Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 – You Are A Good Person!

Looking at the golden Buddha in front of him that could almost be described as upright, Lei Li had only one thought in his head.

The promised Warring States is a badass in the forest? Did the agreed draw A win in the past?

Is there a hairy relationship between the two? ?

Du Hang, you’re a fool, right? ?

At this moment, Raleigh couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart. Regarding this feeling, Roger said that he has a common language.

On the naval battleship, Du Hang looked at the small map while walking to the interior of the cabin. He doesn’t want to meet the navy now, even if a few big soldiers come, it will give him a headache, because his arms are still full of wounds , Properly hurt one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.

Soon, Du Hang touched the room of Zhan Guo.

This time, he didn’t come here with a treasure hunting mentality, but to “share” information with the Navy.

As an admiral with a strict personality and reasonable IQ, Warring States undoubtedly attaches great importance to intelligence. There must be a lot of intelligence belonging to this era in his cabin. The reason why Du Hang asked Burt to restrain the navy for a while is to go to the Take a boat to see the information on the Warring States Belt.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw stacks of papers on the table, and many small pieces of paper were nailed to the wall with tacks, just like the room of the protagonist in a detective novel. Seeing so many things, even if Du Hang I was mentally prepared, and I couldn’t help being speechless. At such a young age in the Warring States Period, he already had the clue of the title of “Wisdom General”.

Pulling out the chair, Du Hang sat down, looking like the owner of the room, and began to pick up the information compiled by the Warring States Period.

The top ones are just some irrelevant things. The Warring States Period is still cautious, which makes Du Hang very optimistic.

After casually looking at these ship staffing, crew health status reports, etc., Du Hang began to scroll down.

After digging through a bunch of junk information such as “Pigmotte Island topographical information” and “The distribution map of the great pirate forces in the East China Sea”, Du Hang finally found something he wanted.

The first is a world chart, an advanced customized version inside the Navy, super detailed, many things that are not marked on the general chart, are drawn on this map, Du Hang will not be able to finish reading this chart for a while. The nautical chart that could fill a room was recorded with the brain.

Then there are some communication codes within the Navy. Although these are changed from time to time, it is not wrong to remember them.

Next, Du Hang happily jotted down the staffing of the Navy Headquarters (below the general level), the naval patrol route map of the Great Route, and the latest report on the “Six Sides” activities. Maybe it will come in handy.

At this moment, Du Hang suddenly noticed a thin drawer under the table with a lock on it.

Such a thin drawer, what did Sengoku put in it?

Du Hang was surprised. Could it be that there were a lot of female navy underwear in it? Thinking about it carefully, this is also possible. After all, the Warring States Period is also a young man with a vigorous spirit. He travels on the sea every day and never sees any women.

While thinking about it, Du Hang flicked the lock lightly. Under the effect of the fruit ability, he directly flicked the mechanism inside the lock without hurting the lock. Then he opened the drawer.

“Stupid Sengoku, let me take a look at your dark history!”

Du Hang looked into the drawer with great interest, but he was a little disappointed in the result. There was nothing unsightly in it, only a thin stack of documents.

With a curious attitude, Du Hang picked it up and looked at it.

Seeing this, Du Hang couldn’t help but groan.

No wonder the Warring States period put these things together… Although there are not many documents, they are all investigations of the world government and historical texts.

Unexpectedly, you, a thick-eyed Sengoku, can do such a thing!

Tucao return to Tucao, Du Hang really has a higher evaluation of Zhan Guo in his heart. He already knew that Zhan Guo had doubts about the world government, but he thought it was after Zhan Guo became the admiral of the navy. I was puzzled, I didn’t expect that he was only a small brigadier now, and he had already started to have such a clear concept of right and wrong, which was undoubtedly a clear stream in the navy.

It’s a pity that the future Warring States did not go all the way to question the world government. As the leader of the navy, he is not qualified to make troubles. Once he does something he shouldn’t do, it will implicate the entire navy.

“Anyone has done some inhumane things when they were young. You will give up your attachment one day, but I don’t have your burden.” Du Hang wrote down everything on the document , put it back properly, and hung up the lock.

After reading what he wanted, Du Hang turned and left the navy warship.

At this time, the island was already in chaos. Hundreds of people led by the navy and hundreds of people led by the pirates were all fighting in the woods. The noise made the residents of the town not far away panic. Thinking that they were about to be involved in the war, these residents felt that the sky was about to fall, and many people had already started running to the beach. Those with poorer psychological quality sat on the street feeling stupid, and those who almost cried.

Walking in the town, Du Hang looked at the residents running around on the street, and couldn’t help but think of the aunts who were frantically looting when the mall was on sale.


A young guy bumped into Du Hang’s left shoulder and almost fell down. Looking at Du Hang who was going against the crowd, he couldn’t help cursing: “You are sick!”

Du Hang glanced at him innocently: “No.”

The young man cursed speechlessly, then turned around and continued running.

Du Hang sighed, Warring States, Garp, look at your navy, you are really unconvincing, the masses know that you are on the island, and you are so frightened, you are not ashamed.

Just as he was about to change people and take a longer detour, a figure sitting on the side of the road attracted his attention.

It was a girl in a long skirt of commoner clothes. The girl was very thin and her long silver hair was covered with dust. She sat quietly on the stone steps by the side of the road, with her eyes closed, her arms hugging her knees, motionless, as if something happened around her. Everything has nothing to do with her.

Du Hang showed a strange expression, walked over slowly, and squatted in front of her.

“Miss, what’s wrong with you? You got separated from your family?”

Hearing this, the girl slowly raised her head from her knees and “looked” at Du Hang.

The reason why she uses “seeing” to describe it is because she hasn’t opened her eyes until now, she just faced Du Hang.

“I have no family.”

A guess too.

Du Hang sighed, looking at the coarse cloth skirt on the girl, plus the dust all over her body, she didn’t look like someone was looking after her.

If it was in my previous life, when I was a writer who could make money to support myself and live a peaceful and worry-free life, it would be fine to give this child some assistance, but now I am just a wandering pirate, and I am not a good person, and there is no need What a sinful fate, I am willing to help others, and they may not be indifferent to a pirate’s help.

Thinking of this, Du Hang stood up slowly and was about to leave. After thinking for a while, he added: “Don’t worry, the riot won’t last long, the two waves of people are about to retreat.”

This is the last bit of help I can give her, Du Hang thought so.

The girl raised her head and showed him a faint smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Pirate, and… please don’t think you are a bad person, your heart is really kind.”

Hearing this, Du Hang was a little funny one second, but suddenly froze the next second.

How could this girl know what I was thinking? !

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