Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 103 - ASKING AROUND (PART 1)

Lian Fangzhou had just washed her face and had a drink of water, and some people came to the house. They were all the daughters in law and aunts in the village.

Lian Fangzhou wondered why these people had come. She didn’t seem to have no interest in common with them?

She wondered that there was no reason not to entertain the guests.

After the small talk, Lian Fangzhou understood that they had come to ask about cotton seeds.

Chief Zhang was supposed to have public the message. So these people came to ask her why she bought so many cotton seeds, what she bought for while she didn’t have so much land, etc.

It was no wonder people would ask her if she bought so many cotton seeds at once. No one would be of no curiosity!

Lian Fangzhou was looking forward to earning the first bucket of gold. Of course, it was of no good to spill her guts at the drop of a hat.

At first, if they asked: “How can a little country girl know the benefits of cotton?”, what should she explain? Even if she answered, people may not believe it either. At most, they would also doubt it!

What’s worse, if they tried to grow cotton to follow the trend under the circumstance that they didn’t know how to manage, wouldn’t they be angry about her when the cotton boll that she had made was different from their?

And she would be busy enough to manage her own land, what time and energy she left to manage others’? Even if she gave them the way, would they believe it?

This could be a thankless task. Naturally, Lian Fangzhou would not do it.

She had also thought about how to deal with it if someone asked, but she didn’t expect it should come so quickly.

Lian Fangzhou just smiled. Then she muttered between her teeth while blurring the truth and false. She Stay calm and collected at her talk that they went to Shuangliu County with Lian Ze and Ah Jian two days ago,.

Everyone exchanged the look with each other, and then they realized that the cotton should be planted by the Su’s of Shuangliu County!

Think of this, people were relieved.

That made sense! Otherwise, where did Lian Fangzhou have such a big amount of money?

The daughters in law and aunts left with satisfaction. After they went back to talk to their families, they got new ideas.

Since that the Su’s was involved in this affair, planting cotton seeds may be feasible. May my family plant some of them?

There were many people who have this idea, but there were only a few households that actually do it. Even those few households only need two or three Jins (One Jin is 500 gram) of seeds. If there were more, they just sold them.

After all, this big cotton guy people had never seen or planted. Who knew what the result would be? If the field is ruined, it was a year’s livelihood.

No one was willing to take the risk on the premise that he had a better choice!

Therefore, almost all people chose to sell their own share of the seed to Lian Fangzhou.

However, everyone just paid great attention to it, only waiting for the cotton harvest to see the result clearly. If it was really a good harvest, next year there would be another scene.

Lian Fangzhou had planned to go to Chief Zhang’s house after supper, but now she was so disturbed by these people that he just went to Chief Zhang’s house right now to ask about the cotton seeds since these two days.

Chief Zhang showed her the hand-printed pamphlet and said, “I didn’t believe it at first, but later I knew it was true. Almost all of the seeds were sold! They’re about one thousand Jins. Maybe we can take some tomorrow. They will be about fifteen hundred Jins in all! “

Lian Fangzhou smiled and thanked him, saying that she would come the day after tomorrow to carry the seeds away, and asked if the money given yesterday was enough.

As soon as she came back from Sanchakou yesterday, she sent the money to Chief Zhang.

Chief Zhang said with a smile that the money was enough, and then he let her go.

It had not been confirmed that Lian Fangzhou could not say exactly how many seeds she needed before. Now it was basically settled.

She planed to plant about 3000 to 4000 seedlings per acre of land. Naturally, she had to raise seedlings first. In this way, one acre of land needed about two and a half Jins of seeds. After raising seedlings, she had to transplant the strong ones, during which process there would cause losses for sure.

In addition, the total area that Liu Jia said over 1500 acres was about 2800 acres, so the seeds needed were about 7000 Jins.

But Lian Fangzhou was not worried. Since people in Dafang village were unwilling to plant, it would not be difficult to buy from other villages either! She planed to ask Liu Jia for help. Now she just had to focus on reclamation!

This was essential. If the ground was not bought well, there would be no nothing about the seeds only.

Lian Fangzhou went home thinking about it. When she got home, her Third Grandma had cooked the meal, and the family sat around for dinner.

There was no long discussion at the table. It was all asked by Third Grandma. Lian Fangzhou and Lian Ze just answered. Lian Fangzhou knew that Third Grandma liked to gossip so they refused to elaborate on anything but said some ambiguous words.

Third Grandma didn’t think it was interesting, so she stopped asking.

After supper, my Third Grandma cleaned the table and said, “I’m afraid you have no time to rest after tomorrow. Go to bed early! Let me do the work!”

Lian Fangzhou promised with a smile. But before she could fetch water, Lian Li and Mrs. Qiao came.

Seeing the two of them, except for Ah Jian’s light look, all of them didn’t look nice.

Lian Fangqing secretly stares at Mrs. Qiao. Mrs. Qiao should sell her sister. Of course, Lian Fangqing is angry with her. It was already self-restraint not to scold her.

“No one here knows the politeness! When seeing us coming, you don’t even say hello or offer us the seats! ” When Mrs. Qiao saw that their brothers, sisters and Third Grandma were silent, she couldn’t help shouting.

Third Grandma was the first one who couldn’t help but to say “Yo”, “where is the women come from just to play tricks! Is it right for people like you to talk about rules and respects? Let’s be frank. Who do you want to sell this time? “

When Lian Ze, Lian Che and Lian Fangqing heard this, they all stared at Mrs. Qiao, full of hostility. Ah Jian’s eyes flashed. And Lian Fangzhou’s face sank too.

Mrs. Qiao blushed when she was exposed by her Third Grandma. Lian Ze’s eyes and Lian Fangzhou’s face were like needles pricking on her back.

Mrs. Qiao was about to say something when she became angry. She coughed for a while and said, “OK! Don’t talk about this past but unimportant thing! Stop it and don’t make trouble!”

Lian Li sat down without a hurry and said, “Fangzhou, we are here to ask you about something.”

Mrs. Qiao snorted and sat down beside Lian Li with her face taut and his eyes burning towards Lian Fangzhou.

Lian Fangzhou saw Lian Li’s manner, just pretending like his elders. It was obvious that these people didn’t take serious of the words said in Chief Zhang the other day– “Each is going his own way”. And they didn’t plan to take them serious!

Lian Fangzhou felt so lucky. At that time, how smart she was to insist on leaving the words as an evidence in black and white!

It didn’t matter whether they care. But Lian Fangzhou care and she didn’t forget it.

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