Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the Navy Goddess.

Chapter 148

Join the battlefield

Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit can ignore the body’s defense and directly damage internal organs. This actually restrains Big Mom’s “Steel Balloon”.

Of course, they are both sea emperors, and even if there is a gap in strength, the gap is limited. I can’t say who will definitely win. The result of the fight will not come out in a few days.

“It’s time for me to join the battlefield.”

Lynch looked at the three Kaidos who were fighting frantically, planning to grab the Earth Fruit first.

Although I don’t know what Kaido and the others are grabbing.

But judging from the attitudes of several people, he would also look for opportunities to get it.

“Sir-in-law, you are here, help me kill Whitebeard!”

Seeing Lin Qi coming, Auntie was like a kind-hearted mother-in-law, her old face smiling as brightly as a chrysanthemum.

Lin Qi felt a chill in his heart, thinking that the old woman is really good at pretending, and she doesn’t know who sent people to kill me in the first place.

“Here we come.” Lin Qi nodded, “Yidao Style Tianshiyue!”

He drew his sword and swung it out in one go, and a nearly 100-meter Qingyue Sword Qi flew quickly.

Wherever they passed, countless pirates were torn apart from their corpses. The ground was injured by the edge of the sword energy, and a deep ditch appeared wherever it passed.

“Well done, let me test your strength!”

Whitebeard, like Roger, is an out-and-out fighting maniac.

Seeing Lin Qi’s attack, his eyes lit up, and he forced Auntie back, then faced the attack.


He forced the aunt back in a hurry, and Whitebeard only had time to lift Congyunqie, attached the weapon color to the blade and both arms, and stopped him in front of him.

Qingyue Sword Qi slashed at Whitebeard’s Congyunqie, Whitebeard inserted his feet into the ground, but was still forced to retreat more than ten meters away.

When the energy of Qingyue Sword Qi was exhausted, Whitebeard pulled his feet out from the ground, looked at the ditch on the ground, and laughed heartily, “What a great General Lin Qi, his strength is really extraordinary.” ”

Come on, try this. Move!”

Whitebeard thrust Cong Yunqie into the ground, his body sank slightly, and the air pressure on his dantian was bent backwards like a big bow. He bent it to the extreme, and then punched out fiercely.


Every time he takes action, Whitebeard’s moves will shatter the surrounding space like a mirror.

This time it was even more extraordinary. Both the speed and power of the spread far exceeded anything seen today. The tens of thousands of tons of lake water above our heads were shaking under this force.

I’m afraid if Whitebeard had used more force, the water from the lake above would have broken through the two stone doors and poured down.

The Shock Fruit’s attack is the best among superhumans.

Because even if you block his attack with a weapon, the shock can damage your internal organs through the weapon.

Lynch also laughed and inserted the weapon in his hand into the ground, transformed into a nine-meter-tall half-animal form and spread his arms, “Let me try the attack of the strongest man in history!” In

any case, he couldn’t block the attack. Completely abandon defense. Like Kaido, their fantasy beast species have this capital.

Lin Qi watched as his body seemed to be shattered into pieces under the impact. He did not panic. This was the case for everyone who was hit by the shock fruit. In fact, the body was not broken, it was just a pure visual effect.

Through the vibration, there was almost no injury on the surface of the body, but the internal organs were greatly damaged.

Lynch felt a cramp in his abdomen and vomited out a large mouthful of blood. Almost as soon as he vomited out the blood, the injuries on his body healed.

The Shock Fruit was indeed powerful, and the aftershocks continued to damage the internal organs. It was not until five seconds later that the attack was completely resolved.

“As expected of the Zhenzhen Fruit, no, I should say worthy of the White Beard!” Lynch praised without hesitation.

It was Whitebeard who pushed the Shock Fruit into the name of the strongest superhuman system, not the Shock Fruit that made Whitebeard.

There are not many people in this world who can hurt him for more than three seconds, and Whitebeard is one of them.

He didn’t swallow so many Neptunes in vain.

“Your Excellency’s resilience is the best I’ve ever seen in my life.” Whitebeard said in surprise: “I’m afraid Kaido is not as good as you in terms of resilience.” ”

That’s ridiculous.”

Lynch was also very satisfied with his resilience.

He estimated that with his current strength, it shouldn’t be a problem to challenge any of the four emperors or generals and win.

If two people can’t, I believe that no one in this sea can dare to say that they can defeat two Yonko or generals by themselves.

Oh, by the way, except for the Bandit King.

He can defeat 56 Yonko.

“Well, my virtuous son-in-law did a great job! You are worthy of being my good son-in-law. Help me kill this white beard. I will betroth you two daughters later!” Seeing

Lin Qi’s current strength, the aunt was overjoyed. The joy was almost written on his face.

Marrying your daughter to Lynch is a great deal!

Even if his memory cannot be modified, just being an ally is still a good thing.

Auntie Hao’s shameless behavior not only caused Lin Qi, but also Baibeard to have a twitching face and feel speechless in his heart.

Who in the sea doesn’t know about the little affair between you and Lin Qi?

How did you manage to keep shouting out your son-in-law every time? Is it really uncomfortable?

Moreover, your most beautiful daughter has already been given to Lynch, so it’s still up to you whether you want the remaining ones.

Lin Qi also couldn’t stand the aunt’s behavior of not teasing Bilian.

She may seem amiable, but in fact she would be the first to kill her “son-in-law” if given the chance.

“I forgot about you, hand over the devil fruit quickly.”

Lynch’s words made the aunt dissatisfied: “What the hell are you talking about? My daughter is married to you. Not only do you not help me, but you also have to fight with you.” Mother-in-law robbed something?”

“Then I have to do it myself.” Lin Qi pulled out his heart and crossed with Long Yuan in front of him.

“Ba Tang·Two Swordsman Style·Tian Yushen!”

Lin Qi groaned, kicking his feet on the ground, and a burst of energy spurted out, wrapping his body in it like a frenzy.

Xindu’s blade also had countless shining lines, and a violent energy emanated from it.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson for eating something that’s inside and outside!

” It’s useless to play the emotional card, so I have to use force to solve the problem. Do you want her to give the soil fruit to Lin Qi? dream!

Not to mention a son-in-law who is merely politically married.

Even for her daughter or son, if she could exchange them for natural devil fruits, she would exchange them without hesitation.

“Zeus, Napoleon!”

“Come here, mom~”

the aunt called, and the two glutinous rice cakes understood each other instantly, and a thundercloud came out of her arms.

They are the product of the fusion of part of Big Mom’s soul with a thundercloud and other materials. They are equivalent to extensions of Big Mom’s arms and connected with her mind.

“Sword of Light!”

Thunder clouds wrapped around the emperor’s sword that was the incarnation of Napoleon, forming a giant magic weapon wrapped around raging thunder and lightning.

The power of the thunder and lightning above is almost as powerful as the Thunder Fruit of Enelu.

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