Pirate: I, the Celestial Dragon, develop the three-body technology

Chapter 169

It only took about three minutes for the submarine loaded with the warp engine to reach its destination, and the five old stars had already arrived in the West Sea!

And on the time of return, the five elders also proposed not to draw a route for manual driving.

Physical exertion increased, and a lot of strong naval soldiers were rotated, and after returning to Crescent Bay at the headquarters of the navy, the mood of the five old stars was indescribable.

"Lynn really invented an unprecedented artifact!"

"At such a pace... If it is beyond the reach of manpower, chasing those pirates and rebellious people in the future, isn't it hand-to-hand? The

five old men couldn't help but feel that Lynn was too outrageous between conversations.

Such a demon scientific and technological talent contains the energy of the hearts of high-ranking people, but fortunately they have the existence of Lord Im, otherwise there is really no confidence to restrain a genius like Lynn.

Sengoku, Granny Tsuru, Karp, and the two generals followed behind the five old stars, looking at each other without answering.

Because the tone of the fifth elder is not quite right, admire Lynn's talent? Shocked by technology, it seems to be a little more fearful.

The five old stars did not show much in front of the navy, and then praised the power of the submarine, and walked to the fortress while talking.

After everyone returned to the top floor where the marshal was, it happened that the phone of the Sengoku Office also rang.

The five old stars were present, and the Warring States did not have any taboos, so they simply picked up, and the voice of the red dog Sakaski came from the side of the phone worm, and said: "Figaran Saint has a new invention!"

"Dehydration technology allows individuals to enter a dehydrated state, and the defense is greatly enhanced!"

The direct words suddenly made everyone in the office a little unresponsive, and after digesting it, the Warring States were a little heartbeating.

"Boost your defenses? What did you see in the field?

"After Moonlight Moria took the dehydration pill, even my full blow could only be slightly traumatized, it was a life-saving pill that used human body water to convert its own defense, and after greatly enhancing the defense, the disadvantage was that it could not move, and the effect lasted for fifteen minutes!"

The red dog reported everything he saw and heard truthfully, everything was detailed, and his tone was a little excited on the day when the war with the white-bearded pirate group was about to come.

War artifacts!

The five old stars were also listening to the report of the red dog, and immediately looked at each other with some shock.

Lynn, it is inevitably too outrageous, he has actually developed this technology again, and he knows how much advantage the application will bring in the war.

Greatly improve defense! People like Moriah can block the full blow of the red dog after taking it!? In this way, if there are enough pills, wouldn't it mean that all the combatants and generals, including the grassroots combatants, have a chance to save their lives!

For morale, for war, its significance is completely imaginable.

"Figa Lan Saint, agreed to trade?"

The wisdom of the Warring States could certainly hear the excitement in the tone of the red dog, and asked decisively in the next sentence.

"Yes, Figaland San promised to trade the price of 1 million Bailey with the navy and the world government!"

The red dog did this beautifully.

The eyes of the five old stars flashed with appreciation, and they also said decisively: "Deal!" "

One million? Is it expensive? It is indeed a bit expensive to use on small soldiers, but it is different when used on large battlefields.

In addition, tens of billions of transactions at every turn, just a few simple ones can not satisfy the appetite of the navy and the world government.

"Let him come with 10,000 first."

The five old stars immediately set the number, and gave full power to the Warring States to control the overall situation.

On the other end of the phone worm, the red dog also reported the first order for dehydration pills to Lynn.

Of course, Lynn has nothing to hesitate, for himself this is a pure profit, the materials are more sufficient, the automated intelligent line will continue to produce 24 hours a day, and there is no need to worry about it.

As a result, trading with Lynn produced the first fastest transaction record.

The order in the afternoon, the next day the submarine through the warp engine will be sent to the headquarters of the Navy 1000!

The Sengoku, who received the news early, summoned the rear admirals and vice admirals who were about to enter the battle at the headquarters of the Navy.

Because it is a tenth of the deliveries, a thousand is not enough for the distribution below the rank of colonel, simply to summon officers of the rank of general.

Major generals plus lieutenant generals, this is also a few hundred people.

Daubauman, Ghost Spider, Stoloberg, Burning Mountain, Squirrel, Bastyu, Dalmesia and other vice admirals, a large group of rear admirals all gathered in the military exercise field inside the fortress.

Leading in front are the Marshal of the Warring States, the Chief of Staff Granny Tsuru, the hero Kapu, the Peach Rabbit Gion, and the tea porpoise plus meter.

Sengoku took out the dehydration pill in the pill bottle, and handed it over to Peach Rabbit to be the first to try the defensive enhancement effect brought by the dehydration technique, and instructed: "After eating it into the state, you will not be able to move, and it will last for fifteen minutes, during which the defense power will increase greatly, and it will let everyone attack, don't worry too much." It is... Probably it will look compared... Ugly. "

Considering that Peach Rabbit is a beautiful woman, Sengoku also reminds me.

How can Peach Rabbit have so many concerns? After hearing that Lynn's new technology was to be tested, he was already eager to try it.

"It's okay, Sengoku-san."

Taking the pill, Peach Rabbit Gion swallowed it directly, chewing without chewing.

And the time of the effect also surprised Warring States, Karp and others.

Peach Rabbit just took it, is it a second or two?

I saw that the plump body of the peach rabbit began to become wrinkled, and the exposed parts could be seen shrinking, until it seemed to be sucked dry by someone, and the body shape also changed, like a human skin!

"Wow... I can't believe it! The

tea dolphin exaggeratedly called, and some peach rabbits who could not bear to look at the state of human skin.

The same is true of others, and it does seem strange to become in this state.

Sengoku pressed his hands and asked Peach Rabbit, "How do you feel?"

"It's a strange feeling, but it doesn't feel much... It's just that I can't move, as if I'm being immobilized! There

was nothing abnormal in Peach Rabbit's voice, and she was not as frightened and speechless as Moria.

But it is true that in the state of dehydration, she seems to only exist consciously, don't move, even her body can hardly feel it, unless it is a blow that really hurts the body,

"Then let's start... Shoot! Sengoku

nodded and signaled the major generals behind to use guns first!

Without domineering, the body of an average person cannot withstand the shooting of bullets.

Not to mention the peach rabbit in this state, but as a result, a round of shooting was fired from the hands of the major generals.

The bullet hit Peach Rabbit's body and made a clanging sound! No damages!


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