Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 917

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Final Battle 2


Vlad flew fast on the ground like red lightning with a white halo, close to the ground, and the speed was very fast. The naked eye could not capture his super high speed at all. Soot, thick smoke enveloped everything.

Even if the naked eye can’t catch it, it can catch it, even if the wind can’t keep up, it can keep up with it, even if the monster can’t match it, it can match! Vlad’s opponent is a monster called Im.


Vlad swerved urgently, and a short distance ahead, an invisible impact fell into the sky, and it was unknown how much it went deep into the ground. It turned into smoke and dust in an instant, and a huge cave was formed in the blink of an eye. It has poured out from the inside, and the island has been penetrated without the slightest blockage, just like a hot knife cutting butter.

“Tsk! Such power is really scary! Well, it’s just attack power!”

Vlad smiled. Although it is indeed a frightening attack, even he is completely unable to resist. Attacking other people is basically an instant kill. However, being unable to resist does not mean that it cannot be avoided. Maybe It’s because of too much force. Im’s ability to control this shock is far inferior to the previous thought power. Not to mention all kinds of blocking, restraint, and manipulation operations, what she can do now seems to be a direct bombardment.

“It doesn’t seem to be an illusion. After evolution, the fruit’s ability has also evolved, not just a simple quantitative change, but a qualitative transition?”

The development of Devil Fruit ability is essentially physical and mental power. Physical power is energy, gunpowder, gasoline, the cornerstone to support the use of abilities, and the decisive factor for the power of ability, while mental power reflects the ability to control, for example Vlad wants to shape the flame, and even the tricks of the beast of flames like the mountain and sea world, what he needs is super control, which requires extremely high mental power.

Well, now, when the full evolution of the body level is achieved, it is not just the body, but the brain has also jumped. Physical and mental power have reached another level. Of course, the ability of the devil fruit will evolve, and Im showed it well. at this point.

“However, don’t be in a hurry! Let’s talk about consumption first! I want to see how long you can last!”

Vlad smiled, his body flickered again, dodging Imam’s blow, his current condition is much better than Imam’s, both of Im’s legs were abolished by him, and even more despicable things have been done Well, now you just need to wait quietly, victory is already in your hands.


Im fell from the sky, his left fist slammed down suddenly, and the trick was repeated. The overwhelming power of thought did not leave Vlad any room to escape. The moment Vlad was under control, the shock of destruction would immediately hit him. head on.

“Do you really think of me as a soft persimmon?”

Vlad smiled,

“It’s all said, as long as it’s a tangible thing! I’ll burn it for you to see!”

“Pillar of Fire!”

Vlad obviously deliberately ignored the presence of domineering and seawater. Although domineering is invisible, it can indeed be attached to tangible objects, not to mention seawater.

But now it’s not too bad. After all, the mind power of classmate Yimu naturally has no domineering, let alone sea water.

The fiery flame started from Vlad, turned into a raging fire column, and rushed directly to the sky. Im’s thought power was blocked in the collision with the flame, and then immediately became the raw material of Vlad’s flame, which was burned into Nothingness, as Vlad continued to exert his strength, the flames rushed towards Im in a mighty manner.

“Go away!”

The power of thought turned into a gust of wind, instantly blowing away Vlad’s flames, but at the same time, Vlad also kept a distance from Im at a distance, and it was not so easy to attack him.

Despicable and cunning, that’s what Im’s evaluation of Vlad is now.


“Are you going back to Ralph Drew?”

Not far from Ralph Drew, many pirate ships were surrounded, and those who were afraid of death had already evacuated, but there were still many people who were not afraid of death. The huge pirate ship with the head of a whale, the head of the black crowd gathered together, The man with the pineapple head sighed, “Have the two of them circled the world a few times?”

Among the many pirate ships nearby, the newly born Moby Dick is of course the largest one, so the live broadcast of Morgans is naturally placed on it, the screen is projected into the air, and it is placed very large. It can be seen from far away, so there are a lot of guys around to watch the fun.

“Both of them are monsters among monsters!”

Fire Fist Ace sat on the side of the boat and said with a smile, “Whether it is destructive power, physical strength or speed, it is far beyond the scope of human beings! Haha, I really did not expect that the man back then has grown to such a level. ”

Fire Fist recalled the first meeting with Vlad, thinking about it, it didn’t seem that long ago, maybe four or five years ago, right? Inside a bar in Chambord? At that time, I thought that this man was not a simple role, but I didn’t expect it to be so simple.

“What are you going to do next?”

Fire Fist asked, “Marco, Fire Dragon has become the Pirate King, so there is no possibility of losing the battle with Im. What will we, the Whitebeard Pirates do next?”

“It’s time to disband, this pirate group,”

Marco laughed, took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and wiped them on the bridge of his nose, “The next era is not the era of pirates. Dad also said that the change of era cannot be stopped no matter what. , the era of men galloping the sea is far from over, but the era of pirates treasure hunting is indeed over.”


Huoquan didn’t look surprised, he was thinking with his hands on his face.

“I will go back to my father’s village!”

Marco smiled, very genial, “Being a doctor, I have fought against people for half my life as a pirate, and I will live as a doctor who saves people for the rest of my life. What about you? Ace, what do you want to do?”


Fire Fist suddenly laughed~www.readwn.com~ I haven’t thought about it yet. Maybe I should continue the adventure. As an adventurer, there are too many secrets in this world that I want to explore, but before that , It seems that I have to go home and have a look. I suddenly feel homesick. The old woman and the old man think they should sit together and wait for us to go back! ”

His voice suddenly grew louder, “Are you right? Luffy!”

“En! En!”

The happiest response came from the pirate ship next to her, “You have to call Sabo! Dadan will be super happy!”

“Of course it is!”

Fire Fist’s heart seems to have returned to that small house. Mom is the opposite of adventure. However, after constant adventure, I always want to go home and have a look, and I want to chat with my mother by the fire. The wonderful adventure story still wants her to show a proud smile for herself.

A wanderer who has left home, it is time to return home.

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