Pirates: Ghosts That Walk in the Dark

Chapter 99

In the face of the pirate's abuse, Green simply ignored it, the knife flashed, and the three generations of ghosts were even sharper, slashing through the neck of a pirate, and then disappearing in an instant, appearing behind another pirate, and when the left hand moved, it was a finger gun piercing the back of the head.

Green is like a ghost of a non-existent entity wandering in the void, only seeing pirates decapitated or pierced, or split in half by Arashi's feet, but he can't see the figure of the hand.

The bearded captain's eyes were about to open his eyes, and the monstrous anger filled his eyes, and once again he saw a subordinate pierced through the heart by an arrow shot from nowhere, and he finally couldn't bear it, and rushed out frantically, like a crazy wild boar, holding a machete in each hand, like a wild boar's fangs, directly rushing to the pirate group on the side.

His intuition told him that the invisible killer was going to start from here.

Green stood in the shadows behind the mast, staring coldly at the panicked pirates, without any mood swings in his eyes, and the knife in his hand would not stop until they knelt down to surrender.


The figure flashed, appeared from the place where the pirate captain rushed, Green did not rush to start this time, but stayed for a longer time, calm eyes just looked at each other, and then smiled coldly, mercilessly cut off the head of the pirate in front of him, and then turned over, and kicked out with a volley:


A vacuum slash slashed past another pirate, and then went straight to the rushing pirate captain.


The pirate captain came out with both knives, slashing the vacuum slash apart, and his blood-red eyes went straight to the place where Grimm last disappeared, smashing down, smashing a big hole in the deck where there was no Grimm.

"Ah! I'll kill you! Vile Navy! In

the moment just now, he clearly saw the white righteous gun behind Grimm, although he was wearing a slightly inappropriate black combat uniform, but he still knew the word justice that swayed with the movement.

"Captain, be careful!" A voice containing anger suddenly came from a distance, and his tone was extremely anxious.

The moment the pirate captain heard the sound, he felt bad, a cold murderous aura approached diagonally behind, he rotated his body without thinking, slashed with two knives, and the whole person turned like a top.


" "呲~呲~"

A long knife suddenly slashed out, and was forced away by the double knives that rotated quickly like a top, colliding with a large area of Mars.

Green did not hit the enemy with a knife, and he catapulted backwards with a kick, and in the air he had already taken off the metal bow behind him, opened his bow and set an arrow, and an arrow with a black tail feathers was as fast as lightning, and he arrived in front of the pirate captain in the blink of an eye under the action of the metal bow.

After all, the double knife rotation could only prevent a line, and the arrow shot in from the upper part, and the 'poof' pierced his left arm.

On the other side, Green deftly landed on the crossbar of the sail, and with a 'buzz', an arrow pierced the eyebrow of a pirate diagonally from top to bottom.

The pirate captain had stopped at this time, and as soon as he grasped the arrow on his left arm, he pulled it out with great effort, bringing a blood-red color.

He angrily broke the arrow and threw it on the ground, stomped it into three pieces, and looked at Grimm above with angry eyes.

Green was also looking at each other condescendingly, his gaze lingering for a moment on the broken arrow, and there was one less special arrow that was already small.

Immediately, with a meaningful glance at the pirate captain, Green took a step back, and the figure disappeared instantly, leaving only the circular impact circle left by the air vibration.

"Captain, are you all right?" The thin deputy regiment commander was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the bearded captain and asked in a deep voice.

Waving his hand, the bearded man shook his head and said: "It's okay, be careful with that guy, his speed is fast, even much faster than you, and there is some kind of hidden means, very weird!" "

The two pirates are very solemn, Grimm's figure is erratic and strange, they can't detect it at all, and the defense becomes very passive.

They couldn't have imagined that guy who was obviously a navy could have the ability to be a killer.


A shell hit the stern of the ship, blowing up the wood in the sky, and some pirates who were unsuspecting in the vicinity were blown up crying and lying down.

Green took advantage of the chaos to rush behind the pirates again, the long knife was cut out continuously, and the dazed heads rolled on the deck one by one.

Flames began to ignite on the deck and there was a growing trend.

The number of pirates decreased sharply, and the bearded two bearded men who were the captain and deputy captain had bloodshot eyes, and rushed to the stern with a 'whoosh'.

Green glanced at them coldly, and then threw it out, a vacuum slash fell vertically, and a straight line was affected by a cannonball and the pirates lying on the ground were not dead for a while, all of them were cut off by one blow, and even the deck was cut out of deep slash marks, revealing a layer of iron plate inlaid below.

The warship also chased after him at this time, and in order to avoid accidentally injuring Green, Dadi stopped firing guns and began to kill the panicked pirates with his pistol.

Moria's huge body had already appeared above the pirate ship, and then smashed down, and the big knife slashed in the air, straight to the bearded pirate captain.

The bearded pirate's face changed, Moriah's huge size brought him the same huge pressure, he crossed his knives and raised them, and he held the big knife with a 'bang', but his pressed legs were soft and he almost fell.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, the bearded pirate's face turned livid, and he looked at the blood he vomited in front of him in horror, and the knife in his left hand actually fell to the ground with a 'click'.

"Hey, hee, hee~ go and die!"

Moriah let out a strange laugh and continued to pick up his big knife and slash down wildly.

The bearded pirate rolled to the side in embarrassment, dodging a powerful blow, but a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the color of the blood was strangely not red, but became a little strange pink.

He felt that his left arm had completely lost his intuition, and even the left half of his body began to numb, and it was rapidly spreading throughout his body with the fierce battle.

He knew immediately that he had been poisoned.

"Damn it! That arrow is poisonous, and the Navy turned out to be such a vile person.

His face was full of reluctance, hesitating whether he could stop the spread of the toxin by cutting off his left arm now.

"Poof~" Just

as he hesitated, a long knife that exuded sharp aura stabbed from his blind spot, pierced his heart straight from the back, and the tip of the knife pierced out from the chest.

"Nope! Captain! The thin deputy captain was full of grief and rushed over with his fastest face, but it was a pity that the bearded man was already staring unwillingly to death.

His heart was shattered, and he didn't even have a chance to struggle.

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