Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 68

69. We’ll walk then.

He also added, “Since you can afford to sit on a carriage, then why are you caring about these two bits of money! Quickly discuss among yourselves, there’s still a long way to go. ”
This was reminding them, the road is still long if you don’t ride the carriage, how are you going to get there?
Lian Fang Zhou peer over at Ah Jian, then at Lian Ze. They all have the same thought, ‘They can’t become a squanderer, as it is very insulting to them to have such label’.

“Since it’s like that, we won’t ride it anymore. After all, we have no urgent matter on our hand. It’s the same to walk there!” Lian Fang Zhou decided

“Foolish!” A snigger burst out from the driver. Then his tone became a bit softer, and with full of compassion expression, he persuaded, “Relying on two legs, you won’t reach there even after the day darkened. Once you reach, you’ll need to stay in an inn. It won’t be a matter of two liang then! So why must you!”

“We want to! At least our heart will be comfortable!” Lian Fang Zhou unhesitatingly answered.
Lian Ze, who had already prepare to take a step forward, turned his head at this moment. “Sister, why bother with him anymore? Brother Ah Jian, let’s go!”

Lian Fang Zhou and Ah Jian exchanged a glance and started moving.

“Choosing to spend big money over little money. Oh, I really don’t know what you guys are thinking! From the look of it, you guys aren’t super well off, so why must you do this out of ire” The driver became agitated and yelled from their behind.

Lian Fang Zhou and the other two didn’t even bother with him, just kept on going without turning their head.
“Then you guys take your time walking. With your pace, you won’t reach there even after day darkened! Up ahead, there’s a deserted area, heaven knows whether any wild beast would appear. You guys should be careful! No matter what don’t lose your life!” The driver called out again.

Lian Ze snorted, “I wish we would come across a wild beast, that way I can see how good my martial art has become!”

Ah Jian laughed, ”You’re already quite skilled. You can probably kill a wolf without a problem. Hm, if it’s a tiger or bear, it’s too early.”
“Brother Ah Jian, when am I able to kill a tiger or bear?”

“About this, it’s hard to tell. I’ll need to see how much you improve to know…”
Lian Fang Zhou was dumbfounded as the two of them got into a discussion on martial art. If the driver were listening, he would also be bewildered, right?

After walking for fifteen minutes, they passed through a mountainside gap. On the road’s bend grew an enormous maple tree in lush condition. From visual inspection, it might take around four to five people to hug the whole circumference. The full mass of branches and leaves almost covered a section of the road with its shadow.

From this sight, Ah Jian eyes lit up and pointed out, “After this point, it’s not that far. We’ll probably reach there around half a sichen (so one hour)!”
Hearing this, the Lian siblings knew Ah Jian must have passed by here when he was wandering in the past. Full of delight, Lian Fang Zhou exclaimed, “That’s wonderful! We’ll keep on going then.”
“Yes! Save us from enduring the driver’s unfair treatment! Oh, we still haven’t paid him his fee!” It suddenly dawned Lian Ze, and he blurted it out.

Lian Fang Zhou snorted a laugh, raising a brow she disdainful said, “Don’t worry, we won’t owe him what’s his.”

That’s the last trick up his sleeve! Judging from how skilled he is, it’s definitely not the first time doing this kind of stuff, so he must have it all thought out well and meticulously planned.

Lian Ze stopped in his track. Before he could regain his wits, carriage’s rattle and horse hooves galloping could be heard from behind.

“Wooah–” That driver caught up and reduced his speed. He gave them a taunting grin, “It doesn’t feel pleasant to walk, right? It doesn’t compare to riding a carriage right? When you reach the town, your leg would be falling off, so how could you still handle your business? Oh well, who told me to be kind-hearted and can’t endure looking at you in this state. You can pay six coins. I’ll just treat it as being put into a disadvantage and just give you a ride!”
“We’ll pass!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled and let out a sigh. “Who told us to be kind-hearted, and couldn’t bear to seeing you being in a disadvantage, you can carry on going!”

Lian Ze and Ah Jian burst into snickers at that.

Lian Ze harrumphed, “Stop beguiling us! There’s only an hour more walk from here. You’re a horrible person!”

The driver was visibly shocked. He immediately followed up, “What do you understand! Is it you or is it me who is familiar with this road? If you think like that, then don’t blame me if something happened on the road!”

“Let’s go!” Lian Fang Zhou spoke.

The driver saw that they obviously made up their mind to not travel in his carriage anymore, yelled out. “Wait”

He rushed up to block their way. “What about the carriage fee? We had already agreed on four silver coin, you must pay me, right? There’s no reason to ride a carriage and not pay for it! It’s asking for people to accuse you!”

“We haven’t reached the town yet, so what reason do you demand four coins!” Lian Ze furiously rebutted.
Lian Fang Zhou backed him up. “My brother is right! Naturally, we’ll pay the fee but how far we traveled is how much we’ll pay! Well, according to you, we’ll have to walk till the day darken before we reach. Even if we go according to your carriage speed, which is five times quicker than us walking. Then we should have only ridden a tiny part of the journey! The whole journey is four silver, then that short ride work out to–”

Lian Fang Zhou divided by four with the help of finger for a while and concluded: “Finished counting! We’ll suffer a disadvantage and pay you fifty wen!”

“You –” The driver was driven mad by her that his nose was nearly slanted. His face turned white then green as he fumed. “You can’t cheat like that! We clearly passed the halfway point of the journey! You must at least pay me three silver!”

The three of them remained silent and just stared at him.

The driver felt angry, agitated and embarrassed. With his face dyed red, he waved his hand. ” Fine, give me two silver then!”
“So, this says, what you said earlier were lies?” Lian Fang Zhou coldly uttered.
The driver just snorted and remained silent.

Lian Fang Zhou couldn’t bother to argue about it cause there was no point! It’s just that their luck was terrible, and chance upon someone who likes petty gains. She took out two coins and put it on the carriage edge and frostily disclosed, “We won’t take advantage of you. We also dare not to ride your carriage anymore. Please leave!”

Finishing, she turned and left with Ah Jian and Lian Ze. The driver remained rooted to the spot for a moment and mumbled something before he turns the carriage around and went.

“Sister, you’re so cool. My heart is more at ease now!” Lian Ze grinned.

“You already guessed he’ll come after us?” Ah Jian asked.

Lian Fang Zhou grinned, “He put so much effort to scheme and be shameless to extort some more money from us. So no matter what he forgets, there’s no way he would forget the carriage money!”

Ah Jian and Lian Ze paused before they burst into waves of laughter.
Image result for pergola in china
Chinese Pergola

The three of them continue their journey in chatters and laughter. It wasn’t one bit solitary. Because they got rid of the bitterness in their heart, their foot had picked up the pace and did not feel exhaustion at all.

When a pergola can be seen on the roadside at a far distance, Ah Jian pointed at it and suggested, “We can rest a bit at the pergola. Over there has spring water from the back mountain that can quench thirst!”

“Alright, let’s pick up the pace!” Lian Fang Zhou smiled in delight.

Because they were originally riding a carriage, and thought it won’t be a long journey, they didn’t prepare any water to drink on the road. Who knew halfway there, that matter has cropped up. They are thirsty after so much walking. So with Ah Jian’s word, the Lian siblings became more energetic.

When they came up to the front of the pergola, they can see spring water coming down from the back of the mountain using a system of connected bamboo tubes. The water flowing was pure and clean. With resonant sound, it feeds into a groove and floats away.

Inside the pergola also have long stone bench, allowing people to sit down and rest. The ground was also clean.
“Sis! Brother Ah Jian! Look over there!” Lian Ze suddenly pointed as he cried out.

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