Pirate_ My clones are all over the world!

Chapter 88

“Welcome to Hogwarts.”

Professor McGonagall wears square glasses, has curly black hair tied into a high bun, and wears dark green robes.

Red and gold are the representative colors of Gryffindor, and the representative animal is the griffon.

She is a fair tutor and treats all four houses equally.

Even if the students of her own college violated school rules, she would punish them severely, even if they lost the college cup in the end, so she gained the respect of all her classmates.

All the first-year students stood in front of Professor McGonagall. This was the first Hogwarts professor they had ever met. They were all very curious.

“Okay, in a while you will pass through this door and gather with students from other grades.” Professor McGonagall was explaining to these new students what will happen next.

“But before you take your seats, I will assign you to the colleges.”

“There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hrippage, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.”

“While you are at school, the school is your home. If you perform well, you will get extra points. On the contrary, if you do something wrong, you will also get points deducted.”

“That new student.” Professor McGonagall scanned the crowd, and Roger stood out.

He is young, almost 1.7 meters tall, and his strong muscles cannot be hidden under the wizard’s robe. He is an eleven-year-old freshman.

After being reminded by Professor McGonagall, Rogge retracted his eagerness to try.

Roger was thinking of the Room of Requirement, which, when it appeared, was always arranged to suit the needs of those seeking help.

This room is located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle opposite the tapestry where the troll beats Barnabas the fool. When the user concentrates on thinking about the desired location and walks through that section of wall three times, a very smooth door will appear on the wall and can enter the Room of Requirement.

Roger’s height was too obvious among a group of eleven-year-old students, so he was reminded by Professor McGonagall.

“Oh? Did you call me?” Rogge pretended not to know anything.

“At the end of the year, the college with the higher score will be able to win the College Cup.” Professor McGonagall did not blame Rogge. It was normal for freshmen to be curious. Rogge looked at him and continued to explain.

“In a little while, the sorting ceremony will begin.” Professor McGonagall turned around and left after explaining the rest of the itinerary.

“Roger, which college do you want to go to?” Harry asked him quietly.

“Azkaban.” Rogge said an unknown place.

“What is that place?” Harry asked.

“It seems they are right, Harry Potter has arrived at Hogwarts.” The blond Malfoy caught sight of Harry in the crowd, which made all the freshmen look at Harry.

“Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.” Malfoy walked up to Harry and held out his hand.

Harry belongs to an orthodox wizarding family and is also a pure-blood wizard. Harry’s godfather Sirius and Malfoy’s mother are cousins. Calculated this way, Harry and Malfoy are also unrelated relatives.

“You will soon find that some wizard families are superior to others.” When Malfoy said this, he also belittled Ron’s Weasley family next to him.

“Hey, there is such an awesome person among the freshmen.” Roger shook hands with Malfoy on Harry’s behalf.

It hurts!

Who the hell is this guy? Do I know you?

Malfoy looked confused. The tingling sensation in his hands was not deceiving. This guy could cast spells without a wand.

This was the possibility that Malfoy thought of, and then he thought that it was impossible. There had never been such an awesome person in the history of magic. It must be the talent he had when he was born.

Just like Harry Potter was born with the ability to talk to snakes, other wizards also have some unique talents.

Then, Malfoy’s face began to become a little distorted, the electric current increased, and his hands became numb.

“Are you two going to shake hands here until the welcome ceremony is over?” Professor McGonagall stood in front of Malfoy at some point.

“I’m sorry, teacher, we just want to get acquainted.” Rogge admitted his mistake very smoothly.

“Everything is ready. Come with me.” Professor McGonagall ignored the minor misunderstandings between the freshmen.

Roger led Harry and Ron to the front. After shaking hands just now, it seemed to the other freshmen that Malfoy had given in.

Malfoy and his followers who followed him hated Rogge and had no choice.

As one of the most prestigious pure-blood families, the Malfoy family has a very firm concept of pure-blood theory; influenced by the family’s concept, Draco despises Muggles and wizards of Muggle origin.

This concept that he had developed since childhood led him to never look for reasons in himself when facing Rogge, a Muggle-born wizard.

within it

It is better to blame others than to consume yourself. This is in line with Malfoy’s psychology.

“Thank you, Rogge.” Harry thanked Rogge for rescuing him. If Rogge had come over just now, Harry would have directly refuted Malfoy.

“It doesn’t matter, we don’t like his aggressive tone anyway, right?” Rogge responded.

“You’re right.” Ron followed closely behind Rogge.

The auditorium was already full of students from other colleges. There were four long tables, with some empty seats at the ends of the tables reserved for today’s freshmen. All the freshmen were brought to a broken hat by Professor McGonagall.

“Please wait here, Professor Dumbledore wants to say a few words to everyone.”

“I’ll just say a few words.” Dumbledore stood up.

“First, our school strictly prohibits any students from entering the Dark Forest. It is a restricted area.”

“The corridor on the right side of the third floor is also a forbidden area, as our administrator Mr. Filch reminds us.”

“Thank you.” Dumbledore finished.

Thanks to Professor Dumbledore for providing the freshman guide. In this wave, Dumbledore introduced all the must-see attractions for freshmen in Hogwarts, including 5A-level scenic spots.

I had to take the time to see what was lying on the ground there.

“Students whose names are reported, please come forward.” Professor McGonagall took out the list of freshmen.

“I’ll put the sorting hat on your head, and you’ll know which house you want to go to.”

“Hermione Granger.”

How is the list of freshmen ranked? Roger was very curious, grades or birth time? It can’t be the ranking of surnames.

“I’m telling you, there’s definitely something wrong with her brain.” Ron thought of the guy who sat next to him on the train and started reading a book.

“This hat looks really ugly.” Roger focused his attention on the Sorting Hat, and his voice was heard by the Sorting Hat.

“Okay, that’s right.” The Sorting Hat looked constipated.


The Gryffindor students suddenly burst into applause.

“Next, Roger.”

Professor McGonagall put the sorting hat on Roger’s head.

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