Pirate: Hades!

Chapter 764 Headquarters Response

Navy Headquarters.

To learn from the painful lesson of twenty years ago.

In order to guard against people with special abilities like "Golden Lion" Shiki who can easily cross natural barriers.

Not only communications have been improved for the "Den Den Mushi Jammer".

In order to get the news as soon as possible, special alarms were set up in the Marshal's Office and the Chief of Staff's Office.

Once it sounds, it means that something has happened in Impel Down.

General Zhan Guo and staff officer He reacted immediately.

At the same time, the news spread quickly among the top naval officials.

In the dark night, lights were turned on in every room. In less than a minute, they had put on their military uniforms, put on their cloaks, and walked out of their homes.

I met other colleagues along the way, but I didn't say anything.

They didn't know what was going on, but it was definitely a big deal.

Even though they may not be able to intervene in this matter, they still need to wait.

At the port, Admiral Sengoku, Lieutenant General Garp, and many other high-ranking officials including Chief of Staff Tsuru have already set off.

Leaving Zefa to guard the Marine Headquarters.

The entire naval headquarters was on strict alert, ready for war at any time.

Prevent someone from taking advantage of this gap in combat power to launch a sudden attack.

"Have you contacted Impel Down?"

Zhan Guo looked at the dark sea in the distance, his hands tightly grasping the railing, which sank under his terrifying strength.

It can be seen that he was not calm at this moment.

If something happens in Push City and the worst outcome really happens, I don’t know how many vicious criminals will be released.

I don’t know how serious the consequences will be.

It can be said that many of the efforts made by the Navy over the years have come to nothing.

Especially some horrific criminals, those who will be erased from history, it is hard to tell how much it costs just to catch them.

"Contacted, no response."

"It's obvious that this is an invasion by foreign enemies. They used a Den Den Mushi jammer, and the jailer inside was knocked unconscious by the powerful Overlord Color Shock, or was killed in secret."

"It can't be an internal problem."

He on the side shook his head and said that no one had the ability to push into the city.

"Who could it be? That Shiqi guy?"

"Most likely."

He nodded and said that this situation was very similar to the accident that happened almost twenty years ago, almost exactly the same.

The difference is that this time they got the news at the first time, while that time, they didn’t find out until everything was settled.

They still have a chance.

Originally, she planned to go to the North Sea again to continue suppressing the power of the Don Quixote family. In a short period of time, the Don Quixote family developed again and regained many of the channels they had lost.

And this time it is more secretive, more difficult, and more cunning.

But I didn't expect such an accident to happen.

"This is troublesome."

Zhan Guo took a deep breath, his thoughts were extremely complicated.

Who knows what the city will look like when they arrive.

Soon, Zhan Guo's gaze became firm again.

Look at Cap.

Noticing Sengoku's gaze, as a comrade-in-arms for many years, Garp understood what he meant, loosened his collar, and threw the cloak of justice aside, which was caught by an adjutant.

"give it to me."

Garp said seriously, striding forward.

"Well, we'll be there soon, be careful."

After all, he might be facing the guy called "Golden Lion" Shiqi, or even not just him.

It would be very dangerous to rely on Garp alone.

However, Sengoku has confidence in Garp's strength. It is not a problem for him to arrive at Impel Down in advance, disrupt the actions of the Flying Pirates, and hold out until they arrive.

Then, Garp's figure flashed, accompanied by sonic booms, and Garp quickly rushed towards the direction of Impel Down.

The speed of the warship was not slow to begin with. If it was moving at full speed, it could reach Impel Down within 40 minutes.

And how much faster can Garp's Moon Step be?

For several minutes, Sengoku and the others could still see Garp.

It disappeared after a long time.

For the Warring States period, it was still too slow.

Time is tight.

It's not that Garp is slow, it's that the warship is too slow.

In his opinion, the speed of the warship's power system needs to be further improved.

"It seems that the military needs to be equipped with some motorboats and sea motorcycles."

This time, Zhan Guo discovered a small problem with the navy.

“There is a real need to respond to emergencies.”

Crane nodded, agreeing with Sengoku's suggestion.

As the acting marshal, this was just a matter of words for Zhan Guo.

Compared with warships, motorboats and jet skis are lighter, have greater maneuverability, and are much faster than warships.

Not suitable for large operations though.

A support operation like today's with a small number of high-end combat forces is just right.

Able to reach Impel Down faster.

Although the navy's military expenditure has increased a lot today and there are many places to spend money, it does not mean that they can squander it recklessly.

Besides, military expenditures are not paid out all at once.

If you spend too quickly, you will need to apply to the world government's financial department and check the approximate bills to avoid embezzlement.

Many times, larger cases of corruption within the navy are discovered by the World Government.

There is only so much gold in the sky, so the Warring States period still needs to be calculated carefully.

If you need to equip yourself with equipment such as sea motorcycles, you must purchase them on a large scale, and they must be of the best quality.

Only the top-level performance sea motorcycles or motorboats have speeds that exceed those of warships.

They are from Put Island.

From the Kingdom of Chronos.

Although it is expensive, it has a clear advantage in speed and can play a huge role whether in chasing enemies or escaping.

Especially for those pirates, when faced with powerful enemies or navy that they cannot cope with, it is common for them to abandon their pirate ships and escape on motorboats or sea motorcycles.

For those pirates, their own lives are the most precious.

If the navy wants to purchase, it can only buy from Put Island.

And tens or even hundreds of billions of Baileys will be spent at one time.

If it is a standard configuration for a warship, one warship will have several motorboats or sea motorcycles.

Then the cost of building a warship will be greatly increased.

In the past, navy warships had advantages in firepower and speed over pirate ships, but now such advantages have been greatly reduced.

Even some pirate ships that focus on speed have speeds that are no less than those of naval battleships, or even faster.

It caused a lot of trouble for the navy.

Originally, Zhan Guo wanted to endure for a while, but now it seems that he needs to buy it in advance.

Thinking about getting money from the World Government gave Zhan Guo a headache. It was not an easy task.

It is worth mentioning that the spokesperson for Sea Motorcycle is none other than the rising star swordsman “Hawkeye” Mihawk, who became famous for bloody battles and kendo tournaments.

Top-of-the-line jet skis and motorboats are very expensive, and even have controllable folding glass covers on the surface to keep out the rain.

It has a powerful balancing mechanism that allows it to maintain balance even in a storm.

It's okay to sleep in it.

It even has an automatic navigation function. As long as the direction is set, it can navigate automatically, and even if the direction deviates, it can automatically adjust back.

An even more amazing effect is the map function, which has a relatively complete map of the ocean.

This is a technological advance of epic proportions that could revolutionize the ocean.

It prevents you from getting lost on the vast ocean, and you can still sail on the sea even without the eternal compass.

To a certain extent, it replaces the function of the eternal pointer.

Of course, some dangerous sea areas with more violent magnetic fields can only rely on special eternal pointers to indicate the direction.

Ships equipped with navigation devices can also deliberately avoid undetectable dangerous areas.

It is equivalent to avoiding some bad weather and, to a certain extent, has a predictive effect.

It's like having your own navigator.

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