Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3801 - Response from all parties (2)

Bounty Hunters Association.

Before the news that Li Tian had destroyed a Nanshu city arrived in Kyoto, the Bounty Hunters Association got the news first.

For most members of the Bounty Hunter Association, this is something to celebrate.

For nothing else, it is because of Li Tian’s supreme king of the Bounty Hunter Association.

In the past, the Bounty Hunter Association did not have much right to speak in front of the Ten Legions. In many cases, the Bounty Hunter Association would even suffer some dark losses, but they did not even dare to put a fart.

But now, Li Tian has risen so strongly that he can even destroy Nanzhou City. In the past, these Bounty Hunters Association members had never dreamed of it.

The faces of all the members of the Bounty Hunter Association were full of excitement, and even when they saw the members of the other ten legions, they had some confidence in their hearts.

“This is absolutely false news! I don’t believe that Li Tian has such strength! This is probably because someone deliberately provokes the relationship between our Bounty Hunter Association and the Rock Legion!” Su Lao said.

“Hmph, this is the news from the hunters of our Bounty Hunter Association. Is this also false? This Rock Legion is arrogant and domineering. I couldn’t see it earlier. If it were not for my limited strength, I would also like to destroy the Rock Legion. A city in China!” said Elder Gu Liang.

Elder Gao said: “Hehe, if you have the strength, who doesn’t want to destroy a city! This is a very show-off thing! Elder An, you have been in contact with Li Tian for the longest time, and you know Li Tian best. Tell me about it. Is it true?”

“The real can’t be fake, and the fake can’t be true! There must be a reason for nothing, I believe this is the real news. And this is in line with Li Tian’s character!” said the old man.

Wu Lao, who had not spoken, nodded slightly, and said, “Before Mu Yunlong came to Kyoto, Li Tian did such a thing. I am afraid that Li Tian deliberately attracted everyone’s attention to him. .”

“I…Should we beware of a bit of Rock Legion’s revenge? After all, Li Tian is now our strongest king!” Su Lao said.

“The necessary preparations are still needed, but I feel even more that our Bounty Hunter Association should make a certain gesture to let Li Tian know that the Bounty Hunter Association will always be his most solid backing, even if he provokes a giant like Rock. Ba!”



At the headquarters of the Sakura Legion, Duanmu Ying showed a smile on her face when she saw the detailed report on the office desk.

Duanmu Ying walked to the large floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the traffic on the streets of Kyoto City, and muttered: “Is Jinlin a thing in the pool? Once the wind and cloud change the dragon! This is Li Tian, ​​this is what Li Tian I know!”

“Li Tian, ​​are you finally going to fly? Although you are not the strongest time now, it doesn’t matter. There is also Duanmuying, even if the sky falls, I will carry Duanmuying with you!”

“Rock Legion, it’s stupid not to know it when you die! Now it’s up to the Fire Legion and the Hall of Heroes to make a choice! And this choice is likely to directly affect the development and direction of the next situation!”

Thinking of this, Duanmuying turned to her desk, quickly picked up the phone, dialed a call, and said, “Assemble all the core cadres who are still in the headquarters. I want to hold an emergency meeting!”

Hanging up the phone, Duanmu Sakura quickly walked out of the office and went directly to the large conference room on the top floor of the Sakura Corps headquarters.

Soon, all the core cadres of the Sakura Army came to this conference room.

Half an hour later, the meeting ended, and then countless orders were sent from the headquarters of the Sakura Legion to the branches of the Sakura Legion across the country, and all the branches of the Sakura Legion across the country were in action.

The secret room of the Flamingo Corps headquarters.

This secret room does not look big, with an area of ​​no more than two hundred square meters.

In the center of this secret room is a bronze stove more than one meter high. The charcoal in the fire is raging, and the whole secret room is piping hot.

And around this secret room are steel plates with a thickness of more than two meters, but the steel plates are uneven, and it seems that the workmanship is exceptionally rough.

At this time, the Captain of the Fire Corps was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, and in front of him there were hundreds of fist-sized iron balls. These iron **** were bright and shiny, and the weight of each one was kept at about ten kilograms.

Agni reached out and grabbed an iron ball.

In the hands of Agni Huo, the iron ball was like a glass ball, and it was thrown up and down several times.

However, as the fire tossed the iron ball up and down, the iron ball gradually turned red, as if it had been burned by the flames.


The fire was thrown away, and the iron ball had turned into a ball of hot red molten iron, and was slammed on the steel plate by the fire. At first, the molten iron was still flowing down, but the flow stopped within a few seconds, and the hot molten iron solidified into steel and merged with the steel plate.

And this steel plate thickness of more than two meters turned out to be thrown out repeatedly by the fire for many years.

At this moment, there is something in the mouth of Agni, if you walk in, you will hear him saying: “Alliance! No alliance! Alliance! No alliance…”

Although Gao Gang was still full of confidence in his Mo Feng and others, the Flamingo Legion believed that the news was absolutely true. As the commander of the Flamingo Legion, Agni was thinking in his heart whether the Rock Legion, which had suffered the loss of the eight top cadres, was worthy of him to join the alliance.

At this moment, an iron gate weighing over two tons was pushed open behind the fire, and Ding Pojun, the deputy commander of the Flamingo Army, walked in.

Ding Pojun was wearing a piece of shabby clothes. If it weren’t for the shabby clothes that couldn’t stop his figure, showing his sturdy body, Ding Pojun looked like a beggar.

“Baojun, why did you come in! Did something happen? Could it be that Li Tian has come to Kyoto City?” Agni asked.

“No! Legion commander, Li Tian is still on the way, our people are staring at him! However, the hero of the heroes of the Hall of Heroes has come to visit! He is waiting for you outside the secret room now!” Ding Pojun said calmly.

“No! I don’t want to see anyone at this time! I don’t want anyone to influence my thoughts!” Li Huo said, shaking his head.

“Okay, I will reject him now!” Ding Pojun turned and left, then easily pushed open the two-ton iron gate and walked out.

Lihuo glanced at Ding Pojun’s figure, then fell on the iron gate covered with molten iron, thinking in his heart: “The power of the broken army has increased a lot. The iron gate was two tons when it was built. Now, after these three years, I have deliberately or unintentionally thrown molten iron up, I am afraid that there are nearly five tons!”

Li Huo’s eyes suddenly widened.

The nearly five-ton iron gate suddenly had an inclining incision.

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