Pirate: Hades!

Chapter 748 The Changed Curse

"Oh? I have the ability to remove the curse from you. In return, you will be loyal to the Tartarus royal family forever. Can you accept this?"

Looking at the Grum clan members kneeling on the ground, Di Xiu did not show much kindness.

Conquering the Grum clan would be of great help in increasing the power of the Chronos Kingdom.

Each of these thousands of people is a powerful warrior with fighting blood in their bodies and possesses extraordinary talents.

If you want to conquer it, you must be very thorough and keep this power firmly in your own hands.

Avoid certain accidents from happening in the future.

More importantly, it strengthens the power of the Tartarus royal family.

The Kingdom of Chronos is developing rapidly, and the royal family controls everything. Only an absolutely powerful royal family can suppress all strange thoughts.

These warriors who grew up and fought in the darkness can play a huge role no matter if they enter the underworld, hell, or the army.

With an already excellent foundation, and with the good training of the Chronos Kingdom, the average strength will increase rapidly.

The best among them have the potential to become top combat forces.

The initiative is in your own hands.

The kingdom is not so kind as to maximize its benefits as much as possible.

"In a sense, this is also a new curse."

Di Xiu looked at this matter completely from the perspective of the kingdom and the family.

There is no such thing as a free lunch for them.

On the side, the expressions of Jörmungandr, Kaz and Zorro did not change at all.

The interests of the kingdom and the family are absolute.

The Tartarus family holds the supreme status in the Kingdom of Chronos, and Hades is the supreme god of the entire kingdom!

After Hades took over, the entire kingdom developed at a faster pace, and almost everyone benefited from it.

The control over the kingdom has reached its peak.

Being able to control such a powerful force is like controlling an elite force hidden in the dark. Why not do it?

"Is this all you ask? Then let a new curse befall us! We are willing to pledge allegiance to the royal family and to the great savior, forever and ever!"

The patriarch of the Grum clan said excitedly.

This request is nothing to them?

They yearn for freedom, want to live under the sun, and want to survive on the vast ocean.

Thousands of years ago, the first ancestors left behind descriptions of the sea. That kind of life was what everyone in the Grumm clan longed for.

This is their hope to survive, work hard and fight.

They have been craving it for too long.

I am almost numb to the life on Night Island.

They know that there is a wider world outside, but they can't see any hope at all.

Many times they have organized people to leave the island.

But they all died in the sea, and even leaving was difficult to achieve.

The harsh environment around Night Island is like an insurmountable chasm.

The strong belief, the indomitable character, and the hard work and perseverance for thousands of years are completely integrated into their blood.

Therefore, their genes have been continuously optimized over a long period of time, becoming stronger and becoming the powerful race they are today.

They have fighting genes, strong physique and vitality, excellent hearing, and owl-like eyes.

They were born in darkness, conquered darkness, and were like the kings of darkness.

Isn't it right to be loyal to the existence that saved them?

What Di Xiu asked for was exactly what they were supposed to do.

They are willing to accept even more stringent conditions.

"Now that it's confirmed, let's get started."

Seeing this, Di Xiu began to use his abilities, and he was still very much looking forward to it in his heart.

After all, this is the strongest curse he has ever seen, and developing the cursed fruit to its true extreme will also be his goal.

I don’t know how much it will cost.

After all, a curse that is too powerful cannot be created for no reason.

Simple physical exhaustion, reduced lifespan, or direct sacrifice.

Over the years, the Kingdom of Chronos has also been helping Dishu collect those cursed things.

Related information.

There was once a man who was cursed and gained the power of immortality.

No matter what method he uses, he will not die.

In the end, the body was chopped into countless pieces, stored in a sealed box, and sunk into the sea.

When it was found many years later, it had turned into bones.

Immortality does not mean eternal life, life will continue to pass.

There are very few related legends on the sea over the years.

In the end, he only collected two "cursed gold coins", also known as Aztec gold coins.

The specific origin is no longer known, but it carries countless legends, making people desire it, fear it, and be terrified.

The Aztec gold coins are stained with countless blood and can bring disaster, but they can also bring luck.

Countless people benefited from it, but the final results were not good.

After obtaining the Aztec gold coins, Di Xiu soon learned the secret of the curse contained therein.

It will bring good luck to the owner.

The price to pay is to absorb the luck of everyone around you, which brings disaster upon yourself.

There are a total of eighty-eight such gold coins.

Due to their large number, they have caused countless storms over the years, and the legends about them could even write an entire story collection.

Because of the value contained in it, it is collected by many people.

At the Sigli Island auction five years ago, an Aztec gold coin appeared and was auctioned for a high price of 34 million berries.

Such a curse has greatly helped Di Xiu in developing his abilities.

An unsettling, grayish aura spread from Di Xiu's body.

Instinctively, all members of the Grum clan seemed to feel that there was some special power in their bodies, as if they were inspired and emerged uncontrollably.

On everyone's body, between their eyebrows, a mark like a blood-red sun appeared.

They felt it, this was the curse hidden within them.

It is exactly the same as the power of the curse on Di Xiu.

Di Xiu stretched out his hand, and the power of the curse flowed along his arm and spread to all members of the Grum clan, connecting with the curse in their bodies.

Now, Di Xiu can control the curses on them and can easily wipe them out.

But Di Xiu wouldn't do that.

If the curse is erased, Di Xiu will not be able to inflict a curse of the same intensity on them again.

Because he doesn't have the ability now.

So what he had to do was to tamper with the curse, using the power left behind by the previous user of the cursed fruit, and using it as a basis to change the curse into what he wanted.

In this way, you can just use the power of the fruit without paying any price.

The only medium needed is in himself.

A drop of blood belonging to the Tartarus family flowed into the bodies of all the Grum clan along the power of Dixiu's curse and merged into the changed curse.

Visible to the naked eye, the blood-red sun mark between the eyebrows of the Grum clan members was gradually changing.

It formed nine intertwined purple dragon marks.

At the same time, the position of the mark changed, moving from the center of the eyebrows to the chest, or in other words, to the heart, and also manifested externally.

The difference is that this mark will not disappear, but will subtly change their thoughts, which is equivalent to a natural stamp of thought.

Di Xiu has actually considered everything that can be considered.

This kind of curse is actually far less severe than the curse of death due to exposure to sunlight.

One involves the sun, and one involves only the Tartarus family.

The gap is obvious.

So, using the extra power of the curse, Di Xiu also added some things.

It can reduce some of the pain sensations, add a certain temperament, and be able to controllably reduce the sense of existence.

Of course, Di Xiu can control their life and death, but there is no need.

This was also influenced by Hades, who generally would not take overly extreme methods.

I prefer to gain the trust of others in a subtle way, using a kind of boiling frog approach.

Some overly tough stances are actually unnecessary.

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