Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Tales Of An Island

The battle between Rayleigh and Roger amazed Du Hang, who was watching the battle.

Where did the two guys who just went out to sea get such martial arts? Roger is a standard berserker, carrying a sailor knife, apart from anything else, he is reckless or slashing. When Rayleigh is about to hit him, Just use the armed color to carry it hard, and the armed color with one hand is domineering and plays quite 6.

And Lei Li is not inferior here, moving his feet around, avoiding Roger’s attacks one by one, and counterattacking from time to time with the long sword in his hand. He is a skilled swordsman. At the same time, he also shows off his armed domineering , and Roger fight vividly.

Du Hang smacked his lips, expressing contempt for these two guys who opened the cheating device. Look at Luffy’s era, armed domineering is still very valuable, let alone the world, even the first half of the great route, you can see There are less than a few who can use armed colors, you two are lucky, you have not stepped into the great route yet, you can use armed colors in actual combat!

And… I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Du Hang also felt that Roger had a fighting instinct, and he could always dodge Lei Li’s attack at a critical moment, or avoid the vital point, as if he knew Lei Li’s attack in advance. same attack.

But Zhinao didn’t remind Roger that he has mastered knowledge and domineering ah.

After dozens of strokes, Lei Li took a step back, swung his long sword in his hand, blocked Roger’s sailor knife, and then waved his hand helplessly: “I won’t fight! I admit defeat!”

“Oh!” Roger laughed, and put the knife back into his waist, “Then Raleigh! You are a member of our Roger Pirates!”

“Well, I’m willing to admit defeat, Captain.” Rayleigh is also a free and easy guy, he did what he said, and since he conceded, he directly changed his name to Captain Roger.

Then he smiled and looked at Du Hang who was standing aside watching the play.

“Did you enjoy watching, deputy captain?”

“Yeah, it’s fun, Mortal Kombat is the best.” Du Hang put down the cigarette stick and exhaled white smoke, “You can just call me Du Hang, Lei Li, by the way, I have something to ask you.”

Under the gaze of Roger and Lei Li, Du Hang held the cigarette rod in his left hand, and held his left elbow with his right hand, and said, “When did you practice all this kung fu? Let’s not talk about Lei Li, Roger, you haven’t done it before.” Have you experienced any battles, why can you even use such a powerful move as Armed Color Domineering?”

“Oh, this.” Roger shrugged indifferently: “Dad taught me before.”

“Me too,” Reilly said.

Du Hang: “…”

For this reason, accept it.

Now that Rayleigh has joined the Pirates, his ship has naturally become the public property of the Pirates. Roger thinks this is the first ship that belongs to the Pirates, so he insists on drawing a sea first. The Thief Flag went to sea again. Du Hang thought he was going to buy something anyway, and it would be good to let Roger draw and play here, so he let him go.

Bringing the newly joined Lei Li, Du Hang walked to the village again.

“Deputy captain.” Rayleigh, who was following behind, said.

“It’s enough to call Du Hang. You are older than me, you know more than me, and you can fight better than me. I just joined the regiment earlier than you. To be honest, you are actually more suitable to be the deputy captain than me. .” Du Hang laughed.

“No, I think Du Hang, you have a kind of tolerance that ordinary people don’t have. Your perspective on people and things is very unique. It makes people feel like… You seem to have experienced a greater storm than your current life.”

“Ha, it’s just me?” Du Hang pointed at himself amusedly. Before time travel, he was an ordinary novelist. What storm?

If I really want to say it, I often make rules for survival in the end of the world, rules for traversal survival, and so on. Oh, maybe when I write the book, the bizarre worlds I conceived can be regarded as my own experience?

Come on.

Rayleigh looked at Du Hang, really curious.

What he said just now is actually not finished.

What he really felt was that Du Hang didn’t seem to have grown up in this world, but instead seemed like a descendant of some great aristocrat. In this world, ordinary people have long been polished physically and mentally by the cruel reality. There will also be scars of his own, and these scars will be inadvertently shown in words, deeds and temperament, just like Roger, although he looks fearless and silly, but he also has his own dark side, but Du Hang…

Could it be that Du Hang is really a son of some super noble, or even the young master of a Tianlong family?

Thinking of this, Raleigh also found it a little funny.

Which young master Tianlongren would come out to become a pirate, even if he really did, he must have experienced unimaginable pain. It is impossible to be like Du Hang, as if he grew up in a honeypot.

Du Hang returned to the village, just in time to see the old fisherman who showed him the way passing by, so he said hello.

As soon as Du Hang came back with Leili, the old fisherman let out a snort, “Amazing, young man, you can really buy Sirbas Leili’s boat, he is a famous strongman around here.”

“Haha, it’s not that we bought it, but we plan to go to sea with Mr. Rayleigh to do business. After we become a world-renowned businessman, we may come back to see everyone.” Du Hang laughed.

“It’s good to be brave.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Du Hang and Lei Li went to buy the things needed for sailing together. After a while, each of them carried a big bag and carried these things. Du Hang grinned, although he had learned a lot during this time The way of fighting, but the physical strength is still a little weak. If this goes on, the physical strength will become a shortcoming, so it takes time to practice well.

Look at Sauron, when he was still a virgin, he could carry a stone bigger than himself and practice squatting. That is the real man of iron and blood, the real Brother Chun.

Just as Du Hang and the others were about to leave, the militia uncle from the village suddenly ran over.

“Hey, you two are going to go out to sea!”


“Then remember, you must avoid the island 400 nautical miles to the northwest. Passage is prohibited there. No one on the island can leave alive! Even if there is no supply, even if there is something wrong with the ship, you must not Go to that island!”

“Oh?” Seeing that the militiaman’s expression did not seem to be fake, Du Hang took out the cigarette stick, lit it and took a puff.

“Uncle, tell me about that island carefully.”

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