Pirate: Hades!

Chapter 25 Internal Conflicts in the Navy

"Are there any outstanding young people in the navy now?" Brak looked at Cyborg Kong.

He has a lot to deal with, mostly outside the Navy.

A small number of affairs were taken over by Kong, which was regarded as training for Kong.

As long as he steps down, his successor will definitely be Ganggu Kong, whose strength is not weaker than him now, and is even better.

This also gives Sora the power to cultivate his own direct lineage.

Brack placed his hopes on the young navy of the future.

You must know that in order to deal with Yeager, the navy's high-end combat power was directly cut off, and it has only recovered somewhat so far.

If the amazing young navy did not step forward, how could the navy intimidate the sea?

"There are still some good marines." After hearing this question, the figures of three young marines appeared in Sora's mind, which he had noticed before.

Today there is no elite training camp in the Navy, where one can obtain a high military rank upon graduation.

After graduation, you have to start from the bottom, work hard step by step, and rise to the top based on merit. If you have no connections or are noticed by people above, the speed of promotion will be very slow.

Being suppressed often happens within the Navy.

When everyone is at the same starting point, some talents often emerge suddenly.

The three young marines were promoted very quickly and were always able to complete their tasks, so they had been noticed by Kong.

Another Zefa, who is still working at the grassroots level in obscurity, needs to wait until he is promoted to corporal at the age of twenty-eight and learn the Sixth Form of the Navy before he can officially rise.

"You can take a closer look, Sora. As the Rocks Pirates grow, the pressure on our navy becomes more severe."

"If necessary, you can get some resources from the secret vault."

Marshal Brak said seriously.

"Yes, I understand." Sora understood what Brak meant. The Navy's secret warehouse has a lot of good things.

There are precious devil fruits, rare natural types and fantasy beast species.

Brack hopes to use it to train young and outstanding naval forces so that they can grow up as quickly as possible.

In order to exchange for such a precious Devil Fruit, the credit required is very huge. Currently, only Cyborg Sora and Brak can exchange it in the Navy.

Brak is willing to give up his achievements in exchange for the treasures in the secret vault. Anyway, he is over seventy years old and has dedicated his life to the navy. There is no use keeping these achievements.

Today, the internal situation of the Navy is not good, and factional disputes are very fierce.

In particular, the two newly appointed naval admirals continue to expand their influence and promote their cronies.

This is not a good thing for the Navy, as many young and outstanding Navy personnel cannot be promoted.

The official rise of the Sihai faction in recent years has made Brak a little anxious.

The Four Seas Faction is deeply rooted in the Navy and has always been an independent faction. Not only does it have extensive influence in the Four Seas, there are also many people in the Navy headquarters who belong to the Four Seas Faction.

The Four Seas is the foundation of the navy and the world government. It has the largest sea area and population. With a huge base, it can continuously provide talents for the navy.

And the first ones they join are often the Four Seas factions.

The navies in the world in this era are not as weak as they will be in the future.

The governors of the Four Seas are each strong among lieutenant generals. They are the ambassadors of a sea area. They command all the forces of the navy in a sea area and have no less power than a naval admiral.

The Governor's Mansion alone is very luxurious, each one is a fortress-level building, and it has a permanent force of 10,000 navy.

There is a naval fortress on each of the four sides of each sea area, guarded by a vice-admiral and with five thousand sailors stationed there.

Yes, the power of today's four-sea navy will be unimaginable in the future.

Each sea area has five vice-admirals. The governor's power is comparable to that of an admiral, and he even has the right to confer the title of vice-admiral.

This is completely a maritime marshal, dividing his rights as a navy marshal.

However, it is a fact that the Four Seas is weaker than the Great Line. A governor who is comparable to an admiral does not have the strength of an admiral.

The Vice Admirals of the Four Seas naturally do not have the strength of a Vice Admiral.

At most, he could barely reach the level of lieutenant general, or an ordinary existence among them.

It is more than enough to suppress a sea area.

Although Brack was dissatisfied with this, he did not have any strange ideas. To be precise, he also came from all over the world.

But what he represents is himself, and he has come step by step to become the leader of the "Doves".

The Navy has always been like this, but with the war between the Navy and the Rocks Pirates, it launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against Jaeger.

The Navy Headquarters lost a large amount of high-end combat power in a short period of time, resulting in a vacuum among the top brass within the Navy for a certain period of time.

At this time, the Sihai faction, which had been suppressed and had sufficient strength, suddenly emerged and occupied a place in the Navy Headquarters.

In this case, Brack had no choice, because the Navy Headquarters did lack strength and needed to replenish it as soon as possible.

Even if they are lacking in strength, strong men from the Shikai Faction can use Devil Fruit to enhance their strength.

One of the two newly appointed naval admirals, one named Puyol, is a representative of the West Sea faction and a neutral faction.

One named Davis is a representative of the Nanhai Faction and a hawk.

Together with the general Cyborg Kong who belongs to the hawk faction, they form the current three generals.

It seems unbalanced, with the neutral faction being strongly suppressed, and the two hawkish generals being enough to show the navy's tough stance against pirates.

But today's naval headquarters has too many imprints from all over the world.

The two newly appointed naval admirals have close ties with the governors of the sea areas where they were born, and they win over members of the same sea areas and factions to expand their power.

This approach has completely affected the unity within the Navy, and may even disrupt the original three-point structure of the Navy headquarters.

When one day the balanced three-point pattern is replaced by the four-sea factions, God knows what kind of consequences it will cause.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away. There are governors on the head, and corruption is prevalent. In recent years, there has been a trend of colluding with local forces to earn illegal benefits.

This trend has been spreading with the growth of the Four Seas factions in the Navy Headquarters.

This is what Brack is trying to contain.

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