Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields

Chapter 98 - Money to Buy Seeds

Chapter 98 Money to Buy Seeds

In the middle of the last night, the man around Lian Fangzhou caught Hua Jintao and her master. He forced them to write a confession and guarantee with the pressed fingerprints. Today this man ordered her to come and follow his instructions.

Being threatened by the knife on her neck, Hua Jintao had no choice.

Hua Jintao never dreamed that an orphan girl, Lian Fangzhou, who had no money or support, was surrounded by such a powerful and unreasonable man. In this matter, Hua Jintao failed completely.

Not only did she plant herself, but she also implicated her lord.

Maybe, my lord had never be threatened by the knife on his neck through all his life. This time, I was afraid that the master wouldn’t easily let me go!

When I went back, I had to think about a good way to make my lord happy…

Hua Jintao regretted deeply now! She thought if she didn’t seek to prevail over others and didn’t take the initiative to share her worries with the master, everything would never happen!

She had been very favored. As long as she continued to flatter the lord, everything would be fine. Why did she do that? This is the real loss of the bait along with the fish! What a big loss!

When Lian Fangzhou, Lian Ze and A Jian returned to the home, their third aunt, Lian Che and Lian Fangqing met them.

“How are you? Is it all right? ” Third aunt asked.

Two little kids rushed up and called “Sister”

Filled with great warms, Lian Fangzhou embraced Lian Che and Lian Fangqing with light pats. Then she nodded and smiled: “It’s all right! It’s all right!”

“Glad to hear that!” Third aunt really relieved when she saw A Jane nodded. Aunt said with a smile, “come in and have the meal! It’s done and is hot in the kitchen. We are just waiting for you!”

“Great! I’m a little hungry indeed! ” Lian Fangzhou smiled and everyone entered into the house.

Not for a while, after the meal, A Jian said: “You’re tired after a night’s tossing. Go back to the room and have a rest! It’s not too late to do anything else tomorrow! A Ze, you go to have a rest too! ”

Lian Fangzhou was really tired, so she nodded with a smile: “Don’t just worry about us, you didn’t have a good night either. Fortunately, you were there last night. Otherwise, I really didn’t know… Anyway, thank you this time!”

Lian Fangzhou and A Jian didn’t elaborate on the specific story. They only said that the third aunt and other people knew that Lian Fangzhou had been knocked unconscious by Mrs. Qiao’s design and was sold. Lian Ze knew more, but still not complete.

A Jian said with a smile: “I don’t know how many times this ‘thank you’ you’ve said. Since I live here, I am responsible for what I can do. So don’t be too polite!”

“Elder sister,” said Lian Ze dumbly, “I must try my best to practice martial arts. Then in the future, I can protect you!”

Last night, Lian Ze was deeply shocked by the incident. If without big brother A Jian, he would not even be able to make his aunt tell the truth, let alone saved people!

For the first time, he hated himself so deeply for his powerlessness! In the end, he was not strong enough.

“A Jian told me that you have done a good job.” Lian Fangzhou chuckled: “when you grow up, I will be relieved!”

Jane also comforted him and said, “you’ve do your best! As long as you keep it in mind, you will become strong one day!”

Lian Ze nodded “hmm” with great aspiration.

After dinner, Lian Fangzhou had to go to Chief Zhang’s home to pay the money for cotton seeds. By the way, she would bring the potato seeds back.

But when she said she was going out, the three brothers and sisters like Lian Ze came together and said, “I’ll go with you!”

Looking at these three pairs of big eyes, Lian Fangzhou smiled automatically. She knew they were worried about her.

“You two are at home, elder sister. Let me accompany you! I will be with you everytime when you go out in the evening!” Lian Ze said. And then he told the two little ones, “You two are not allowed to go out in the evening!”

Lian Fangqing and Lian Che said “Oh”. Then they didn’t insist on going out.

Lian Fangzhou knew that Lian Ze was very upset about his inability to save her. Asking him to do something for her may make him feel better. So she nodded and laughed: “OK! I don’t know how much potato seeds we would be shared with! You have great strength. You are right for help! ”

After hearing this, Lian Ze was really in a good mood and nodded: “Don’t worry, elder sister. I’ll take care of it!”

“I won’t go, you two come back as soon as possible!” A Jian also understood and agreed with Lian Fangzhou’s intention.

Lian Fangzhou smiled and agreed to go with Lian Ze.

This time, I took a heavy cloth bag filled with copper plates.

The money was paid to the villagers who offered seeds. All the seeds were still kept in the chief’s house for the time being. Others needed to buy them back at the government’s price in a few days.

Seeing they two brother and sister, Chief Zhang came over with a smile, “You’re just coming. I’m still wondering if I need to take notice of you about the seeds.”

Took notice of? It was naturally to ask whether she wanted this cotton seed or not! Just now such a big thing happened. Chief Zhang, the careful man at all the time, always thought it was necessary to notify. But who knew that Lian Fangzhou came by herself, which made Chief Zhang unconsciously thought higher of her– this girl was very considerate! Moreover, she was so tough and tensile that nothing could rock her mind.

Lian Fangzhou said with a smile, “I’m thinking of coming here to make you know! As usual, here are 1300 copper plates. Please take them. I’ll exchange them in the city tomorrow and send some to you again tomorrow evening! Please count up now. I don’t know if I make any mistake. ”

Zhang Lizheng nodded and said with a smile, “OK, let’s do the work. Wait a moment, let me count them up!” After that, he counted them in front of Lian Fangzhou and her brother.

Of course, the money was of the right number. After this, both of them made sure that there was no mistake. Chief Zhang said that the news would be released in the morning tomorrow. Lian Fangzhou thanked him. And by the way she weighted the share of potato seeds 40 kilos, which was about 80 cents.

After paying off, they two went back with potatoes.

Looking at the bulging money bag in Chief Zhang’s hand, Mrs. Niu couldn’t help being greedy. Although she knew clearly that it was the money that Lian Fangzhou gave her husband to pay for the seeds to the villagers, she still wanted it. And once the money came to her own hands, if let it go again, she felt a sense of sadness for no reason.

Mrs. Niu moved her mouth showing although distressed, she was not blinded by money.

Mrs. Niu smiled,” We should sell the cotton seedlings. If you want to try planting it, you can just leave some. We have thousands kilograms of it, it doesn’t matter to leave some.

“Nonsense.” Chief Zhang said seriously: “You just change your nature of greedy. I must warn you that if something bad happens in the future, don’t blame me for not protecting you!”

Today, thanks for Mrs. Qiao’s words that gave him a right call. Today, there was only Mrs. Qiao having such a terrible idea, but who knew whether there would be Mrs. Zhang or Li tomorrow? Fortunately, this time, Lian Fangzhou’s under state it and let this go. If it was something else, I was afraid it was not so easy to explain!

Some things were tacit. And as long as we didn’t say it, everything would be fine. But once the window paper is pierced, everything would be disclosed in another way.

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