Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3731 - Be the bridegroom (2)


Li Tian muttered this word in a low voice. For many people, this word means happiness, sex, appointment, and the joy of fish and water! However, now the word is very harsh, not for Li Tian, ​​but for Windsor.

Windsor’s face was a little frightened and a little shy, while still looking at Li Tian with a bit of anger.

If Li Tian agrees to this proposal, then Windsor will not let Li Tian succeed even if the net is broken. Although Li Tian is a thousand times better than Zhao Liang, ten thousand times better, Windsor cannot withstand such humiliation.


A red light flashed.

This “red cut” light gave Windsor the answer.

It can be said that there is no warning, but “Red Zhan” has already cut Zhao Liang’s neck.

A red line appeared on Zhao Liang’s snow-white neck. Then, the red line turned into a small red waterfall, and blood continuously flowed out from the wound.

All the onlookers couldn’t help but exclaimed. In their opinion, Zhao Liang, City Lord Zhao was already very low-spirited today, even if Li Tian was unwilling to be the bridegroom, at least he should feel the sincerity of City Lord Zhao.

Moreover, this is Chenzhong City. Although Chenzhong City’s army is not strong enough, the number is still huge.

Is Li Tian confident that he can kill out of Chen Zhongshi?

Looking at Li Tian again, the expression on Li Tian’s face was indifferent. Killing a Zhao Liang in his eyes was as simple as killing an ant. Since it was killing an ant, how could Li Tian do it for this one? Can the ant’s face be unbearable?

Zhao Liang reached out and held his head, not letting his head fall from the neck, in order to delay his death, but “Hong Zhan” is the sickle of the **** of death, and his neck was cut off by “Hong Zhan”, how could he live? That’s it!

“you you……”

Zhao Liang opened his mouth several times, trying to say something to Li Tian, ​​but in the end he only said these two words.


The head fell from Zhao Liang’s neck like a ball, fell on the ground, and rolled under Li Tian’s feet.

Quiet, the whole square was quiet in an instant. Even the music of the square dance was finished or malfunctioned at this time. The square where thousands of people gathered could be heard.

In the distance, under the dark night sky, the occasional wailing of a few zombies appeared exceptionally clear.

Li Tian took a step forward, stepped on Zhao Liang’s head, turned around and shouted at all the onlookers: “Windsor! It’s my heaven, I’m Li Tian’s people! Those who bully Windsor, cut!”

This utterly categorical expression was decisive, and the domineering was exposed, and many people even shuddered involuntarily and stepped back in horror.


Of course it won’t just be Zhao Liang!

The former fiance of Windsor who lost his arms was already fainted in pain, but when he saw that Zhao Liang was beheaded, he suddenly woke up, but at this time he did not dare to wake up. He pretended to be dead. How dare you wake up if you don’t pretend to look like enough?

A stream of heat flowed from under the man’s crotch, and then a sorrowful air began to diffuse.

Li Tian turned around and put out a finger casually.

Xuantian fingering, Xuantian **** that can penetrate even steel plates, a gas bullet galloped out of Li Tian’s fingers and flew directly onto the man’s head, and then the man no longer had to pretend to be dead!

After two consecutive killings of two people, the guests and soldiers suddenly fell into infinite panic.

Almost instantly, these people wanted to turn around and run away, because although they may not have bullied Windsor directly, they also played a disgraceful role in this wedding. Now that Zhao Liang is dead, and Windsor’s former fiance has been beheaded by Li Tian. If Li Tian’s anger has not dissipated, who would dare to guarantee that he is not the next one once it hit Yuchi?

“Who dares to leave!” Li Tian said with a burst of shout.

This loud shout was like a thunderous thunder, tumbling on the square, falling into the ears of those who were just taking steps to escape. Many people seemed to be the tactics of the fixation technique. These people stopped. Down.

“Fool, don’t you wait for you to kill if you don’t run at this kind of time!” Those people who simply ignore Li Tian’s words did not stop for a moment when they heard Li Tian’s words, and they even wanted to let him He has two more legs, runs faster, and curses Li Tian in his heart.


As long as one person dared to run and ignored Li Tian’s words, he would immediately jump out of the second one, jump out of the third and follow suit. Soon those who had just stopped followed and started running again.

Seeing this scene, Li Tian’s mouth showed a sneer.

And at this moment, the entire square shook violently, as if it was an earthquake. The tables, chairs and benches on the square, as well as those people, immediately swayed, and many people fell directly to the ground.

Just now, the people who ran in the front suddenly felt that the ground under their feet suddenly became soft. They all looked down and found that the square that was still on the concrete floor just now turned into sand in an instant. Like the tide, it keeps going up. But they seemed to be drowning, sinking directly into the sand.

The people on the square watched in horror at the sand waves that suddenly appeared in front of them. The waves continued to surge up and quickly turned into a sand wall, and the people who fled first had already merged with the sand waves, and even Can see the hideous expressions of those people in the sand wall before they die.

“Li…Li Tian, ​​is this guy a god? He can even use such spells?” The people on the square thought in horror, and they all turned around to look at Li Tian.

And a platform made of sand also appeared at Li Tian’s feet. Li Tian stood on this platform, holding a “red cut” looking down at the square, and said: “I Li Tian, ​​the commander of the Celestial Legion, now officially announce that Chen Zhongshi has been included in the jurisdiction of the heavens. If anyone refuses to accept it, those corpses in the sand wall will be your fate!”

What Li Tian didn’t expect was that as soon as Li Tian’s voice fell, there was a cheer from the entire square. On the quiet square, the cheer seemed exceptionally abrupt, but immediately followed by the cheers on the square. One after another.

“Great! We in Chen Zhongshi finally look forward to this day!”

“That’s right! As long as Li Tian’s Celestial Legion manages our Chenzhong City, our safety is absolutely guaranteed!”

“Li Tian, ​​that’s a real Forbes top 500 player! These, look at those zombies who don’t have long eyes and dare to enter our Chenzhong City to capture the population?”

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