Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – If You Don’T Have A Boat, Just Borrow One

Sitting in the naval prison, looking at the moonlight coming in from the small window above his head, Roger rested his cheeks with a melancholy expression on his face.

Du Hang, Luo Jie remembered this name. Don’t let him meet him in the future, or he will beat him once every time he meets him!

It’s fine to cheat yourself once, but I cheated again! It’s fine to trick him again, but after I agree with him and treat him as a friend, I cheated again! What is this called? Did someone do it? ?

“Bastard, Du Hang!” Thinking about it, Roger couldn’t help reaching out and pressing his forehead, and spewed out angrily.

“What are you calling me for?” A voice sounded from above his head.

“?!” Roger was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head in shock and looked at the small window again.

Under the moonlight, I happened to see Du Hang’s unbeaten face, lying behind the iron railing of the small window like a hanged ghost.

“Du Hang?!” Seeing this face, Roger couldn’t help exclaiming, this is a naval prison! Although it’s just a branch, it’s not something ordinary people can sneak into, and… the window is more than eight meters above the ground! How did Du Hang get there? !

“Have you eaten?” Du Hang asked with a grin.

“Fuck!” Luo Jie was almost fainted by Du Hang’s words, and he was thrown into this prison immediately after he was caught at noon. He didn’t even interrogate him once, let alone eat!

“I’m just saying hello… I’m not asking if you really eat or not, alas, it’s terrible to be uneducated.” Du Hang sighed, took out a small knife under Roger’s gaze, and pointed it at the iron railing on the window Just a poke.


The iron railing made of steel was easily broken in two by Du Hang’s poke!

Roger opened his mouth. He felt a little confused by the scene in front of him, but after thinking for a long time, he could only say: “Didn’t you say you can’t fight?”

“Yes, so I went to fight a lot this afternoon and learned a lot of experience.” Du Hang said while cutting the railing.

“You can infiltrate the Navy headquarters after a fight?! You think you are a god!”

“I’m a fast learner!” Du Hang emphasized angrily.

He really wasn’t talking nonsense. In order to sneak into the Navy headquarters to rescue Roger at night, he really fought several times in the afternoon. The first few times he fought with the gangsters in Roger Town. In the evening, he met a weak chicken pirate by the sea. In the regiment, Du Hang unceremoniously fired a cannon, ah no, it was a fight.

With the analysis ability of the intelligence brain, every battle, the opponent’s fighting style will be recorded. The more smoothly Du Hang fights with the opponent, the more thorough the analysis of the intelligence brain will be. Finally, the results of these analyzes will be summarized into Experience absorbed by Du Hang!

So Du Hang said that he changed from a weak chicken who can’t fight to a senior weak chicken who can sneak into the Navy branch in one afternoon.

Regarding Du Hang’s words, Roger was noncommittal.

“Are you here to save me?” He couldn’t help asking.

“Nonsense, otherwise I would come to the Navy prison in the middle of the night, or just take a walk?” Du Hang looked at Roger helplessly, his eyes deeply revealing his concern for mentally handicapped children.

Seeing Du Hang’s expression, Roger’s eyes twitched, “Get me out, so that you can push me out as a scapegoat next time you are in danger?”

“Huh?” Du Hang glanced at Roger in surprise, and he hadn’t seen him all afternoon. This guy’s IQ has improved a lot.

“What do you mean by that expression! Do you really think I’m an idiot! Damn it, I really want to beat you up!”

“No, how could that be? I adore you.” Du Hang laughed, cut open the iron railings of the window with a Hailoushi knife, and then waved to Roger: “Let’s go, don’t let me go!” Just wait, the navy patrol will come over later.”

“Although I want to run too, I don’t know why, but I just don’t want to listen to your command…” Roger shook his head helplessly, but still jumped lightly, jumped out along the window Du Hang cut out, and landed steadily. on the ground.

Behind him, Du Hang, who was holding the window sill with one hand, stepped on the dug-out foothold on the wall, also jumped down, watching Du Hang descending from a height of more than eight meters with a light breeze , Luo Jie was slightly taken aback. In the afternoon, Du Hang was obviously still an ordinary person. Why did he suddenly become a little more powerful at night?

“Follow.” Du Hang looked around for a while, and ran in one direction. Roger looked at Du Hang with a delicate expression, and followed after a short mental struggle. Anyway, he had already run out of the cell. , the situation couldn’t get any worse.

Seeing Roger following up, Du Hang raised his mouth and quickened his pace a bit. As expected of the future One Piece, he is very capable.

With the help of Brain’s real-time map, Du Hang and Roger quickly left the Naval Branch of Rogge Town and sat together on the cool beach by the sea.

Luo Jie stretched out his hands and rubbed his hair, but Du Hang took out a short tobacco rod from his bosom, lit the tobacco leaves inside with a match, and took a light puff. .

Seeing the red flames on Du Hang’s side, Roger clicked his tongue, “You seem to be at ease, but I’m in a terrible situation now, and I can’t even go home because of you!”

“If you can’t go back, then go out to sea. The sea is so vast, is it possible that you are willing to stay on this small island for the rest of your life? A good man has ambitions everywhere. Who dares to say that you will not become the king of this sea?” Du Hang exhaled smoke and laughed softly.

“Going to sea?” Roger opened his mouth in surprise. He really had this idea before and wanted to go out to sea for a while. When Du Hang mentioned this, his enthusiasm really ignited again!


Looking at Du Hang’s indifferent appearance under the light of the smoke pipe, Roger felt uncomfortable. He really wanted to go to sea, but he didn’t want to be forced to go out like he is now. With Roger’s character, even if he wanted to go to sea to become a pirate , It should also be done with great fanfare and announced to the neighbors!

“Do you have a boat?” Roger asked Du Hang with an unhappy expression.

“No.” Du Hang shrugged, “But there are.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s very simple… If you don’t have a boat, you can just borrow one from someone who has one? I think there are quite a few good boats in the Navy branch. Let’s go.” Du Hang laughed.

Roger’s eyes twitched, and he suddenly felt that he still underestimated the guy in front of him. If he just had a carefree personality and didn’t care about trivial matters, then this guy named Du Hang in front of him was definitely a lunatic!

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