Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 827

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Join Forces

The world is shaking!

Disaster is coming!

It seems to be a terrifying force that destroys the world. Although it has already experienced hundreds of battles, and the powerhouses I have seen are unknown, but I have never seen such a crazy guy.

You know, the people standing in front of him are not some cats and dogs, but two four emperors. Although one of them, Kai, has lost his mind, he has undoubtedly surpassed the upper limit of human beings and reached an unknown field. , the strength is a well-deserved terror.

Coupled with the Charlotte family and Vlad’s confidant, Flash Lei Anilu, the strength of the pirates is outrageous. Even if they fight with the only red-haired pirates who are out of the matter, it will definitely be crushed. ‘s fate.

At the same time, on the navy side, the combat effectiveness is also absolutely powerful. The configuration of the navy admiral plus two alternate admirals is simply luxurious. If you add the great staff crane and a group of vice admirals, it can already be called It is a luxury, and it is also a fighting force that is not afraid of fighting with a Four Emperor Pirates.

However, with the combination of such two powerful forces, there was a guy who shot at everyone without hesitation.


Vlad put his hand on the pergola, blocking the wind and sand over his eyes, “It’s really strong!”

The body has been bound by an invisible force, and the majestic strength is like an armor made of iron blocks on the body, completely unable to move.

Then, a twisting force like a spiral came in, and it seemed to twist everyone into an invisible force like a twist in an instant.


Anilu’s body was twisted into lightning in an instant, turning into blue-white electric light, constantly twisting in the air, unable to even gather together.


Like Anilu, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin from the Navy was also twisted into mud in an instant, flying around in the air.

“What kind of ability is this?”

Turned into a huge fire dragon, spread his wings, and covered his body with black domineering, Vlad had already blocked in front of the brothers and sisters of the Charlotte family, and the wings covered them, even so, the firm scales on his body were not. They were all creaking, as if they would shatter at any moment.

“It’s really powerful!”

Vlad smiled, and there was severe pain from everywhere on his body. It was unimaginable that he could be beaten so easily.





Compared with Vlad’s side, the navy’s side is much more miserable, even if Fujitora has deployed the reverse gravity shield in an instant, but after all, the invisible attack issued by Im is completely invisible. Differential blow, every moment someone in the navy wailed, and then was directly twisted into blood mist.

In the blink of an eye, a thick blood-colored mist had already floated above the sky, and the navy had already been killed and wounded.

“What the **** is this!!”

Struggling to wave the famous sword Jinpira in his hand, Taotu’s expression is quite ugly and useless, no matter how powerful the slash is, it will have no effect, even if it can temporarily open a hole in the invisible force field, but, following Immediately after that, a more turbulent impact will come again, and Taotu’s attack is completely useless.

“This—this situation!”

There was cold sweat on Fujitora’s forehead, not powerlessness, and certainly not fear, but simply because there were no subordinates who could protect him, that’s all.

Fortunately, the worse situation did not continue to happen, and the powerless and dying navies were finally rescued.

“Kill you!”

Roaring like this, the huge beast spread its wings and soared into the sky. Kaido’s skin was constantly shattered, and then healed in an instant. For others, the attack that seemed like a natural disaster seemed like nothing to him. in this way.

“It’s a life force that fits your identity,”

Im withdrew his right hand, and the invisible power that permeated the surrounding air suddenly dissipated.

“Like a cockroach!”

Extraordinarily disgusting tone.

“Forget it, although I plan to clean up the ants here, but before that,”

Im seems to have made a somewhat difficult choice, “It’s not impossible to kill a cockroach first.”


Kaido’s body swelled further, and incomparably solid scales appeared on his body. If you read it correctly, it was similar to Vlad’s dragon scales. The dark domineering was attached to it, and the strength could be imagined.


With a cold snort, Im stretched out his right hand, raised his index finger, and then bent the index finger slightly.



Kaido screamed, blood suddenly spurted out from behind, and a huge blood hole had appeared behind him.

“after all,”

The voice under the black robe was as dismissive as ever, “It’s just a beast!”


Of course, although Kaido lost his mind and his brain was useless at all, his body was not a vegetarian. The wound on his back had healed in an instant, and he continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.


With a loud roar, behind Kaido, countless tentacles roared out instantly, the tip part was instantly covered with a layer of carapace, and it was ejected like a long spear, the speed was completely invisible, whistling, screaming , the target is Im!


The mocking sneer, although I can’t see what the face hidden under the black robe looks like, it must be a cheek full of ridicule and contempt.


With a light snap of his fingers, the spear forest that charged towards him at an extremely high speed was bounced away without warning.


“You can try-”

With a sudden wave of his right hand~www.readwn.com~ Im said coldly, “Wail and see!”

“Dong dong dong dong!”

As before, Kaido’s body suddenly appeared one after another with huge fist marks, and his body flew in the air instantly, like a basketball.

“Probably have some clues,”

Vlad pinched his chin and murmured, “But what a troublesome ability!”

“This attitude,”

Thunder and lightning gathered around Vlad, and Anilu said a little unhappily, “This guy doesn’t take us seriously at all.”

“Normal, this guy has such strength, if there is enough time, it is not difficult to destroy us!”

Vlad frowned. In the sky, Kaido, who was beaten by Im in the sky, suddenly changed. Without warning, blood seeped out from his skin.

“Tsk, is it time?”

“Hey, General Fujitora,”

Vlad shouted in the direction of the navy, “Would you like to join forces? The current situation is not good, Kaido boss can’t hold it anymore, the opponent is not an ordinary monster!”

Issued, join forces request.


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