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing slammed their eyes on the female wandering monkey and said, “Why can he also speak human language?”

The mother wandering monkey said innocently: “Didn’t I have said it before? The mutant bear kidnapped my boyfriend and asked us to send him humans as food regularly. If he can’t speak human words, I How do you communicate with him? Xiong and Monkey are not the same language!”

The female lost monkey did say so, but Li Tian didn’t expect to encounter so many human-speaking funerals in the Qinling Mountains.

Tang Xiaolong has also come to Li Tian and said to Li Tian: “Little boss, under normal circumstances, the power of this mutant bear is probably around ten thousand jin. I can barely fight with this mutant bear. It’s a tie. And now, if I want to use all my power, I’m afraid it will surpass 10,000 catties. I am afraid that I will be suppressed by this mutant bear again!”

Li Tian nodded slightly and said, “I know, no, I will send you and Ningbing into the space of the Void Yaksha. According to the normal way, I can’t defeat this mutant bear, but as long as you make full use of the space of the Void Yaksha, Don’t even think of hurting me with this mutant bear!”

“What about me? How about me?” The mother monkey pointed to his face anxiously and said. Naturally, this mother wandering monkey also hopes that Li Tian can also protect her safety by the way!

“No! Little boss, I don’t mean you want you to send me into the space of the Void Yaksha, but I want to fight this mutant bear again, and then stimulate my potential again! I found that with these high levels I will be able to improve my abilities faster!” Tang Xiaolong said.

“Xiaolong is right. Fighting those low-level zombies, although we don’t have any danger at all, our strength has hardly improved! Since there is such a good opportunity now, why not let us fight with you? Even if we are injured, as long as our strength improves, this is already worth it!” Situ Ningbing said with a serious face.

Seeing Situ Ningbing’s serious face, Li Tian nodded slowly, and then brought Xue Ji, Barbarians, Captain and Two-dimensional out of the space of Void Yasha, and summoned three little Yashas. .

“All of them, ready to fight!”

“Three little Yaksa, you are responsible for everyone’s safety. You can fly into the sky, escape from the ground, or enter the space!” Li Tian quickly arranged the battle.


At this moment, the mutant bear was already crawling on the ground and suddenly hissed. And with this scream, the mutant Sanxiong’s body began to change.

Seeing the changes in the mutant bear, everyone shouted in surprise: “This…this…impossible!”.

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