Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 921

Vol 2 Chapter 911: Final Battle 6

The upper level of the Heavenly King is a huge city. This is only the surface of the uppermost level. This is already huge enough. You must know that when the Heavenly King came out of the soil, Mary Joa collapsed. , Tianwang is definitely not inferior to any city in the world today.

The surface is already so huge, and the volume of the lower part is of course even more amazing, enough to accommodate the size of another city. The place where everyone of the Fire Dragon Pirates is now is the inside of this city, the interior of the king.

“Really, it’s really not easy to find a control room of this size!”

Miss Musician kicked a guard in a black suit and complained, “What are you doing! This idiot-like area is so huge that you don’t have to take a car to go to the toilet!”

“It’s only natural that it will be this big, right?”

The chef sauntered forward, and a group of black suits in the front passage timidly retreated, no one dared to move forward, their bodies shivered, no matter how powerful they were in their eyes, no matter how many they reached, as long as they rushed In front of this man, there was only blood pouring down to the ground, and no one dared to move forward.

“No matter how you say it here, it is the aircraft that the lunar people took when they came to Qinghai. It brought all the people of the entire planet to this place. It is impossible to do it because of its small size!”

“Yeah hahaha, we already have Neptune and Hades, if we hold Heavenly King in our hands now,”

Anilu laughed loudly, jumped up, and fell into the crowd. The stick in his hand was covered with a layer of black domineering, and he was completely invisible when he swung it. A slight rubbing was a serious injury. Zhili said, “The three ancient weapons are all in our hands! Conquering the world is just a matter of flipping our hands, right? Hahahaha, at that time, even a real **** will not be as powerful as us! ”

Of course, Vlad defeated Im, and if he had the three ancient weapons in his hand, even if the whole world added up, he would definitely not be the opponent of the Fire Dragon Pirates, and ruling the world would be easy.

“Do not be silly,”

The maid said disdainfully, “What the captain pursues is freedom and adventure, and it has nothing to do with conquest or domination.”

“Tsk, so that’s a pity, isn’t it?”

Anilu smiled.

“I don’t think so,”

The chef shook his head, “Ride freely on the sea, sing when you are happy, sing together when you are sad, drink freely when you meet friends, fight vigorously when you meet enemies, always wonder what kind of scenery is ahead, always right This beautiful world is full of respect, and I think this is the most beautiful and most desirable life!”


Miss Musician nodded frantically, “Dino, what you said is great!”


Anilu pouted and walked forward alone.

“He was persuaded by you!”

The maid walked over to the cook and smiled.

“Do not,”

The chef shook his head and chuckled, “He just never wanted to admit it.”

“That’s a disgusting guy.”

The maid was smoking a cigarette and hanging the corners of her eyes.

It’s really disgusting for men to be arrogant.

“Ha ha.”

The chef laughed and laughed when he wanted to. The Fire Dragon Pirates pursued freedom.


“They have come!”

In the control room, an impromptu meeting of the Five Old Stars is being held, “Audacious guy! What is this place used for?”

“Just stop the nonsense here!”

The bearded five old star said, “Since the war has already started, of course there is nothing to take into account, all the organs should be activated, it is extremely blocking their progress, the special forces have all been killed, and we have nothing to fight against. Their strength, now only hope that Lord Yimu will win sooner!”


The blond-haired Five Old Stars looked a little dazed for the first time in history, looking at the surveillance screen on the side, “Is Lord Yimu really able to win this time?”

It’s not that he lost his confidence, it’s just that the scene displayed on the screen is too amazing.


Vlad looked complacent, with a flaming human body behind him, “My army of dragons! Just in terms of numbers, I’m stronger!”

“Cat cats are also similar to tigers!”

Im looked dismissive, “But in the end, I can only catch mice.”

“Yes, it can only catch mice, so,”

Vlad snapped his fingers, and the many firemen behind him instantly turned into flames and shot out, “It’s enough to deal with you!”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Imam’s eyes lit up with blue light.


The head-on made Vlad feel very uncomfortable. The first fireman was instantly smashed to pieces, but Vlad’s micro-manipulation level was still quite good, and he immediately manipulated the second fireman with a punch and imprinted on Im’s mind power. On the human body, the psychic person who has the physical body but does not have domineering body protection instantly burns up, forming a new fire person.

Im’s reaction was faster than Vlad’s, the psychic man dissipated in an instant, and then Vlad’s second burning man was also blown up.

“Tsk! This trick looks cool, but it’s really not fun to manipulate!”

Vlad sighed that he knew why Im only made a few psychic humans. It was too energy-consuming to manipulate. Although he was in a big scene, he was completely unable to control it. Facing the psychic humans precisely manipulated by Im. Comparing it is like a wild cat teasing a pig, the flexibility gap is too large.

One by one, the firemen were destroyed, and all that was returned was to add some heat to a few of Im’s psychic people, and burn them a little. In fact, the damage is not big~www.readwn.com~ It is really enough to make people feel It’s uncomfortable, Vlad’s proud dragon army has not exerted enough power at all, it can only be said that the face is too fast.


Vlad frowned, “It seems that quantity is really not an advantage!”

So the firemen began to rush towards a place, turned into a sky of flames, gathered together, and then split, and five flaming firemen had appeared above the sky.

“That’s almost it!”

Vlad nodded, and Im’s psychic people happened to be five, and this time they were evenly matched.


Im sneered, the mind power people dispersed in an instant, invisible and intangible, even Vlad’s sight and appearance could not detect them, they have indeed disappeared from the world, but they can be gathered together when needed. , can be said to be quite troublesome.

“Hey! Don’t underestimate the wisdom of people!”

Vlad smiled, “Heavenly nets!”


The flames surged among the five psychic people, turning into countless flame threads to connect them together, forming a flame web in the air.

“Humph, now, your psychic person is already in my net!”


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