Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the Navy Goddess.

Chapter 169

Death of Fast

“Lynch!!!” Fast roared, scarlet blood flowing from his body, and his scarlet eyes bulged high from severe trauma.


Lynch noticed the hurricane condensed in Fast’s hand and rushed forward without evading it.


The sharp hurricane tear pierced Lynch’s body. Fast was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, “Hahahahaha, I caught you.”

“Idiot, I caught you, look. All around.”

Even though he was injured, Lynch tried to grab Fast’s body to prevent him from becoming elemental.

Anyway, for the phantom beast species, if you don’t get a headshot, it can’t be called an injury.

After hearing Lynch’s words, Fast’s eyes regained some clarity, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly came over him.

In the constant battle, the two of them had arrived at the sea from the center of the island.

“What do you want to do…you are crazy!”

“Let me go, or you will die if you fall into the sea!” Fast was shocked and struggled desperately, trying to pull his arm back.

It’s a pity that his strength can’t be compared to Lynch.

Because his arm was grabbed, Fast and Lynch fell into the sea together.

From the beginning, Lynch had an idea of how to kill Fast.

Facing a senior natural fruit ability user, it is not ordinary difficult to kill him.

In the sea, this will be a breeze.

The moment he fell into the sea, a black halo appeared behind Lynch. The black halo formed a thin film to wrap around his body, isolating him from the sea.


The two fell into the sea.

A large area of his body was exposed to sea water, and Fast, a Devil Fruit user, became limp and powerless.

After several struggles, he completely lost his ability to resist.

He became like a vegetative state, unable to control his body, and could only watch his body getting farther and farther away from the sea.

“Are you going to die…”

“Damn it! It took a lot of effort to become a noble Celestial Dragon.”

Seawater poured into his nose and poured into his stomach.

Feeling the approach of death, Fast’s pupils trembled violently, and he felt unwilling in his heart.

I really don’t know why that kid is so crazy! I would rather commit suicide than drag him to death with me.

Damn it! Damn it!


“Forget it, I should have thought that such a day would come.”

“If my descendants can become noble Celestial Dragons, my death will be considered worthwhile.”

The brain’s vision became blurred due to lack of oxygen. , Fast suddenly felt relieved, closed his eyes and waited for death.

He knew that everyone present on his side were all capable people, and it was impossible for anyone to save him. He was doomed to die here today.

The brain is severely deprived of oxygen and can no longer feel pain.

“No! Even if I die, I will see that kid die first!” Fast suddenly opened his eyes.

Holding on to the feeling of falling asleep, he raised his eyelids and searched for Lin Qi’s figure in the blue sea.

Fast’s eyes suddenly opened wide.

What did he see? That damn kid was just suspended in the sea water, and he didn’t look like he was dying at all! ?

“This kid is not afraid of the sea water!” Fast was shocked and frightened.

As a devil fruit user, but not afraid of the curse of the sea, what kind of monster is this?

“I… died unjustly.”


Lynch swam over, broke Fast’s neck, and watched the old man who had traversed the sea for half a century sink to the bottom of the sea.

This was also the first natural powerhouse he had killed.

There will be a second one, a third one in the future… The

reason why Fast is difficult to kill is because the development of Devil Fruit will not be forgotten by old age.

Masters of the natural system often end a battle without a single wound on their bodies, and dodge every attack by elementalizing in advance.

A certain actor even finished a big fight with only slightly dirty clothes.

Fast has accumulated a lifetime of fruitful experience and is as tenacious as an invincible little kid.

It can be said that it is easier to defeat Fast than Aoki Pheasant, but it may be more difficult to kill Fast than Aoki Pheasant.

“Ai Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!”

Tom Cat waved the supreme sharp knife, with an arrogant look of “I am the best in the world”, with five old stars stepping under his feet.

At this time, Saint Satan looked pitiful with too much air coming out and too little air coming in.

A news bird passed by quietly at this time and captured the scene with a camera under his neck.

Tom, who was holding the black knife with his eyebrows dancing with joy and was chopping vigorously, suddenly softened and collapsed like a deflated balloon, turning into a piece of cat cake.


Tom looked around doubtfully, then bit his thumb and blew up again like a balloon.

It seemed to feel something. It looked at the half-dead Saint Satan who was chopped off at its feet, and its tail suddenly exploded.

Unknowingly, Hawkeye’s half-hour experience card time is up, and Tom Cat’s strength returns to its original appearance.

Tom took out a knife and tried to chop it down again, but this time he failed to leave any wounds on the opponent.

Thinking that he had beaten Saint Satan a little badly just now, Tom swallowed his saliva and felt as if he was sweating in the shower.

It pulled up the cat hair in front of it like a sweater, revealing its bare body underneath.

Continuously pull the “sweater” back and forth to fan it to dissipate heat.

After losing the violent attack, Saint Satan, who was almost unconscious after being beaten, seemed to have regained some consciousness, and the injuries on his body recovered at an extremely slow speed.

To be able to beat the phantom beast known for its resilience like this shows how inhuman torture Saint Satan suffered in this short half hour.

There was no way, even Hawkeye didn’t dare to use the ultimate move easily, so Tom Cat took advantage of his infinite physical strength and squandered it casually.

If we come here for another half hour, maybe the mighty Five Old Stars and those with phantom beast abilities will really be hacked to death here.

For a moment, Saint Satan even seemed to see the queen in heaven waving to him.


Seeing that Saint Satan was about to recover, Tom Cat jumped off of Saint Satan, and his legs quickly ran ten meters away.

Halfway through the run, Tom seemed to remember something, crawled back onto Satan Sheng, and tried his best to pull out the slowly disappearing Black Blade Night.

Tom felt that he was just an ordinary house cat, and he didn’t want to be beaten if possible.

Because sometimes, it really hurts.

Just like the big dog in my hometown, it hurts terribly when it hits the cat.

“I’m still alive?”

Feeling that he had regained some strength, Saint Satan shook his dizzy head, and the six spider legs under his body worked hard at the same time to push his body up.

Although some parts of the body are still broken and bleeding, and there are numerous stab wounds, there is no fatal damage. This is the terrifying resilience of the phantom beast species.

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