Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Shadow Scattered And Akainu Attack


The shadow is constantly moving, and his speed is extremely astonishing, far faster than the so-called Navy Sixth Form, which is a terrifying speed that the human eye has no time to respond, and the retina cannot leave his shadow at all.

But his current situation is very bad. After all, Vlad’s attack was not light before. Vlad’s chest was hit with two punches with all his strength. He is not Kaido, he is not an undead monster, on the contrary , his physical condition is really weak compared to the powerhouses of the same level, and his strength, endurance, and physical strength are not very strong.

In addition, this guy is an invisible man who has been protecting the Tianlong people in Mary Joa, and there are not many opportunities for fierce battles with powerful enemies. The intensity of domineering is not very high. A master like Germany pales in comparison.

The chest was originally a vulnerable part of the human body, and Vlad’s terrifying two punches were no joke. The power after dragon transformation, the strengthening of domineering, and the violent power of flames were by no means a power that could be easily ignored.

In fact, now, Ying’s chest is in a mess, and his bones are almost broken. Even if he doesn’t want to believe it, Ying still has to admit that the strength of the man in front of him has surpassed him.

The speed that he is proud of has no effect on him, which is really good news!

“Whirring whirring…”

Breathing is getting faster and faster, and the injury on the chest has affected the lungs. It is very difficult to breathe normally, and there is a wry smile on the corner of Ying’s mouth.

“Huh, it seems, it’s really impossible to win, then,”

Shadow regained his poker face again, with a bit of regret in his eyes. After all, this man who has been staying in Mary Joa to protect the Tianlong people rarely has the chance to fight against others.

“This man’s message must be passed on, so,”

“Have to run!”

Yes, Ying has decided to run away. He is not Vlad. He was seen using his abilities, so he wanted to kill him completely. For Ying, as long as the news of Vlad was passed on, it would be a victory.

“Want to run?”

Vlad has completely turned into a giant dragon with a playful smile on his old face. Although the evolution of seeing and seeing has not yet reached the level of Enilu’s mind reading and Katakuri’s predicting the future, it is far more than before. For the keen sense of color can also easily observe the movement of the shadow.

It’s very close. Now Vlad’s sight is mainly at the level of prediction. He can predict the other party’s next step or even several steps through the other party’s movement. It’s very close, and it’s very close to predicting the future.

“Where do you want to run to!”


The slender, strong tail with ferocious barbs and flaming flames slapped fiercely towards the empty place.


A huge gap appeared on the ground in an instant, and Vlad’s giant tail was like a huge sword, easily tearing a huge gap on the ground.


Shadow jumped back, directly avoiding Vlad’s terrifying blow.


“I said I can see it!”

“Little bunny!”

Shadow’s body was still in the air, and Vlad’s right paw, which was ready to go, slapped it fiercely with a terrifying momentum.

Vlad didn’t lie, he had seen it long ago, through Ying’s actions, plus his own actions, and his keen knowledge and domineering have completely locked Ying, his every move is in his control.

So when the shadow jumped backwards, Vlad’s lore strike that he had prepared for a long time would arrive. Although the speed could not keep up, there was no need to keep up, as long as he could hit it, he was not very good anyway. hurt myself.

“Dragon Fist – True – Dragon King’s Claw!!”

The huge dragon claws were like a big mountain, with a thunderous sound, slamming heavily on the body of Shadow whose body was just in the air.


Ying felt that he was directly hit by a real mountain, all the bones in his body were crunching, his ability could no longer be maintained, and his figure was directly revealed.


The dust rose into the sky, centered on the area where the two were fighting, and the spider web-like cracks spread, and the earth began to crack and sink at a speed visible to the naked eye. The area was instantly shattered by Vlad’s terrifying bombardment.

“Wow ha ha ha ha ha!”

Vlad regained the appearance of a half-dragon, with a wild laughter in his mouth, and blood that had solidified on his body. The previous attack of the shadow was not a joke, and it also brought a lot of damage to his body, although every The damage of the attack is not large, but it can’t stand the high frequency of the opposite attack.

But the more miserable shadow, the man fell to the ground weakly, his whole body showed a strange twisted state, panting hard, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Vlad crouched down, looked at the shadow, and said with a smile, “I won, right?”


Ying nodded with difficulty, his injury was really serious, and he couldn’t even perform such a simple movement.


Vlad stood up, and a flame in his palm began to condense, “Since you have already admitted defeat, then please die!”

Shadow closed his eyes, no extra movement.

“It’s a pity,” Vlad shook his head and said with some regret: “You are quite interesting, I really want to pull you on my boat, what a pity,”

“You and I are not the same!”


The flames soared into the sky, and the bright firelight instantly dissipated the shadows on the ground and ceased to exist.


“Come on!”

A group of ragged clothes, UU reading www.uukanshu. The person holding all kinds of weapons in his hands had a frenzied smile on his face, and rushed out of the flames. Seeing that, the edge of the red earth continent had appeared in front of him, and there were quite a few giant snails staying there.

“There, right there!”

someone shouted.

“Freedom, there is our freedom!”

Someone was crying.

“Go! Don’t stop, there is only one last step to freedom! Don’t stop here for me!”

someone shouted.

People who once lost everything and now have finally regained their freedom have launched a sprint towards the sea in their hearts. They are already very close, and there is only one last step left to their desires.

However, freedom fighters are not always so easy to obtain freedom.

“Big fire!”

A huge magma fist fell from the sky, engulfing a large number of people in an instant.


“Rock, magma!”

“Dodge! Dodge!”

Numerous former slaves spread their tongues to avoid the rushing lava, but the people who were hit could not come back, and those without domineering body protection were completely unable to resist such a natural disaster.

“Hoo…just how far is justice going to be trampled on!! Idiots!”

The gloomy-faced man walked over, black smoke from the magma on his right arm, the fiery temperature came from above, and the smell of sulfur radiated wantonly.

“Ah! Ah! Yes!”

Seeing the person coming, someone collapsed to the ground instantly, and there was 120,000 fear in his tone.

“Yes, yes, it’s Akainu!!”

The highest combat power of the world government, Akainu, Sakaski, is coming!

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