Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 – Chilong Old Slippery Head

Chapter 147 Red Dragon Slicker

“Pass.” Chilong spoke weakly, “I was injured too badly this time, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to recover, but the current navy, to put it bluntly, doesn’t have any strong players that can be used, so it’s empty.” It’s okay with Xiaode and the others, so…after the news of my serious injury can’t be suppressed, the only way for the navy to maintain its influence is Du Hang’s plan.”

Pass was taken aback, “Who is Du Hang?”

Chilong’s expression froze, and he smiled awkwardly: “I was wrong, it was Illidan, he was dizzy from the beating just now… I mean, only Illidan’s plan can save the navy.”

Du Hang stood aside and cast a cold look at Chilong.

This is so old, you really know how to play, do you have to expose your identity? Damn retarded.

Pass nodded.

“You’re right, I didn’t expect you to be injured like this… If it were normal, even I would be helpless. Thanks to Illidan’s proposal this time.” He said helplessly. To Du Hang.

“Illidan, can’t you really consider joining the navy? The navy is really short of people now. We have seen your strength just now. As long as you come, I will directly recommend you as a lieutenant general. Isn’t that okay? And now the position of general There is still one empty, as long as you perform better, it is not impossible to be directly promoted to general.”

Du Hang shrugged amusedly: “If the navy does not have a world government, and the world government does not have a Tianlong people, your invitation is quite tempting.”

As soon as these words came out, Paz choked back directly, while Chilong was very surprised. He really didn’t expect that Du Hang would have such an idea!

Looking at the white mask on Du Hang’s face, he couldn’t help but heaved a long sigh.

Du Hang noticed the change in Chilong’s face, and said with a smile: “Are you afraid that I will do something to subvert the world, Mr. Chilong?”

Chilong didn’t speak, but silently agreed with Du Hang’s words.

Du Hang chuckled: “Although you definitely don’t believe it, I can tell you… I’m not interested in those things. I’m satisfied as long as I live my life with peace of mind. As for things as troublesome as subverting the world, I don’t have that ability. , I don’t have the time to think about it, you still don’t think too highly of me.”

Hearing the conversation between the two, Paz couldn’t help showing a thoughtful expression.

Judging by the attitude of the two, it seems that they have known each other before, and Chilong called him “Du Hang” just now…

Speaking of the name Du Hang, he really remembered that he was a very active pirate in the Six Sides incident, but…Illidan is definitely not Du Hang, Illidan’s strength is not far from the overlord level, why? Will you participate in the small six-sided meeting?

I have to say that he was completely fooled by Du Hang’s superficial skills.

Du Hang looked at the position of the sun in the sky, and said: “Since you don’t have any objections to this plan, let’s choose a date for the subsequent consultations. As the proposer of this plan and the first force to form an alliance with the Navy, I I want to see this plan come to fruition.”

“Okay…then…” Paz was in the middle of speaking, and was suddenly interrupted by a phone bug lying on the side.

“Bastard, finally there is a signal!” He picked up the phone angrily: “I’m Pas! Do you know…”

A voice sounded from the opposite side: “I’m very sorry! Lieutenant General Pass! Is the Marshal by your side?”

Hearing this, Paz frowned, how dare the other party interrupt his question?

“I’m here, what’s the matter?” Chilong waved his hand at Paz and asked.

The opposite side is a bit hasty: “Report to the Marshal! Something happened in the East China Sea, one of the largest partners of the World Government… The Rockefeller family said that one of their fleets in the East China Sea was attacked by pirates, and asked the World Government to send troops… Then…”

In the middle of speaking, there was a mess of voices from the opposite side, and a few seconds later, the speaker changed to another person.

“Marshal Chiryu, I am Sora.”

“Say, what’s going on.” Chilong said.

Hearing the obviously weak voice of Chilong, Sora was a little strange, but he still gave priority to reporting the situation: “The Rockefeller family is making troubles in the East China Sea, surrounded Rogue Town, cut off the route of Rogue Town, and wanted to threaten a pirate group…then The captain of the pirate group is from Rogue Town, after being provoked, he fought with the Rockefeller family, although the pirate group suffered heavy losses, they actually directly killed the two fleets of the Rockefeller family!”

Hearing this, Du Hang’s eyes narrowed.

“The Rockefeller family has been **** off, and they put pressure on the world government. They are too rich, and the world government can’t handle it. Now they order the navy to dispatch an admiral-level combat force to avenge the Rockefeller family and destroy that pirate group. Now I have to ask for instructions.” your opinion.”

Pass snorted coldly: “What a bunch of idiots, being played around by businessmen.”

As he was talking, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere on Du Hang’s side was a bit wrong.

Chilong also noticed this.

He sighed.

“Sora, what is the name of that pirate group…”

Steel Gukong smiled helplessly: “We all know each other. The Roger Pirates were very famous at the Sixth Meeting before.”

As soon as the words came out, the air-conditioning on Du Hang’s body seemed to condense into substance!

“Marshal Chilong, what are you going to do?”

Du Hang looked at Chilong and asked calmly.

Steel Gu Kong heard Du Hang’s voice and felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember who it was, so he just stopped talking for now.

Chilong took a deep breath.

Actually, it stands to reason that Du Hang’s privateering licensing system has been explained very clearly, and even if the Navy doesn’t cooperate with Yangwang Xingkong, it can still carry out this matter by itself.

But… I don’t know why, but he just has an intuition that if this matter is not handled properly, it will definitely cause great consequences.

He looked at Du Hang.

He has known this kid for quite a long time.

When we met for the first time, Du Hang was still a very ordinary little pirate.

At that time, Du Hang’s strength was very low, and even the not-so-secret physical skills such as the Sixth Form of the Navy had to be fooled by himself.

But it didn’t take long before he was able to stir up wind and rain at the six-sided meeting. In a few days, he even created a mysterious organization as big as looking up at the starry sky. Thieves fighting strength!

This talent, I’ve never seen it in any navy, not even a genius as monstrous as Garp…

Such a Du Hang, what kind of person will he become in the future?

He pondered for a long time, until Steel Gu Kong on the other side of the phone thought he was asleep, and finally spoke.

“Empty, you prepare the ship, bring a group of people you trust, wait for me at the port, and then tell the world government, we accept the order.”

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Du Hang.

Then, a weird smile appeared on his weak face: “Just in time… let’s take this opportunity to show your plan to the world government.”

Hearing this, Du Hang also instantly understood Chilong’s plan.

Although he felt very annoyed when he thought of what Kong said about the heavy losses of the Roger Pirates just now, he couldn’t help laughing when he heard what Steel Gu Kong said.

This old guy is really slippery.

You must have never expected that there will be a fourth update…

(end of this chapter)

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