Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 – Fuyue Fish

As night fell, Du Hang silently opened the cabin door of the boat and got below the deck.

The sea at night, under the light of the small oil lamp on the boat, turns black and golden greasy colors. The originally clear sea water looks like surging oil at night, and it looks very aggressive. It makes people sitting on the deck People can’t help but have an uncomfortable feeling.

It’s as if something can stick out of the sea water at any time and pull you in.

Roger and Rayleigh got out of the cabin a long time ago, but it wasn’t because they hated the dark, it’s just that they were not as new to the ocean as Du Hang. They went to drink in the cabin not long after the boat went out to sea, and now they are in the cabin of the boat A smell of wine.

Du Hang put his hand in front of his nose and slapped it unhappily, then found a chair and nestled in, closed his eyes, and began to digest the benefits that the brain brought to him.

Probably because the Geshan Da Niu fruit gave Zhinao a new data source. In just a few days, Zhinao brought Du Hang two more programs.

The first one is a passive, force unloading technique. As long as the opponent’s strength is not too much stronger than Du Hang, Du Hang can subconsciously use some tricks to remove the force exerted by the opponent, thereby reducing his own burden.

The second one is more practical. It is the basic boxing tactics formulated by Zhinao after a brief analysis of Garp’s fighting style. Du Hang downloaded this one without hesitation. His sword skills are really not very good, and he usually hangs a knife It’s mostly for the sake of looking good. Once he has physical skills, he will learn them immediately.

Counting his experiences during the past few days, Du Hang couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, the environment will shape a person. It has only been a long time since he traveled through time, and he has already become a real pirate. Although the brain has contributed a lot, But he can’t deny his own efforts.

After taking a look at his own situation, Du Hang opened his eyes. It was already late at night. Roger drank a lot of rum and was lying on the ground and sleeping soundly. Rayleigh was going to lower the sails. He was afraid The night’s wind blew the boat over.

Du Hang was also bored left and right, so he lay down on the small round window and looked at the black sea water outside through the glass.

Before traveling to this world, he had never seen the sea at night. Even if he occasionally traveled to the seaside, he would just go down for a dip during the day, but now it seems to have a different subtle feeling.

There is turbulent sea water outside, but I am hiding in the cabin. I don’t know if anyone has experienced the wonderful sense of security that rises from the bottom of my heart at this time.

At this moment, Du Hang’s pupils shrank suddenly.

In the dark water, he suddenly saw a pair of glowing eyes.

“Damn it!” Du Hangteng took two steps back and opened his mouth in surprise.

Roger was still fast asleep, snoring.

The eyes in the sea water are not big, but they have a chilling feeling.

Those eyes are green!

“Fack, I’m startled, what is this, the Burning Legion, or Gul’dan’s Green Cult Legion?” While muttering something to embolden him, Du Hang stepped onto the deck in three steps at a time. Rushing to the side of the boat, looking into those eyes.

The latter also followed the boat and did not leave. Seeing Du Hang coming out, the light in his eyes seemed to be a little brighter.

“Chinao, let’s see what it is.” Du Hang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said.

【Aquatic animals, similar to fish on Earth. ] Zhinao directly gave the answer.

“…It turned out to be a fish.” Du Hang exhaled a sigh of relief.

Although Du Hang has always thought that he is quite courageous, in fact he really has no resistance to this kind of unknown things in the dark.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, those green eyes suddenly rushed out of the water and came straight to Du Hang!

“Fuck! Trough!” Without hesitation, Du Hang opened Wuwu directly. With the loss of emotion in his eyes, Du Hang also completed the movement with his hands, stopped the fish, and threw it on the deck.

Hearing the movement from Du Hang, Lei Li came over.

Under the light of the oil lamp at the bow, he could clearly see the fish lying in front of Du Hang. The latter’s mouth was still opening and closing, and his body was crackling, looking very energetic.

After Du Hang lifted the state of selflessness, the corners of his eyes couldn’t help twitching when he saw the fish in front of him.

This fish is really good enough. Although it is only less than one meter long, it is covered with blue-black armor, its eyes emit a faint green light, and its mouth is full of sharp teeth. Similar creatures have been seen in the deep sea expeditions in the documentary.

“The Three Purities of Heaven, Earth, and Dao are impermanent, Yuan Yang enters the body and transforms into Nine Yangs!”

While reciting the dharma name that he didn’t understand, Du Hang felt his goosebumps come out, and threw the fish back into the sea again with a wave of his hand.

Although the fish is ugly, it is still a life, and Du Hang does not intend to kill innocent people.

Rayleigh showed a surprised expression.

“It’s actually the larvae of Fuyue fish. This is the first time I’ve seen it. This kind of fish should live in the deep sea of the Great Route. How did it appear here?”

“Fuyue fish?” Du Hang shook the seawater in his hand, “This name is quite infringing, isn’t there Bengyu Laoshan fish or something?”

“Fuyue fish is a kind of overlord sea king in the depths of the great sea route. It is said that after adulthood, Fuyue fish is bigger than an island, and can grow to a length of more than ten kilometers. It can eat a whale in one bite, even if it is a master of domineering , and few can match it.” Raleigh explained, and then looked to the side of the ship.

“Huh? The little guy hasn’t left yet?”

Du Hang also looked over, “This fish is so fierce? Isn’t it invincible? It’s destroying the ecological balance?”

“That’s not the case. Although the Fuyue fish is powerful, its fecundity is too weak. A single Fuyue fish may not have three or five offspring in its lifetime, so it is not a disaster in the vast and boundless sea.”

“Oh…” Du Hang nodded and looked at the fish.

The latter grinned at him, not knowing whether he wanted to express his kindness or his appetite.

Du Hang could feel that the fish was not hostile, but seemed to have a good attitude towards him, so he tried to reach out to the fish, but the juvenile fish didn’t dodge at all, and Du Hang just touched the armored head.

Du Hang stood up and looked at the fish: “Do you want to follow us back to the great route?”

The fish circled happily.

“Ha, it’s quite spiritual and interesting. I approved it. From today on, you will be the royal pet of the Roger Pirates… What’s your name? Since you are so domineering and sexy, you can call him Boss Yu!”

Fuyake patted its tail fin and circled around the boat.

The fourth member of Roger Pirates (appointed by Du Hang), officially joined.

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