Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 – Shiki

Rayleigh sat cross-legged on the deck, while pouring himself wine from a small wine barrel, while watching Roger and Shikey, who were fighting fiercely not far away.

When Shi Ke first came here, he was really a little strange. He didn’t know what was going on with such a golden-haired man, why he looked for Roger as soon as he came, and he drew his sword when he found it.

But after thinking about it for a while, he realized.

Probably Du Hang blamed Roger again…

Rayleigh looked at Roger sympathetically, picked up the wine bowl, and drank it in one gulp.

“Poor captain, what evil did you do to meet a deputy captain like Du Hang…”

Du Hang, who was walking on the street, sneezed twice.

Mi Luoli raised her head with a concerned expression.

“It’s okay, it’s not a cold. Someone is probably talking bad about me behind my back. I bet fifty cents is Rayleigh.” Du Hang said.

Du Hang was also a little curious about Miloli’s eyes that are always closed, and asked specifically, but Miloli didn’t seem to want to mention her eyes yet, only saying that her eyes couldn’t see, so she couldn’t open them. There is no difference between opening and closing. Du Hang thought that since Mi Luoli didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t need to break the casserole to ask the end, so he just exposed this issue. Anyway, although Mi Luoli couldn’t see it, it didn’t affect daily life.

In the clothing store, Du Hang chose a black windbreaker for himself, because he thought it was very stylish. In the original book, Hawkeye wore it, Sabo wore it, and Shanks also wore it when he paid Whitebeard a grave. Let’s not talk about the first two, let’s talk about Shanks, who is usually sloppy, but his handsomeness suddenly rises by two stars after wearing a windbreaker, which shows how fashionable this kind of clothes are.

For Miloli, Du Hang also bought her some new clothes. Since she is temporarily named in the Pirates, she can’t keep wearing that coarse skirt. She doesn’t care, and Du Hang can’t stand it either.

Du Hang chose a long black dress from the clothes he bought and gave it to Mi Luoli, asking her to go to the fitting room to change.

After a while, Mi Luoli came out of the fitting room and faced Du Hang quietly.

Du Hang couldn’t help clapping his hands.

Misgah was originally a beautiful loli with cute appearance and exquisite facial features. She didn’t look rustic at all when she wore a coarse cloth skirt before, but now she changed into a long black dress, which made people couldn’t help admiring her. At such a young age, she already has a sense of luxury that mature women have.

A head of silver hair hangs gently on the shoulders of the skirt. The contrasting colors are not at all abrupt, but instead have a sense of beauty that blends holy and dark. For a moment, Du Hang wonders if he has awakened lo*ic*n soul.

The only possible flaw is the girl’s still quiet closed eyes, which may be unacceptable to some perfectionists, but in Du Hang’s view, such a Miloli has a more peaceful atmosphere, just Like a goblin sitting quietly in the library and living a peaceful life, it is lovable.

“Perfect, so perfect, little lady, I don’t think we will have to fight in the future. As long as you are put out, the enemy will be fascinated by you and surrender without a fight.” Du Hang praised with a smile.

“…Master Du Hang, you are exaggerating.” Mi Luoli smiled helplessly.

Looking at the delicate and cute loli in front of him, Du Hang couldn’t help but look around, wanting to see if there were any bullying bullying dog walkers that were common in the stories, but unfortunately they didn’t, I don’t know if it was this one The town is too small, and the world still lacks lo*ic*n…

While Du Hang was happily admiring Lolita, on the other side, on the navy’s battleship.

After a lot of effort, Warring States finally dealt with those annoying world government inspectors. He really didn’t like those guys who would only point fingers after the fact, and would kneel down and beg for mercy when they were in danger. I don’t want to be served.

Seeing his reaction, Garp snorted.

“Fortunately, I am not the top leader on the ship, otherwise I would be the one to be trained.”

Warring States gave him a blank look: “If you don’t speak, no one will think you are dumb. By the way, did you interrogate the cadre of the Yeying Pirates that was captured last night?”

Garp looked at him without saying a word, confused by Sengoku.

“What’s the matter with you, are you stupid?”

“Didn’t you tell me not to talk?” Garp looked innocent.

Warring States feels that he really wants to beat someone now.

Seeing that Zhan Guo was going to be angry, Karp quickly smiled and said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I just saw you being scolded for a long time and you were in a bad mood, so I wanted to make you laugh. The result is similar, they just want to catch us and exchange hostages with the Navy headquarters.”

“Du Hang…” Hearing this name, Zhan Guo felt his head ache again, “That guy is really unpredictable. Since he is a pirate and his strength is not weak, why does he have to help you deal with Bert? At that time, he turned around and left without losing anything. It would be even more wrong if he wanted to sell Bert’s favor. This favor.”

“I don’t care about those, I just know that guy messed me up, and I have to deal with him next time we meet.” Garp hummed.

Zhan Guo didn’t answer his words, but continued to think about Du Hang’s affairs, speculated on Du Hang’s thoughts, and after much deliberation, he didn’t come up with a result. He only thought that Du Hang might not have any hatred for the navy. On the contrary, he Maybe he still has a good impression of the navy, which is why he made such a strange move.

But if he has a good impression of the navy, why not join the army? If he joins the army, he can directly report to the air general, and he can be a colonel!

Thinking of this, Warring States shook his head amusedly, he must have been confused by those sabis from the world government, and he could even come up with such an unrealistic idea.

He didn’t know that Du Hang really considered joining the army before, but Roger stopped him.

He walked into the cabin and saw the fixed historical text stele.

At this moment, his expression softened a little.

No matter what the process is, at least my mission has been completed, and the stele of the historical text has been transported back properly. If the stele is lost, the gang of world government supervisors will definitely be able to send myself and Karp to a military court…

Thinking of those Zabis, Warring States anger came up again.

On Pigmot Island, Roger held a sailor knife and was slashing at Skee with a relaxed face.

The two had been fighting for quite a while. At first, Shi Ke felt that Roger was average, with more than enough strength and insufficient skills, but as he continued to fight, he felt more and more that something was wrong.

My own moves seem to be getting more and more useless! This Roger, seems to know his sword moves in advance, often before he can attack, he is already waiting where he wants to attack!

This battle is so frustrating!

Seeing Shi Ji’s increasingly ugly face, Roger grinned and said: “You came at the wrong time. At this moment yesterday, I didn’t know how to use my power at all, but I suddenly understood a lot of things last night. Now I can already show the fur of this power… The name of this power is to listen to everything!”

As he said that, Roger stabbed out with a sword, and with a bang, Shiji’s sword actually came out of his hand, spun a few times in the air, and plunged into the soil on the ground with a snap!

Du Hang, who just came back, saw this scene and couldn’t help showing a look of admiration.

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