Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – Encounter

After sending Du Hang and the others away, the militiaman began to inspect the surroundings of the village as usual. At this moment, the shadow of a big ship appeared in the distance.

His heart sank, today is not a day for merchant ships to pass by, what kind of ship will come? Could it be a pirate?

But after a while, his doubts were dispelled, because the iconic seagull flag of the navy was clearly visible. Seeing the rare navy, the militiaman heaved a sigh of relief, ran to the beach, and pulled out two small sleeves from his back. The flag is a semaphore for the navy, telling them how far they can berth.

On such a small island without a port, it is impossible for a large ship to dock at a close distance. If you get too close, you will inevitably run aground. If you want to go to the island, you must stop far away and send small boats and sampans over.

“Colonel Garp, the militiamen on the island are directing us where to park.” The watchman said loudly.

“Oh, the people on this island are very kind.” Karp laughed.

Under the command of the militia uncle, the navy quickly landed on the island. After a few pleasantries, the navy raised the demand for water. Naturally, this small request quickly obtained the permission of the villagers. A large group The navy began to go to the river to fetch water with various water fetching devices.

Garp wanted to fetch water with everyone, but the soldiers firmly rejected him on the grounds that he was the captain. Garp was bored and wanted to chat with the villagers. When he came to the village entrance, he happened to see The navy soldiers are distributing the latest arrest warrants to everyone.

“Everyone must remember the appearance of a pirate. Once you encounter a person on the arrest warrant, run away quickly, and then report to the navy in time!” Said the navy soldier while posting, and the common people nodded in agreement.

At this moment, several exclamations came from the crowd, causing a commotion.

“What’s going on?” Garp stepped forward and asked.

Seeing Garp’s cloak of justice, several villagers said stiffly, “That…Master Navy, it seems that there is a person on the wanted warrant, who just came to our village.”

“What?!” Hearing this, Garp was taken aback, “Which one is it?”

“That’s it.” Several villagers picked up the arrest warrant in their hands together, “Goldo Roger, that’s him, he just came to the village with a young man with a cigarette pipe not long ago, they said he was a businessman who died , come here to find a boat, we told them to go to Leili on the west side of the island, and now, the three of them should have gone to sea with Leili’s boat…”

Hearing this, Kapton turned around and yelled: “Everyone! Stop all work! Go back to the boat! Hurry up!”

“Yes!” Hearing Garp’s order, the marines who were still queuing up to fetch water poured out the water in their hands one after another, and ran towards the boat at the fastest speed. After a while, only Karp one.

The militia uncle looked at this scene with a look of surprise. In fact, before he returned to his hometown to become a militiaman, he also served in the navy. But he has been in the navy for several years, and he has never seen any team with such strong execution ability! If it was an ordinary naval force, it would take at least 30 to 40 minutes to return to the ship after hearing such a sudden order from Garp, but how long did it take for Garp’s soldiers?

Seven minutes? ten minutes?

Who is this colonel named Garp?

But then, he realized a bigger problem.

“Um, Mr. Garp, the boats are gone, how do you get back to the battleship?”

Garp laughed: “Don’t worry, it’s only a few steps away!”

As he spoke, he moved his feet, and with a bang, his figure leaped high and appeared in mid-air! Then, under the shocked gaze of the villagers, Garp seemed to be running in mid-air, and kept moving forward. With a sound of empty explosion, he actually jumped onto the boat in a few steps!

“This, isn’t this the naval six-style… moon step that is rumored to be used only by high-level generals?” Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, the militiaman couldn’t calm down for a long time.

On the other side, the boat with the pirate flag finished was finally sailing on the sea. Du Hang sat on the side of the boat and let out a puff of smoke comfortably.

“It’s really cool. It’s really cool to sail against the sea wind and waves. The most important thing is that you don’t need to spend money on the boat ticket. It’s wonderful.”

“Hahaha, this is freedom!” Roger laughed and said to Du Hang.

Rayleigh also rarely showed a satisfied expression. He took over Roger’s job and became the helmsman. Of course, helming is only a sub-job. His main job on the ship is swordsman, just like Sauron on the spaceship of later generations.

“Captain, where are we going now?” he asked.

“Of course it is the great route! Since you want to be the freest person, of course you have to challenge the most dangerous sea! I want to enclose the great route as my territory!” Roger laughed.

Du Hang didn’t think so: “Don’t worry about the great route. Anyway, we will go there sooner or later. Let’s head northwest first.”

“Northwest direction? Why?” Roger showed a strange expression.

“You want to go to the island that the militiaman said, right? If what he said is correct, there should be an animal-type Devil Fruit user there?” Rayleigh guessed what Du Hang was thinking, and reminded him.

“Well, that’s it.” Du Hang nodded. He had an idea to test, that is, whether his brain analysis ability can analyze the devil fruit ability. If so, his future road ahead will be broader. .

“It’s too early for my current strength to go to the great route. Before going, I plan to find a few places in the East China Sea to exercise. The island with hidden treasures is a good option.” Du Hang said.

“Devil fruit ability user? I’m interested too! I haven’t seen a devil fruit ability user yet! Then let’s go there!” Roger agreed with Du Hang without hesitation.

Rayleigh nodded. He was actually a little interested. If everyone wanted to go, that would be a good time. He took out the compass and started to adjust the direction.

At this moment, Du Hang was stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction behind him.

“No way, it’s so fast?”

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the two of them: “There is a navy coming, and it is a heavy-tonnage warship. I am afraid that there are senior navy generals on board. Get ready!”

On the battleship not far away, Garp smiled and put down the binoculars.

“Good, found them, hurry up! Speed up!”

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