Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 133 - I can not accept

Royal Palace of Alabastan.

Somewhere in the room.

“The guy in Klockdal … was the purpose to take this country ?!”

Cobra’s face changed, and a hint of anger gradually appeared, saying: “In order to seize the country, he did not hesitate to plan a year of drought in Alabstan and incite riots …”

“The key is how to deal with it now.”

Wei Wei bit her lip and said, “Krokdal’s current hero image has been established, but what we want to expose is not difficult, but after the debunking, perhaps it is Krokdal’s revenge.”

Both Weiwei and Cobra are very aware of the terrible situation of the King Wuqihai.

Not to mention the Baroque working society, it is only Klockdal alone, it is not something that Arababastan can resist, and the other party can even use force to seize the country!

The current series of actions of the other party is to arrange a reasonable and complete event to confuse the world government and obtain the support of the world government.

But once exposed.

If Klockdal chose to use force to solve the problem, killing both her and Cobra, and violently defeating the army here … the world government may finally compromise!

She can imagine that after that kind of thing happened, instead of depriving Klockdal of the Seven Wuhai titles, the world government helped Klockdal conceal the scandal of Alabstan and let Klockdal ascend to the throne!

Weiwei gradually looked at Ron aside.

They can’t defeat Klockdal alone. If they want to break Klockdal’s conspiracy and defeat Klockdal, they can only rely on the Navy.

“Krokdal …”

Ron shook his head and said, “Although the King’s Seventh Martial System has to some extent contained the situation where the pirates are rampant, allowing the parties in the sea to reach a certain balance, but they are pirates after all. Bad behavior itself destroys the peace of the sea. “

Speaking of which, Ron took out a phone bug and dialed the phone.

“Hey, I am the Warring States.”

On the other side of the phone bug came the voice of the navy marshal Sengoku.

Ron briefly stated about Princess Vivi in ​​Alabstan, and found that Klockdal intended to seize the conspiracy of the country, saying: “… This kind of bad behavior is unforgivable! Please approve the immediate arrest of the seven kings of the sea, Klockdal. “

“Can the information be confirmed?”

“Can confirm.”

Ron responded quietly.

The Warring States listened to Ron’s report and fell silent.

After a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: “Lieutenant General Ron, please don’t act rashly for now, I need to report this to the government.”

With that said, Sengoku hung up the phone bug.

Ron put down the phone bug and smiled at Wei Wei and Cobra, saying: “It has been reported to the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and it should have a result soon, as long as the government removes the title of Krokdal’s Seven Wuhai, I can Led the navy to arrest him. “

“It’s more reassuring to have Ron with you.”

Cobra relaxed, and smiled at Ron.

Although they can report to the government here, after all, there is no evidence in their hands. At that time, Klockdal may even lie with the government, and he knows whether it can be solved.

With Lieutenant General Ron here, the weight of the discourse is different, and at the same time it has the views of the Arab monarchy and the senior officers of the naval branch.

After a moment.

The Warring States call came back.

“Lieutenant General Ron, are you in Alabstan now?”


Ron nodded.

Sengoku Shen said: “You don’t have to ask about this matter, go back to the G7 branch, this matter is handled by the world government.”

“The government takes over … what do you mean?”

Ron frowned, saying: “If you want to arrest Klockdal, you can use the power of the navy. I can also arrest him.”

“The government rejected the proposal to arrest Klockdal.”


Ron stood up suddenly, unacceptable: “Conspiracy to capture the Kingdom of Alabstan, maliciously creating riots and chaos, why not arrest him ?!”

The Warring States Shen Shen said: “Lieutenant General Ron, Klockdal is the Seven Martial Seas.”

Hearing the words of the Warring States, Ron said angrily: “Then let Klockdal continue to seize the Kingdom of Alabstan and ignore it!”

“Do not.”

The Warring States Shen Sheng said: “The government has taken over this matter and will let Klockdal leave Alabstan.”

“that’s it?”

Ron couldn’t accept the general saying: “Will all the evil acts he committed in Alabastan be ignored ?! Even if such a dangerous person leaves Alabastan, he will continue to cause bad destruction. Let it go! “

The Warring States heard Ron’s tone a little excited, and could not help but increase his tone.

“The king of the seven martial seas, the navy and the four emperors are the three major forces in this sea that are balanced. It is extremely important … You killed Moria before, and it has caused a certain impact. Seven Qiwuhai. “

“This is the government’s intention and order. Leave Alabstan immediately and stop interfering with anything about Klockdal.”

In the words of the Warring States, Cobra’s face beside him was ugly, and there was a little angry expression in his expression. Wei Wei also clenched her fist.

The government and the navy have such an attitude!

Was Krocdal’s evil deeds committed in Alabstan ignored? !

Can not accept!

When I think of the situation this country has encountered in this year, Cobra and Vivi are a little unacceptable, how can I make Klockdal impunity!

“Sengoku, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. Does this mean the government ?!”

Cobra grabbed the phone bug and spoke to the other side of the Warring States Shen Shen.

The Warring States froze a little, and said, “Are you?”

Cobra said in a deep voice: “I am Cobra, the king of Alabastan.”


The Warring States did not expect Cobra to be a little ugly next to Ron. After a few seconds of silence, he said: “His Royal Highness, we are deeply sympathetic to the experience of Alabstan. Have you dealt with many pirates that invaded the territory? “

“The use of pirates to rectify pirates is a decision discussed by the world government, and it is indeed effective … the government will also give you an account of this matter.”

Cobra couldn’t help coughing a few times and said angrily: “Give me an explanation? If Krokdal continues to go unpunished, how can I explain to the civilians who died in the riot?”

The Warring States was silent for a few seconds and said: “I’m sorry, this is the government’s decision … or you can also come to Mary Joia and negotiate with the government in person.”

Will it be possible to go to Mary Joa to negotiate in person?


Cobra’s eyes were filled with anger, and he leaned on the chair and coughed violently. He looked at the ceiling, and a little bleakness gradually appeared in his eyes, only to feel a deep sense of weakness.

The government ’s opinions cannot be changed, and neither the navy nor the government can face Krokdal, even if he wants to seek justice for the civilians who died in the riots.

Wei Wei also bit her lip and clenched her fist.

And at this moment, Ron spoke.

“Sorry, Marshal Sengoku, I cannot accept this decision.”

Vivi and Cobra heard Ron’s words and looked at Ron in unison.

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