Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 927

Vol 2 Chapter 917: Name Of This Era

“Oh oh oh! What a pity! What a pity!”

In the distance, quietly suspended in the air, the strongest weapon in the world, the interior of Hades, one of the three generations of ancient weapons, Fujitora touched the short hair on his head, with a bright smile on his face, blindly trying his best to widen, But no matter what, he couldn’t introduce any scenery into his eyes. After all, he was already blind.

“I have never had such regrets at this moment, hahaha, why did you abolish these eyes at that time?”

Fujitora laughed loudly, “It is the most regrettable thing in the world that such a grand event cannot be witnessed lightly. Furthermore, Vlad the Fire Dragon, it is indeed painful that such a hero cannot meet with his own eyes. However, even if In this way, I can experience the birth of this new era! I am so lucky! Hahahaha!”

The cheerful laughter echoed constantly in the not-so-narrow control room, and just by hearing it, you could tell the joy of the owner of this voice.

“Hahahaha! Great! The captain won!”

On the other side, in the interior of the king, they have fully grasped the control of the city. The Fire Dragon gang also saw the last scene of Vlad and Im. The beautiful musician girl jumped up happily with the brightest smile on her face. “It was the captain who won!”

“Isn’t that of course? When has the captain lost? It’s a matter of course that there will be a victory.”

The maid leisurely lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. She didn’t seem to care too much. Her voice was very flat, but the trembling hands when lighting the cigarette clearly showed the woman’s heart. But not so calm.

“Yeah hahaha! Now, the captain is the strongest in the world, right? The world’s strongest!”

Anilu seemed to be more excited than he had beaten Im, he laughed loudly, “Awesome! The world’s strongest captain, the world’s strongest crew, the world’s strongest pirate group! This is worthy of it. The name of the Pirate King!”

“Well, without a doubt,”

The chef nodded and said, “We are the strongest now!”

Im is indeed an extremely powerful opponent. It has become so powerful that there is only Vlad in the world. Before Im appeared, the strongest in the world was Kaido. Vlad couldn’t kill Kaido, so he finally came up with it. When he was able to effectively kill Kaido, Im suddenly appeared, and of course the world’s strongest name was put on this woman’s head. The powerful level has surpassed that of human beings. Even Vlad and Dorag Akainu at that time could only support it with difficulty in her hands. If he wanted to escape, Akainu exchanged his life for it.

Now Vlad has defeated the invincible Im, calling him the strongest in the world, well deserved!


On the sea, the waves were turbulent, and it seemed that the entire sea was overturned in an instant. Ships on the sea, no matter how big or small, were swaying in the waves, and there was a risk of sinking to the bottom of the sea at any time, and the shock of force had been stored in Yimu’s body for a long time. The power of the shaking fruit ball is really terrifying, and the huge tsunami has been formed almost in an instant.

However, this did not affect the fanaticism of the big bird sitting on the hot air balloon. The phone bug in his hand was obviously unable to open his eyes because of the strong light above, but he was still forced to break it open by his hand and force it to aim at the sky. on the fireball.

“The victory is divided!”

Big Bird’s name is Big News? Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, is now broadcasting live to the world, and his tone is quite excited, “Flad the Fire Dragon vs. Im the woman behind the world! The battle is over! Chaoyang Already hanging above the sky and possessing overwhelming power, the two have finally decided the winner! The winner is—”

“The winner of this battle that determines the direction of the world is!”

“Fire Dragon Vlad!”

Morgans roared hoarsely. Through a light screen, in every corner of the world, countless people saw the huge fireball above the sky through his distorted face. Before, of course, they also saw The sight of Im getting pierced by Vlad.

“It’s been five years! Five years ago, we heard the name of Vlad the Fire Dragon for the first time!”

Morgans said loudly, “The bounty is 750 million, and the first bounty is overwhelming! The first time he appeared, the world was stunned! Because the person who lost to him was the former Navy Headquarters. General! Black Wrist Zefa!”

“What? That Zepha? Black Wrist Zepha?”

“This is the first time I’ve heard of it! Did you defeat such a monster when you were just starting out?”

“Unimaginable! Five years ago, Fire Dragon was only twenty years old, right?”

“That’s no wonder! Only in this way can a reward of more than 700 million be offered for the first time, right?”

This is the first time most people have heard of such a thing. The Navy’s news blockade is still very strong.

The deterrence at sea is still quite enough, so it’s still a surprising thing to say even now.

“Following this, it is also something that many people don’t know. Everyone only knows that Huolong suddenly became Qiwuhai, but they don’t know how he became. This is another earth-shattering thing. It happened at the same time. Two major events, the fire dragon ascending the throne of Qiwuhai under the king, and the imprisonment of the golden lion, these two things are of course connected! The fire dragon defeated the golden lion! As a condition to become Qiwuhai, of course, the unlucky moonlight ? Moriah became the victim of this incident!”

“Golden lion? That golden lion!”

“Is that so?”

So it was another shock.

Morgans’ explanation continued, “Not many people know what happened after that. The location is Beihai. The Fire Dragon Pirates met the former Shichibukai, Don Quixote Doflamingo, and easily defeated this one. Flamingo, then went to the new world alone, fought against Charlotte Lingling in Wanguo, played with big?o and then retreated, and fought against Kaido in Wano country, even that monster can’t do anything with the fire dragon, and can only watch it. Watching the fire dragon retreat calmly, I brought back the fire dragon pirate group swordsman, Sakata, the broken swordsman!”

Morgans here is obviously blowing a wave of Vlad, who was beaten badly by Kaido at the time.

“After that, it is the top war as we know it!”

Morgans’s voice suddenly rose an octave, “I don’t know much, the important driving force behind the war is the fire dragon! Go to the new world and provoke the war between Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, so that the red hair can calmly go to the naval headquarters, Then he attacked the advance city and took the monsters from the big prison to Marin Vando. Only then did the monsters of the previous era collectively call for a curtain call. After the top, they went to the new world and joined the Whitebeard Pirates to defeat the big? o The Pirates and the Beasts Pirates have become the worthy new emperor of the sea!”

“The birth of the Fire Dragon Kingdom has become a milestone in the revolution! The holy land in the hearts of revolutionaries all over the world is born in the hands of the Fire Dragon! The future that the revolutionaries expect is here!”

Morgans’s tone was frenetic~www.readwn.com~ Then, the real climax of the times came. The Navy, CP and the Big?O Pirates attacked the Fire Dragon Kingdom. o The Pirates were attacked by the Fire Dragon Pirates, and Charlotte Lingling died in battle! Four emperors go to one of them. ”

“The War of Wano Kingdom broke out, and the navy gathered the strongest troops. Kaido should not be underestimated, but the victor is still the fire dragon! Even if a monster like Im suddenly appeared! The victor still cannot be changed! Explosion, the Beast Pirates vanished into ashes, and the Four Emperors went to the second.”

“The World Conference, the United Revolutionary Army attacked the conference site and completely exposed the true face of the World Government. Since then, the Navy has also stood on the same boat. Even in the face of the combination of Im and the King, they still retreated completely, and soon after. He showed overwhelming strength and easily defeated the red-haired pirates. Since then, there is no one who can compete with him in the pirate world!”

“Then, then, now!”

Morgans roared, “The location is the final island Ralph Drew! Reached the final island, won the title of One Piece, and defeated Im, who destroyed everything 800 years ago! He has gained everything in the world! Power! Power! Fortune! Fame! Now we can finally say so,”

“Tell me! People who have witnessed the arrival of a new era!”

Morgans roared piercingly,

“The name of this era is—!”


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