Pirate_ My clones are all over the world!

Chapter 106

“Giorno, you are in the middle, ready to support others.”

In addition to being able to give life to any inanimate object by hitting or touching it with his fists, Giorno’s golden experience will turn the object given life into an organic object, and the type of object can be determined by Giorno himself.

“You are our trump card. If the enemy rushes in front of us, let Fuge release poison on a large scale.”

Giorno’s beings born in a specific harsh environment may become resistant to that environment.

Giorno once used his ability to turn a stone “immersed in the Purple Smoke Virus” into a snake “immune to the Purple Smoke Virus”, and used his serum to treat himself infected by the virus after fighting Iluso.


This also incidentally arranged for Fugo to use the killing germs in the six capsules in his hands to attack, and the germs were scattered in the air.

It can be inhaled through breathing or penetrated into the body through the skin, and rapidly reproduces in the body. All metabolic functions in the body are affected, and decay begins in the body. Within 30 seconds, the opponent can immediately become ill and die.

Fuge’s Purple Smoke is the last resort to die together, but the antivenom must be prepared first.

Bucciarati and Apaki analyzed the situation with him.

“The other ones are the members of the escort team, but now the boss doesn’t know that we have completely mastered his information, so the possibility of the escort team coming is not high, but it cannot be completely ignored.”

Rogge and Bucciarati took everyone to an abandoned square in Naples.

“By the way, in addition to the assassination team, the organization should have other substitute messengers.” Rogge asked.

“I remember that the organization also has an information team. They may also be stand-in messengers.” Bucciarati said after being reminded.

“Information Team.”

Rogge thought of when Polnareff tracked down Diavolo’s whereabouts in 1990, relying on the organization’s blockade of external communications and the ability of his stand-in “Crimson King” to easily seriously injure him.

“Soldiers will block it, water will cover it.” The reason why Rogge did not use divine sanctions to eliminate all opponents was because he wanted to try to evolve his stand in danger.

But if he encounters real danger, he won’t be stupid enough to not use those moves.

“Everyone takes turns to rest. It will be a tough battle next.” Bucciarati still has a lot of money on hand, and he has sufficient supplies this time.

There are several incubators around them with ice cubes inside, specially designed to restrain Zhuang Lie Chengren.

“Are you there so blatantly?” Gaqiu held a telescope and saw the few people in the center of the square.

“Perhaps they are already prepared.” Lisune did not act rashly.

If the stand-in’s range is C, it’s almost five meters away, and when it reaches B, it’s even longer. Zhuangzhi Chengren’s range is B, and it can even affect a train.

When the range reaches A, they are basically remote automatic avatars that can be controlled without being within sight.

“Bucciarati, someone is coming.”

Naranga’s aerial blacksmith senses distant breathing, and the carbon dioxide produced by living things emits heat.

“Prepare to fight.” Rogge ordered.

The Stand of the Little-Footed Formaggio is able to continuously shrink the target that is scratched by the knife of his index finger. Once the object has been exerted the ability, no matter where it escapes, it will be infinitely shrunk. If the ability is removed, it will instantly return to its original size. Additionally, you can freely shrink yourself instantly.

“Slow down, I don’t think Bugala can wait for us there so easily.” Holmaggio was resourceful, intuitive, and insightful.

“It’s enough to bring me within range.” Prosit was also shrunk by the little feet.

They did not deal with Bucciarati on foot, but instead used the substitute abilities of Gerrard and Sorbey.

Gerald’s stand-in is called Driving Tool, and it can transform into three types of vehicles.

Cars, boats and small planes.

Sorby’s stand-in ability is precision assembly, and he can turn anything into clothes, and the color of the clothes will still be the original color.

Sorbet wrapped the two of them in a layer of clothing with the things around them, so as to better hide them.

The combined abilities of these four stand-ins make it easy to assassinate others.

Apply the debuff first, and then let your teammates finish.

“The distance is almost there.” Prosciut assessed the distance.

Captain Li Sunet and others are next to Gacho. Gacho’s stand-in White Album appears as an outer armor formed by condensing air, which can block bullets.

There are ice skates under the feet for fast skating. The avatar can change the surrounding

The temperature drops rapidly, or frozen objects are restored.

Zhuanglie Chengren can cause the surrounding creatures to age quickly after activating its ability. Its weakness is that the aging rate of objects with low body temperature will be slower.

The captain and others were less worried about being influenced by Zhuang Liecheng when they stayed next to Kaqiu.

“Two mouse-sized creatures are in the sky!” Naranja pointed to the sky.

“It’s little feet, and it’s heroic and benevolent.”

In order to prevent the arrival of Zhuangzhi Chengren from being discovered, Apaki did not take ice cubes.

“Heaven, is there a new substitute ability?” Rogge distributed the ice cubes to everyone, resisting the influence of Zhuang Lie Chengren.

“How do they know the weakness of my substitute?” Prosit was very confused.

“They probably have mastered the ability of our stand-in.” Formaggio felt something was wrong.

“Go back first and discuss it with the captain.” The two decided to retreat first.

As Zhuang Lie Chengren aged and failed, they lost the opportunity to weaken the place immediately.

“Bola Bora Bora!” Naranga controlled the Aviation Smith to shoot at the heat dissipation point.

“Iluso, bring them here.” Risut ordered.

Iluso’s stand-in Mirror Man can create a “mirror world” and enter and exit it using the mirror as an entrance and exit. It is also possible to move to other places in the mirror world and come out again.

Only those “approved” by Iluso can enter the mirror world. For people who have the ability to stand in, generally only the main body is allowed to enter, so stand ins that do not have permission will remain outside the mirror.

“Okay, Captain.” Iluso was not around them. He was always in the mirror world. The scope of the mirror world was about several hundred meters.

“Let’s go, the captain asked me to take you back.” Iluso appeared next to the two of them. Formaggio and Prosciut also carried mirrors with them to prevent such unexpected situations.

“They disappeared? Huh? Where are the people?”

“It should be the man in the mirror who brought them back.”

At this time, Rogge discovered that the assassination team’s ability could be said to be very versatile. If it couldn’t be defeated, it could escape through the man in the mirror, and it could also form a situation where more people could defeat fewer people.

If they hadn’t come one by one in the original plot, Giorno and Bucciarati might not have been able to fight each other.

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