Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3639 - Occult

As soon as the words of the white-robed Taoist priest fell, an elf-like figure appeared behind the white-robed Taoist priest.

“White robe! Be careful…”

The black-robed Taoist immediately screamed to remind the white-robed Taoist when he saw it, but his voice said caution and stopped abruptly. A dark one rushed behind him like a sharp arrow, and an iron fist struck the black-robed Taoist priest.

Although the black-robed Taoist priest was also alert, he had just emerged from the body of the Immortal Corpse Emperor. At this time, the black-robed Taoist priest had not fully adapted to it. When he turned around, the iron fist had already hit his chest heavily. .

The person who came was Tang Xiaolong. Tang Xiaolong’s angry punch moved like thunder and lightning fast, and this punch contained all the power that Tang Xiaolong’s tenth refining body could stimulate, and even stimulated Tang Xiaolong’s potential. .

It is conservatively estimated that this punch has reached about 10,000 jin, and it has reached a normal level 14 mutant bear.


There was a twitch on the black-robed Taoist priest’s face, his body trembling a little, and he flew out directly back. A hundred meters away, the black-robed Taoist stopped, but the black-robed Taoist suddenly fell to the ground.

The other side.

Although there was a reminder from the black-robed Taoist priest, the reaction of the white-robed Taoist priest was still half a beat, and a shadow of a knife flashed, and the butcher knife in Situ Ningbing’s hand successfully smashed the white-robed Taoist back on the back.

“Huh!” With a sound, Tudao Tushen cut the white robe of the Taoist priest up to a length of one meter.

“Puff!” A stream of blood sprayed out from the back of the white robe Taoist priest, and instantly dyed his white robe into a few plum blossoms. Soon, the red plum blossomed and the white robe became half white. Half red.

While the white robe screamed, he turned around and used the nine ghost claws to grab Situ Ningbing, but at this moment, the “Red Slash” was like red lightning, and suddenly smashed into the white robe Taoist Jiuyou ghost from mid-air. Claw, the white-robed Taoist knew how powerful “Red Zhan” was, and escaped the attack of “Red Zhan”, hitting the back of “Red Zhan” with a palm, and jumped back seven or eight meters.

Li Tian teleported to Situ Ningbing’s side. Seeing the miserable appearance of the white-robed Taoist priest, Li Tian sneered: “White-robed Taoist priest, should you change your name to the red-robed Taoist now? Or blood robe? Taoist priest?”

The face of the white-robed Taoist priest was extremely ugly, and the blue veins on his head burst out, which shows his anger at this time.

“Jiejie, good! Good!”

Li Tian saw that the white-robed Taoist made a knot in his hands, and slammed it on the ground.

“Come out! Unwilling to sleep, let these ignorant boys feel the fire of Dao’s anger!” The white-robed Daoist suddenly fell to his knees, making some weird sounds from his mouth.

I saw a white-robed Taoist priest as the center, and a strange circular pattern immediately appeared on the ground. The circular pattern was surrounded by a circle of thirty-two blood-red talisman symbols. Once formed, these symbols became one. The red flames burst into flames.

And the white-robed Taoist priest kneeling in the center of this pattern, like a devout believer, knocked his head on the ground, even letting his entire cheek be combined with the pattern.

“White robe, you don’t want to die? What are you doing?” The black robe Taoist was entangled with Tang Xiaolong at this time, and he immediately shouted in surprise when he saw the white robe Taoist make such a move.

However, at this time, the white-robed Taoist priest seemed to be unable to hear what the black-robed Taoist said. In the scarlet flame, the white-robed Taoist turned out to be like a candle under high temperature, and his skin slowly melted. Penetrating into the ground, leaving only his white skeleton.

“What is this white-robed Taoist priest doing?” Situ Ningbing asked with some doubts.

“Maybe!” Li Tian said with a sneer.

Suddenly, the ground under the white robe Taoist trembled. Immediately, in the center of this pattern, a white light shone, and with this white light shining, a heavy coffin from the ground slowly rose upright. The skeleton of the white-robed Taoist priest seemed to have been carbonized at the moment when the coffin was raised, turning into a pile of quicksand slowly flowing down from the coffin.


Suddenly, a huge red talisman seal appeared in the four directions of the front, back, left, and right of the coffin. In the environment of the Qinling Labyrinth, these red talisman seals looked very strange!

These red talisman seals just flashed past, as if they were water poured into the desert, they penetrated into the coffin.

However, at this moment, the lid of the coffin was pushed down from the inside with a loud “pop!” Then Li Tian saw a corpse exposed in the coffin.

Seeing this corpse, Li Tian was taken aback.

Because the face of Li Tian’s corpse in this coffin was actually similar to that of the white-robed Taoist priest. He was also wearing a white robe. The only difference between the two was that the corpse in the coffin was a dry corpse, and there was no tenderness on the face.

“Jiejie, kid, let you see the ultimate in corpse refining of our corpse refining priest!” The white robe mummy said with a sneer.

“White robe! Why do you need it? For this kid, he moved a taboo and made himself a corpse. After that, he would never be able to peer into the sky again!” The black robe Taoist said sadly.

“Do you bear the heart that our Immortal Corpse Emperor who has been practicing for thousands of years is destroyed by this kid like this? This kid is treacherous and shameless. If I don’t refine myself into a corpse, can we make this kid die?” The white-robed Taoist sneered. Said.

It turns out that the white-robed Taoist used the corpse-refining Taoist’s forbidden secret technique, which is to refine his body into a corpse. In this way, although the corpse possesses the technique of immortality, he can never continue to practice, and it is impossible to spy To heaven.

Of course, if you want to refine yourself into a corpse, you first need to prepare a corpse, and the corpse prepared by this white-robed Taoist priest is his twin brother.

In order to obtain the Tao by refining the corpse, the White-robed Taoist killed his younger brother thousands of years ago, and then refines his younger brother’s body into a mummy, which is hidden deep in the Qinling maze for later use.

“You robbed the limelight just now, now it should be my turn!” The white-robed Taoist sneered, and the coffin board he was in burst immediately.

The red talisman on these coffin plates flashed and flew towards Li Tian and others.

Li Tian led Situ Ningbing in a teleport, evading the attack of the coffin board, his mind controlled “Red Zhan” and slashed towards the white-robed Taoist priest.


A red light flashed, and the white-robed Taoist priest was cut in half by “Red Slash”.

Some blood beads floated from the two halves of the body. These blood beads seemed to be silk threads, and they even linked the body of the white-robed Taoist priest together.

The white-robed Taoist sneered: “Jie Jie! This won’t kill me!”

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