Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 807

Vol 2 Chapter 797: The Will Of The Government

“Tsk! Still haven’t run away?”

There was sweat on Shiliu’s forehead. The huge dragon man was already standing in front of them. If they wanted to pass from here, they had to break through Vlad’s guard. This was not an easy thing, even if they The same is true of all the monsters who ran from the sixth floor of the big prison. Although they are all monsters, Vlad is a monster among monsters.

“You guys are actually the lackeys of the government,”

Vlad smiled, “I’m quite surprised.”

“Hey, hey, there’s nothing wrong with it,”

Shiliu laughed, “Legal murder is also interesting!”

For this man, there are no dreams or anything. All he wants is to be able to kill freely, and he just wants to watch the world burn.

“It’s really funny,”

Vlad smiled, “But forget it, you all die here today! Of course, the government’s power should be less.”

“Oh, oh, it doesn’t have to be, Mr. Vlad,”

A man named Abalo Pizarro with a long pointed horn said with a smile, “We can be the government’s subordinates, and of course we can also be your subordinates!”


Vlad looked surprised, “You are unexpectedly smooth!”

“Lord Vlad, you are now only one step away from the position of One Piece, and, tsk, it’s no fun to be bound by the government all the time. You can’t kill people who want to kill,”

The man known as the King of Bad Politics smiled as a matter of course, “It’s only natural that we want to change our position, right?”


He burped heavily, the man with the big rosacea said, “I don’t care, as long as there is wine to drink.”


Katerina Dai Peng, a rare and ugly woman, the crescent moon hunter, said with a smile, “I am very happy, you are a good man!”


Further back, a man with a big head scratched his head and didn’t speak, looking cute and cute.

“Hey! You guys,”

Shiliu looked a little helpless, didn’t he have any stance?

“Of course, Shiliu, it doesn’t matter if you still want to work for the government.”

The evil king grinned.


Shiliu smacked his lips.

“All right, all right,”

Vlad waved his hand, “You swarms of bugs are almost all right. If you can betray the government this time, you won’t be able to betray me next time? Or just die here honestly!”


The King of Evil Government was stunned for a moment, then smiled, “Hahaha, as expected, the plot didn’t work. It’s really not easy to deceive you, Shiliu, don’t get me wrong, we are loyal subordinates of the government.”


Shiliu didn’t want to speak.

“Fire dragon kid!”

It was at this time that Vlad just talked nonsense with these guys. Not far away, a huge monster was already rushing towards this side.


Vlad turned his head in surprise, but it was so fast, it seems that the strength of the straw hat is still a little far behind.

“It’s now!”

Shiliu said loudly, “San Juan? Hungry wolf! Huge! Catch us!”

“Ah? Oh!”

Behind, some cute big heads were stunned for a moment, and then responded loudly, the body swelled in an instant, and the huge monster appeared on the ground in an instant, and directly grabbed the CP0 group on the ground with their hands.

“Three o’clock!”

Shiliu said loudly, “Throw it!”


San Juan? Hungry Wolf responded with a high voice, and threw the few people in his hands directly.


Vlad looked a little surprised, “It turns out to be a capable one!”

Therefore, he was not found on the sixth floor, so the small door on the sixth floor could fit him in, so he could be taken to the Navy headquarters by a ship, so I was a capable person.


It wasn’t until the others in CP0 disappeared into the sky in the distance that San Juan Hungry Wolf said dumbfoundedly, “Hiliu, what should I do—??”

“Humph, it’s only you!”

Vlad stretched out his hand, the flames burning on it.


The huge battleship wanted to cry without tears.


“Hey! What’s going on??”

“I want to- I want to- I want to kill you!”

“Me too! Die! Die!”

“Kill you! Kill you!”

I don’t know why, but the situation on the battlefield is a bit weird. It’s not so much a battle between two sides, it’s better to say that one side is fighting in chaos, and then the other side takes the opportunity to kill.


Jin, who has completely turned into a giant colorful tiger standing upright, frowned, “Is it that woman’s ability?”

The Hundred Beast Pirates have a capable army of 500 people. In terms of military strength, they are indeed invincible. However, such a powerful force is also quite powerful when used in civil wars.

The ability that Serena possesses is the ability to resonate her emotions with others. Of course, Miss Serena is full of killing intent towards the Beast Pirates, so when such killing intent is associated with the Beast Pirates. When the people of the regiment resonated, such an interesting situation on the battlefield appeared.

“Don’t look around!”

The huge fist suddenly fell from the sky, Jin blinked, the ground where he was standing was now a ruin, and the huge depression was still spreading.


Jin looked very annoyed, “Magic Chef Dino!”

“Don’t call that nickname!”

The chef looked a little annoyed, stood on the shoulders of the huge giant, waved his hand gently, countless tentacles had already extended from the giant’s back, and slammed towards Jin on the ground.

“Boom boom boom boom boom!”

“Ancient species of animal cat and cat fruit, saber-toothed tiger fruit,”

Looking at the big cat that kept jumping on the ground, then jumped directly onto the giant, and rushed towards him, the chef sighed, “It’s amazing!”


“Boom boom boom boom!”

The continuous explosions filled the surroundings, and the tea dolphin looked a little annoyed, “Damn it! Is it that old man’s thing?”

What stood in front of him was not someone, but a human creation.

It looks like a human~www.readwn.com~ is wrapped in armor, but the skin looks made of metal, and the body is extremely tall, about five meters. This is what Vega Punk took for a long time. things made.

“It’s not bad!”

Three such things blocked the tea dolphin, completely blocking his path.


Without the slightest delay, one of the robots opened its mouth, and a yellow laser flashed out, slamming straight at the tea dolphin.


With a wave of both hands, the tall mud wall rose up, blocking the robot’s laser.

“Boom boom boom!”

A powerful explosion occurred suddenly.


The wind howled, tall mechanical monsters fell from the sky, and the huge mechanical fists had already smashed towards the tea dolphin.


With a low drink, the tea dolphin’s arm turned into a huge clay fist, wrapped in a powerful domineering aura, and directly greeted it with a punch.


The strong wind dissipated, and the huge force barely repelled the robot.

“Damn! How dare you use domineering? What the **** is this!”

Tea dolphin said loudly, not joking, this robot will use domineering, and the fist is pitch black.

That is, at this time, something flew over from the edge of the sky.

“Admiral Fujitora! Don’t waste any more time! Go to the Flower City immediately! Flank the Fire Dragon Pirates with the Beast Pirates!”

A voice that can be heard from far away,

“This is-”

“The will of the government!”

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