Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 286 - Property crisis

In fact, Cobra’s question does not need any answer.

Anyway, with the current status and power of Ron and Albares, even if they directly control Arababastan, it will not bring much crisis to Arababastan, but it can also deter pirates from daring to invade Arababastan.

As for whether to openly leave the membership of the world government, this question actually does not need an answer. On the one hand, the Neferutari family is one of the 20 royal families that once founded the world government. They are now Dragons.

Therefore, their family has a different status from the royal family such as Dresrosa.

And there are some key points, such as Ron once saved Alabaster, and Cobra has enough confidence in Ron that he thinks Ron is the one who can change the world.

“What are you going to do in the future?”

Cobra pondered for a while and asked Ron: “It is impossible to mediate between you and the world government, so are you planning to replace the world government in the future?”

“Do not.”

Ron shook his head and said: “I have no interest in rule. The Albares Association will not participate in any politics. In the future, it will be an independent organization outside the regime and will only be responsible for the stability of the world.”

A magic guild that is independent of all kingships, has a transcendent status, and governs magicians and powerful strongmen worldwide.

And those ordinary people, those civilians, are still governed by the kings of these countries … in fact, it is a form that separates ordinary people from capable people.

“Did you think this way?”

Cobra looked at Ron in surprise, and after thinking it over, he nodded.

In fact, in this world, the Tianlong people are even the forces that override the ordinary countries. They control the world government, and they also control all the countries in the world.

Such a thing as the World Conference seems to be able to dominate the future direction of the world, but in fact, the dominance is still in the Dragons. In the hands of the five old stars, these kings can only issue their own proposals.

If it is implemented in accordance with Ron ’s vision, then the future Albarez Guild will become an organization that replaces the world government without interfering with ordinary state governance.

And this organization will be based on accepting missions, protecting various royal families, etc., and there will be no such thing as confiscating ‘celestial gold’.

Cobra cannot predict what will happen in that situation, but at least it will be better than the current situation, not to mention that Ron’s current purpose is also to defeat the other five emperors.

“If you want to establish a club, just build it here.”

“The government’s attitude follows them.”

Cobra finally made the decision.

As the king of Alabstan, he will not publicly declare that he will break away from the government and support the Albarez guild, but to be able to say such a thing, in fact, has already chosen a position.

Ron smiled and said, “Then, from now on, the heavenly gold will no longer be turned over to the world government, it is said that we are in control, which should make Alabstan a lot richer.”


Cobra snorted.

For Alabstan, if you can’t pay the sky, it will of course make the whole country a lot richer, and the poor population will be greatly reduced.

Wei Wei looked at Ron and interjected, saying: “The construction of the guild should also require money, now the government is suppressing you around the world, your situation should not be very good.”

“It’s really not very good.”

Nami rolled her eyes at Ron next to her and said, “The main income of the Hunting Reward Pirate has been cut a lot, and even some of the commissions could not be received some time ago, and the clubs are on the verge of collapse. I finally managed to save some, but I was so poor that I could n’t even afford to buy basic supplies. “

Ron glanced at Nami and said, “Don’t all the money you got from Doflamingo have been transferred in advance, even if it takes a lot of time, at least there are billions of Baileys.”

Nami drummed her cheeks angrily: “Do you think this is too much? The cost of building a club will be at least hundreds of millions of Bailey, even if all the people in the guild will help … and building the club, the magic tower Hailou Shi also needs it, and the devil fruit you want. If you do n’t enter the account, you can drink the northwest wind in a short time! “

“Um, uh … you say that, it doesn’t seem like much.”

Ron scratched his hair, but only a pile of sand.

He somewhat overlooked how big the Albarez guild is now, which is not inferior to the power of the other four emperors, and he will not go to rob those countries, nor have fixed territory, nor get from fixed countries. Fixed income.

If it does n’t break with the world government, it ’s okay. After the break with the government, it ’s a hassle to receive a reward, and it ’s also a hassle to accept the commission. After all, it is already a ‘criminal organization’.

Billions of Baileys listened a lot, but it was not much to buy some sea floor stones, and he continued to collect devil fruits. Even if a devil fruit is worse, it will cost hundreds of millions of Bailey ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Sure enough it’s the same as I thought. “

Wei Wei also showed a somewhat distressed look.

In fact, the economy of Alabstan has not improved. After all, it is a desert country, and water resources alone are a major problem restricting development.

In this part of Alabstan ’s finances, she is actually trying to help, but there has been no good improvement, and the treasury is basically always empty.

Some of the private house money she had saved was basically filled in when she was in a hurry.

“Actually, Alabastan need not worry.”

Ron thought for a while and said, “After building enough magic towers, I can set most of the magic towers as water elemental classes. There will be no shortage of water in this country.”

Previously Ron was not able to change the climate of a large country, but now Ron has mastered the magic of the water system. With the help of the magic tower, he can completely change the overall climate of a country.

“Hey? Such a thing … can it be done?”

Weiwei looked at Ron in surprise, her eyes flashing.

If the problem of water shortage in Alabastan can be solved, and if there is no need to pay heaven and earth, then the situation of this country will probably be greatly improved in a very short time.

“Well, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Ron nodded and thought again: “As for the economic problems of the guild, I already have an idea. Go and ask Tezolo to borrow some money.”

Nami heard Ron’s words and said thoughtfully: “Tezolo … Is that the world’s richest guy, said to have more than 20% of Bailey in the world.”



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