Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3724 - Recapture Windsor (1)

After the Celestial Legion entered Beitang, Beitang City immediately gained popularity.

These 10,000 troops were divided into small groups and stationed in eight places in Beitang City, namely the southeast, northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. The first thing these legions do every day after being stationed is to be carpeted in Beitang City.

Even though these places have been searched no less than seven or eight times, they are still searching non-stop.

Because they already know that 150,000 people are rushing from Donghai City to Beitang City. Once these people enter Beitang, they must be far away. If there is another zombie attack, these people will probably be very It is difficult to find a sense of belonging in this Beitang.

In order to prevent those zombies from entering Beitang City from outside the city, Li Tian ordered the army to take people and block all the subway passages leading to the city.

As a result, after five consecutive days of carpet search, no zombie was found in Beitang City.

Then these members of the corps turned into all kinds of strange people and strange things. Some people knew about electricity. These people were organized by Li Tian to be responsible for the power supply of Beitang City, whether it was thermal power or photovoltaic, anyway, Li Tian ordered It is necessary for Beitang to see light at night within half a month.

Some people understand architecture, and Li Tian arranged for these people to repair the buildings in Beitang City and reinforce the defenses of Beitang City. In fact, at this time, the buildings in Beitang City were basically kept intact. These people did more to strengthen the defense of Beitang City.

Some people understand management, these people were organized by Li Tian to form the management organization of Beitang City, and the city owner of Beitang City was naturally Li Tian, ​​and then these hard-pressed children became the original city managers. , And the first thing they have to go is the hygiene of Beitang City.

Some people know medicine. Li Tian gave them directly to Liu Yihui and asked them to follow Liu Yihui to establish Beitang Hospital and Beitang Zombie Research Institute. Before that, Li Tian had already acquired those possessions from Donghai City. The vitality octopus tentacles were given to Liu Yihui. If Liu Yihui had won the most treasure, he had already gotten into the research institute.

Some people know how to eat!

“Asshole, are you **** kidding me?” The deputy commander of the Celestial Legion cursed angrily.

After nearly half a month of development, Beitang City has a preliminary scale, at least at night, Beitang City also has lights.

At this time, Bai Jing’s Bounty Hunter Association had been announced, and the president was naturally Bai Jing. However, because the network and communication have not been connected to the outside world, this bounty hunter association belongs only to the heavens.

However, the efficiency of this Bounty Hunter Association is not generally high. In just half a month, these guys, under the leadership of Bai Jing, actually found Windsor’s whereabouts.

And Windsor’s organization is in Chenzhong City, which is not far from Beitang City. However, it is somewhat difficult to get to Chenzhong City. Because Chenzhong City is located on the other side of the Qinling Mountains, although the straight-line distance is not far, Wanting Chen Zhong is not something you can do in one or two days!

But this can’t stop Li Tian.

After numerous battles and numerous injuries, Li Tian is now full of desire for Windsor!

That’s right, you are not mistaken, just desire!

Of course, this desire is not the desire of the lower body, but I want to quickly take Windsor and receive it into the Celestial Legion, so that Li Tian and others can have enough medical safety guarantees when they fight.

It’s just that Beitang City is thriving, and people are needed everywhere. Even the members of the Ten Thousand Celestial Legion feel far from enough. So far, Li Tian has still picked up Xueji, Barbarian and others. people.

Reluctantly, Li Tian could only push this task to Bai Jing’s Bounty Hunter Association, and let Bai Jing send people to the Celestial City, so that Shelipuding, He Zhizhuo, Huo Liantong, Xin Yan and others could come to Beitang.

As for the safety of Celestial City and the entire Northwest, Li Tian doesn’t have to worry about it now. With the continuous improvement of Li Tian’s strength, his reputation is increasing day by day, and now the Great Northwest is completely unified.

Moreover, the Heaven Realm has begun to drive the zombies to more favored cities and lands, and the Heaven Realm has begun to move towards the industrialization of the civilized age.

After arranging everything in Beitang City, Li Tian drove Shen Tao on the road to Chenzhong City to find Windsor.

Tang Xiaolong, Situ Ningbing and others wanted to follow Li Tian to Chenzhong City, but don’t refuse Li Tian.

Now Beitang City needs them even more. After getting the 15th-level corpse crystal meeting, Xiao Tianyi has already begun to absorb the 15th-level corpse crystals. The real combat power of Beitang City now is Tang Xiaolong and Situ Ningbing. If they Also left, Li Tian is really worried about the safety of Beitang.

Coming out of Beitang City, the car speeded southward.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Shen Tao held a traffic map of the province where Beitang was located before the end of the world. But even if you look at the map, you may not know which way to go. Li Tian looked at Shen Tao’s guidance. Looking at the map, while watching the road signs on the expressway heading towards Chenzhong City.

After hitting seven or eight low-level zombies, Li Tian and Shen Tao finally found the right direction after stopping and confirming their directions several times.

“Brother Tian, ​​do you think we will go well this time?” Shen Tao put away the map, and asked from the information obtained by the Bounty Hunter Association from his backpack.

“I hope everything goes well! But no matter whether it goes well or not, even if it is a grab, I will grab Windsor back.” Li Tian said decisively.

Thinking of the information Bai Jing sent back, Li Tian couldn’t help but want to get angry.

That Windsor turned out to be the child’s daughter-in-law of a third-rate legion commander in Chenzhong City, and the commander of the legion actually thought of sending Windsor to that city owner many times in order to favor the city lord of Chenzhong City.

Later, Windsor persuaded the city lord to give Windsor freedom on the condition that she could enter the Forbes Top 500, but the city lord did not fulfill her promise. After Windsor entered the top 500, he firmly controlled Windsor. .

And this Windsor is somewhat similar to Bai Jing, and there are a dozen teenage boys and girls behind him, and for these boys and girls, Windsor can only still humiliate.

Now, Li Tian has understood why Windsor refused when he first recruited Windsor.

This is not to reject Li Tian, ​​but that he has to choose like this. She is the same as Bai Jing, she takes her own honor, disgrace and happiness very lightly, and the more important thing in their hearts is the people they guard.

“Windsor, wait for me!” Li Tian slammed on the accelerator, speeding up his journey towards Chenzhong City.

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