Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 80 - Meteor Plain, Ice Age

The bodies of several Asian giants lay quietly on the grass, their blood dried up, attracting countless mosquitoes and flies!

Menglei frowned: “You don’t want to go back, you don’t want to go back, but you shouldn’t run into the depths of Warcraft Forest, it’s too dangerous here!”

Abe is silent!

“What are you going to do next?”

Meng Lei asked again, “I advise you to leave, or go to the outer forest, this will not endanger your life!”

“I know!”

贝 Abe silently nodded, and turned away with her chest: “Thank you for saving my life, I will repay you!”

“Where are you going?”

Seeing him like this, Menglei was a little uneasy, could not help but ask!

“I don’t know! Where do you go?”

贝 Abe replied coolly, then left without looking back, and soon disappeared into the jungle!

“This guy……”

Meng Lei looked at his back, silently!

“Forget it, love it! I don’t take small life seriously, why should I be affectionate!”

Menglei slowly shook his head and looked at the corpse of the Asian giant. These guys have good strength and are physically comparable to a level 6 warrior!

Twenty-six people join forces, plus the ability to control the earth, even if they encounter level seven soldiers, there is a battle!

There should be a lot of good things on them, right?

“Ding! Drops detected, do you pick them up?”

“Pick up!”

“Ding! Successful integration, host constitution +91!”

After searching for a while, it really made Montray find a space magic device, this is a brass ring, looking at the simple atmosphere, rough and bold, very in line with the style of giants!

看看 “Look what’s inside …”

Let go of his mental strength, Man Yan entered the space ring!

“Just something like that?”

Meng Lei frowned suddenly, the space of the ring was not large, and there were a dozen cubes. In addition to a small pile of magic cores, just a few pieces of clothing, armor, maces, barbecue, etc!

Besides, there is nothing else!

“What kind of giant is this special, poorer than Lao Tzu!”

Meng Lei was disappointed. He threw out all the clothing, armor, mace, etc. in the space ring. These things are only used by the giants of Asia, which is garbage for him!


Of course, throw it away!

“Oh? What is this?”

在 At this moment, a piece of parchment-like paper fell out of a piece of armor and caught the attention of Montray!

Parchment is a very primitive thing. Except for the poor in remote mountain areas, no one generally uses this kind of thing!

The six sub-giants are obviously not among the poor. Why should they carry a piece of parchment on them?

In doubt, Monterrey picked up the parchment and looked at it, and saw that there were crooked lines on it, and outlined a simple map, similar to the ancient marching map!

In addition, there is no text, mark or reference, and Monre can’t understand what is drawn on it!

“Who draws the map, I promise not to kill you when it comes out!”

Meng Lei swaggered, ready to throw away, unexpectedly the old man came out: “Don’t throw it, show me!”

“It’s just a broken picture. What’s so nice about it!”

Menglei murmured, still passed the map, the old man frowned carefully, the deeper the frown, the longer he said: “This thing … some familiar!”


Meng Lei raised an eyebrow, wondering, “Old Dean, isn’t this an ordinary sheepskin map?”

“A normal sheepskin map is right!”

The old man nodded slightly: “But the landforms painted above are not ordinary. Six mountains and one lake, this is a landform unique to the meteorite plain!”

“Meteor Plain?”

Meng Lei frowned slightly!

怎么 “What? You don’t even know the meteorite plain?”

The old man’s face was stern, and there was a scolding attitude of criticism, Menglei said: “Of course I know the meteorite plain, located in the extreme northern wilderness, in the territory of the orc empire!

It is said that a long time ago, an extraterrestrial star fell on the extreme northern wasteland. Over time, people called that area ‘Meteor Plain’, which means the place where the stars fell! “

“This is not a legend, but what happened!”

The old man nodded slowly, a reminiscence appeared on his face: “That happened when I was a teenager. I clearly remember that it was an ordinary night. Our family just had dinner. My sister and I were in the yard. play!

Suddenly, a meteor fell from the sky, dragging a long tail flame, penetrating the sky, and illuminated the entire night sky!

I remember very clearly that the shooting star appeared from above the Elven Empire, from south to north, all the way across the Elven Empire, the Mountains of Warcraft, and finally fell in the extreme north great wasteland!

At the moment it fell to the ground, the Fire Dragon Kingdom, which was thousands of kilometers away, could feel the severe tremor. The gray mushroom cloud rose into the air and rushed into the sky for tens of thousands of miles, which is the highest mountain in the sky. 】 Several times higher!

The earth continued to shake, countless buildings collapsed, and the night sky was as bright as the day. The entire sky continued to bright for several minutes before it gradually faded away! “

The old man’s eyes flickered, and his eyes were still shocking: “We were sleepless that night and waited until dawn, only to find that the sky was completely covered by dust!

The dust from the sky blocked the sun ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and blocked the sight, just like the fog in winter, you can only see things within 5 meters around, and you ca n’t see it any further! “

“Meteorites fall and set off too much dust!”

Menglei nodded slowly: “It is understandable to cover the sky, but this movement is too big!”

“I was young and I thought it was fun at first. I was hiding and playing with my friends. It was fun, but it didn’t take long for disaster to come!”

The old man took a deep breath: “The temperature began to drop sharply, and the fire dragon kingdom in June and July actually snowed!”


Meng Lei is full of great earthquakes, the fire dragon kingdom is backed by the forest of Warcraft, belongs to the tropical rain forest climate, the temperature stays high all year round, June and July is the hottest time!

下 It’s snowing this season?

It is unimaginable!

“This sudden anomaly did not attract people’s attention. Instead, everyone felt quite fresh, but as time passed, the dust that covered the sky did not show any signs of dispersal, and the temperature continued to drop!”

“Since then, our fire dragon kingdom has become a frosty country. Every day civilians are frozen to death, and livestock and beasts have died in large areas!”

The old man sighed: “This is still the Fire Dragon Kingdom. You can imagine what other kingdoms are like! Not to mention the orc empire far away from the Great Northern Wilderness!”

Ice Age!

Meng Lei’s mind involuntarily emerged these four words!

The temperature is unbalanced, the ice layer covers the land, the climate is very cold, the sea level is reduced, and a large number of animals are extinct …

This is the ice age!

The glacial age often represents biological extinction. How is the scene described by the old man similar to the glacial age?

“Old Dean, after that?”

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