Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the Navy Goddess.

Chapter 197

World Destroyer

“Leave Jinbei to me, you go deal with Lin Qi first.”

“I’ll kill Jinbei first and then I’ll help you.” Cha Dou drew out the sword from his waist and rushed out.

Akainu and Huoshaoshan attacked Lin Qi together.

Among the remaining people, the two elite lieutenants, Flying Squirrel and Ghost Spider, faced off against Owen, Perospero, and Garrett.

The lieutenant general wearing a dog head decoration, Dalmecia versus Daifuku.

For a time, the entire battlefield was divided into several small battlefields, leaving Baron Eggman alone without any enemies.

Thanks to Lynch killing Baron Eggman dozens of times before, Baron Eggman’s strength is now second only to Katakuri.

No matter which battlefield you join, it is enough to determine the victory of a battle.

“Auntie, Lynch…”

Baron Dandan hesitated for a moment between the two battlefields, but decided to help Auntie first.

“Doubling seventy times the gun!”


A sudden gunshot attracted Baron Eggman’s attention.

When he turned his head in the direction of the gunshot, his eyes suddenly widened, “Is this a fucking bullet that a gun can shoot out???”

A bullet that was even larger than a cannonball appeared in the egg. In Egg Baron’s field of vision.

And why is the speed of the bullet so fast? It must have exceeded five times the speed of sound!

“Can’t hide!”

Baron Dandan looked at the “bullet” that was less than 50 meters away from him and hurriedly raised two pairs of large wings to block it in front of him.

What he ate was obviously superhuman, but at this moment, it looked like a big rooster that had eaten a penis fruit and then transformed into a half-animal. It was also a white rooster.

Chicken head, wings, chicken feet…


A bullet larger than a cannonball hit Baron Eggman’s wings covered in armed colors. Baron Eggman only felt a terrifying force coming from the position of the wings, and his whole body Was thrown away.

“Ahem, I, am I okay?”

Baron Dandan fell to the ground and looked at his uninjured body in surprise.

Thanks to Master Lynch, Baron Eggman has never been so powerful, so powerful that even he himself has not been able to adapt.

If it were his old self, he would probably have been seriously injured after receiving this blow.

“Oh? You’re a pretty little chicken.”

A burly CP with a sun mask looked at Baron Dandan in surprise as he stepped on the moon steps. The flintlock gun in his hand was flashing white. cigarette.

Baron Eggman frowned and stared at the figure in the air. Through the moves used by the man, he felt that there was a sense of déjà vu.

“Multiple…Multiple…Multiple fruits!” Baron Eggman finally remembered the man’s identity.

“Are you World Destroyer Walder?”

“Hahahahahaha, I didn’t expect that after so many years, someone would still remember me.”

Seeing that his identity was recognized, Walder threw away the sun mask on his face , revealing the face of a rugged man.

“It’s you! It’s really you!” Baron Eggman’s pupils shrank suddenly and he said in shock: “I never thought that a majestic destroyer of the world would one day be willing to become a lackey of the world government.” ”

And you are not the same as Whitebeard . Why are you still so young for a figure of the era?!”

“You think I think that? They really gave me too much.”

Wald blew out two wisps of hot air from his rough nose.

The World Government takes Walder’s most beloved brother as a hostage and cures his brother’s disease in exchange for Walder’s life.

In fact, there are many people like Wald in the world government.

Why does the world government want to build a deep sea prison?

To slow down the speed of devil fruit rebirth is just one of the reasons.

If it was just to slow down the rebirth of Devil Fruits, why not kill and imprison those big pirates who were heinous and had not eaten Devil Fruits?

The most important reason is that the world government wants to select powerful lackeys.

As long as you are willing to serve the World Government, no matter how serious the crime you have committed before, you can be exempted from all punishment and become a glorious Cp member.

Of course, this is only for strong men like Walder.

People like that who had neither fruit nor strength were either treated as the playthings of the Celestial Dragons, or were used as laborers and died of exhaustion in the deep sea prison.

As for why Walder looks middle-aged now, it’s because he has been frozen for more than 20 years! Naturally he would not tell others this.

“Hmph, you are still a senior pirate. You have ruined your reputation as a world destroyer. You must die!”

Baron Dandan suddenly stepped on the ground and shot up into the sky like a cannonball, coming to meet Val. The same height.

“Benedi legs!”

He centered on his upper body and quickly rotated his legs.

Baron Eggman, like Smoothie, belongs to the long-legged tribe. His legs are twice as long as a normal person, so he has a natural advantage in using kicking skills.

“The brats of today’s post-era are so arrogant, Momo.”

“Doubling it, cutting it a hundred times!”

Walder pulled out the hand ax from his waist, and the one-meter-long hand ax instantly became a hundred meters in size in his hand. .

The giant ax broke through the howling wind and fell with great force. The air burned with flames under the friction of the giant axe, making an ear-splitting roar.

“Pfft~” Baron Dandan was cut in half from the middle of his body.

The normal person is dead, but his skin breaks like an eggshell, and the yolk falls out of it, forming a new Egg Baron.

“So strong, I can’t attack him at all.”

Baron Dandan was knocked back to the ground, feeling troubled by Walder’s strength.

Baron Dandan felt that the opponent’s physical fitness did not seem to be strong, but the fruit’s ability was almost incomprehensible to the point of abnormality.

“Hahaha, little chicken, let’s try this trick.”

“Doubling the gun a hundred times!”

After reloading the flintlock gun, Walder once again pulled the trigger on Baron Eggman.

This time the bullet was more powerful than the last one, leaving a cannon-sized wound on Baron Eggman’s wing, with blood pouring from it.

The fact that Walder was able to create his own reputation in the Rocks era, when generals were as numerous as dogs and lieutenant generals were everywhere, was enough to prove that he had his own abilities.

He was even compared to Whitebeard and Roger for a time. He was a man who was feared by the world government and navy at that time.

The title “World Destroyer” was given by the world government at that time.

In the future incident of Blackbeard massacre on the sixth floor of the Deep Sea Prison.

Being able to walk out of the sixth floor intact without joining the Blackbeard Pirates is enough to witness the opponent’s strength.

He is such a man who can cut the Celestial Dragons and their ships in half at every turn.

This is the man that the World Government did not hesitate to urgently summon the Shichibukai to deal with after the blockade was lifted.

But he was defeated by Luffy, who had just learned how to use Haki.

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