Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 144

Chapter 144 – Fallen Dragon

Chapter 144 The Fallen Dragon

The transformation of the red dragon is gorgeous and domineering, no need to repeat it, anyone who takes a look at it will know what it is.

As the giant beast’s wings trembled, the ring-shaped air wave exploded, making people retreat involuntarily!

Animals, phantom beasts, red dragon fruit!

The huge and powerful body, the blazing red scales, the wide wings, and the fiery breath surrounding the body all showed the strength of this giant dragon. Seeing the transformation of the red dragon, Staff Officer Paz hummed He smiled, his face full of confidence.

Drake wants to kill Chiron, but I’m afraid he doesn’t have the ability!

The red dragon opened its huge dragon mouth, let out a long roar, and then rushed towards Drake!

Drake’s three dog heads grinned in unison, showing a strange smile, and ran towards Chilong.

Two huge beasts hurt each other like two hills. The red dragon raised a dragon claw, and Drake also raised a claw, and slapped each other hard.

Seeing this scene, Du Hang frowned, and looked at Paz: “Your marshal’s fighting style is tough enough. He can fly, so he has to be tough on the ground?”

Paz laughed and said, “Don’t worry, Chiron is sure of himself. It’s not the first time he and Drake have fought against each other. With Chiron’s defensive power, as long as he doesn’t get attacked by Drake in the same position many times in a row, it’s okay. It won’t be too badly hurt.”

“Hmm…? Is that true?” Du Hang tilted his head and replied casually.

When he said this, there seemed to be a green light in his eyes.

Pass just wanted to ask Du Hang why he said that, his eyes widened.

Under his shocked gaze, the claws of the three-headed dog, like tearing paper, easily cut a big wound on the dragon scale of Chilong’s leg! But Chilong stiffened its paws due to surprise and pain, leaving only three shallow scars on the three-headed dog!

“How is it possible?!” Paz took a step forward in surprise.

The huge wings on the back of the red dragon trembled, releasing airflow to force the three-headed dog back, and the pair of huge dragon eyes narrowed slightly.

One of the heads of the three-headed dog laughed: “How about it, Chilong, I didn’t expect it, my strength is not like last time… now I am much stronger than you!”

Pass frowned: “How could this be?” He turned his head to Du Hang, and suddenly remembered Du Hang’s slightly suspicious words just now.

“Illidan, did you find something?”

Hearing this, Du Hang pointed to the paw of the three-headed dog in the distance.

“Isn’t it the first time you guys have fought with the Drake Pirates… Have you ever seen Drake use a sword before?”


Pass thought for a while, then shook his head.

Like Chiron, Paz is also the type who relies on animal-type fruits to transform and fight. On weekdays, he fights with bare hands, relying on domineering, and transforming when encountering powerful enemies. This is their fighting style.

Thinking of this, Paz was startled.

“Could it be that…”

“En.” Du Hang nodded, “If my guess is correct, he used a special method to integrate the power of the sword into his transformation, making his claws sharper. In the claws, I can feel a special breath, that sword is probably a big sharp knife, or even the supreme sharp knife!”

Hearing Du Hang’s words, Paz showed such an expression.

Although Du Hang’s voice was not loud, he didn’t try to hide himself. Chilong and Drake in the distance also heard it.

Drake’s three dog heads immediately squinted at Du Hang.

“You bastard… really annoying.” His huge body said in a low voice.

“Haha, thank you, buddy!” Chilong laughed rumblingly, seeing Drake’s displeased look, he felt very happy.

Paz couldn’t help admiring: “It’s amazing, Illidan, you guessed something that I didn’t even think of… Tsk tsk, your name is probably fake, have you been confused before? “

Du Hang rolled his eyes in his heart, you are the one who messed up…

Seeing that he didn’t answer, and Paz didn’t bother, Chilong showed a thoughtful expression.

Although the truth of his becoming stronger was revealed, Drake didn’t care much. Anyway, even if Du Hang didn’t say anything, Chilong would definitely find out after a few moves. After he roared, his offensive became more rapid. Claw strikes, and three head bites were added, but this time the Chiron learned to be smart. After parrying a few times, it flew high and opened its mouth wide, aiming at Drake.

The fiery white ointment rolled and condensed in his mouth!

“Dragon’s Breath Cannon!” Chilong shook his head and threw out his own tricks!

With a move of the three-headed dog’s four strong legs, the whole body jumped sideways, narrowly dodging the dragon’s breath cannon, and where he was just now, a **** pit was blasted out by a cannonball, and the violent air wave couldn’t let him go. Everyone watching the battle from a distance couldn’t help raising their arms to resist.

However, the three-headed dog who had just escaped a shot was surprised to find that a huge black shadow had rushed in front of him at some point!


There was not even time to react, the three-headed dog let out a scream, and was directly hit by the red dragon that swooped down from a high altitude. On the ground, blood splashed!

“Ha!” Chilong shook the faucet happily, “It’s cool!”

Seeing Chilong hitting the top, Paz patted his forehead speechlessly.

“This guy… is excited again.”

The three-headed dog got up annoyed. He originally wanted to fight back against Chilong, but from just now, Chilong started to use obscene tactics, always flying high into the sky, bombing with dragon breath, grabbing the gap and falling from the sky. The slap was so hard that the three-headed dog jumped anxiously.

In the middle, the three-headed dog also released several energy bombs of different colors, but Chilong hid them all. Ten minutes later, the three-headed dog had many more wounds, large and small.

For a while, Chilong had completely controlled the situation!

Paz snorted and crossed his arms: “Red Dragon has completely taken advantage now, and it is certain to win. I just need to clean up those guys under him in a while, and the navy will be able to do amazing things again, and capture a hegemony-level navy.” Thieves!”

Du Hang looked at Paz, a little surprised.

Who does this staff officer belong to? This tainted milk is literally mouthful after mouthful. It’s really lucky that Chilong can live to this day!

He pointed to a large group of Drake Pirates’ men on the distant beach.

“I said, Paz, look at those members of the Drake Pirates, I don’t think they seem very anxious.”

Pass was taken aback, and quickly looked over.

He now has a certain degree of trust in Du Hang’s judgment, so he will not neglect.

A black shadow suddenly rushed into the sky in his sight.

It was a humanoid thing that appeared on the back of Chilong.

He raised a long black knife and swiped it down.

The red dragon’s right wing is like a bloodbath!

The huge body crashed down!

The last chapter was written too late, and I was a little confused. I forgot the setting of the phantom beast species, and put the three-headed dog into the fruit of the dog… Haha, I changed it back now.

(end of this chapter)

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