Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – Swapping Tactics

“Roger, you should steer the rudder first, I’ll look for any useful weapons.” Du Hang said.

“Looking for a weapon?” Roger was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized: “Is someone catching up?”

He didn’t doubt Du Hang’s vigilance. The experience of being cheated in a restaurant last time made him understand that Du Hang must have some special ability that can detect the enemy in advance. It’s no surprise that he is domineering.

“Well, three ships, one three-masted and two two-masted, are not too far away from us.”

In this era when steam engines were not yet popular, the speed of sailing ships mainly depends on the wind, and in an environment with little or no wind, human power is the most important thing.

Although Du Hang and Roger set sail much earlier than the navy, they were only two after all. It was Roger’s skill to maintain the normal sailing of the sailboat. It was a dream to maintain the high speed, and their ship was not Wanli Sunshine. No.

The navy, relying on its numerical advantage, has already approached at a very fast speed.

Seeing Roger and Du Hang’s ship from a distance, Major Daller finally breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled out the command knife at his waist and pointed to the front.

“Surround up! Let me sink their ships!”


As soon as the voice fell, the marines were surprised to find that the ship in front did not speed up to escape, but slowly turned the ship sideways!

In naval battles, what does a sideways turn of a ship mean? I don’t think there is much need to explain—

“It’s bombardment! Everyone squat down!” The navy on the observation deck yelled loudly. At this moment, there was a roar from the patrol ship in front!

boom! !

A shell flew over suddenly and hit the sea water not far in front of the three-masted sailing ship, causing most of the navy on board who had not experienced naval battles to break out in a cold sweat!

In the cabin on the opposite side, Du Hang took back the cigarette rod used to ignite the fire, and smacked his lips, “Sure enough, this kind of Caribbean-style bombardment naval battle is completely a gamble. As long as there is a distance of tens of meters, the hit rate of the bombardment can only be measured by touching. described.”

While talking, he was not slow in his hands. The flame of the smoke rod quickly ignited one broadside gun after another. Two of them were lucky and really hit a two-masted sailing ship, causing the navy on it to panic.

The voice of the intellectual brain sounded, [Host, you can use the intellectual brain to analyze the state of the waves, so as to adjust the angle of bombardment to achieve better bombardment effects. 】

“You didn’t say it earlier.” Hearing this, Du Hang’s eyes lit up. He had really forgotten this usage before. After linking the analysis engine of the brain, the method of how to adjust the shelling angle according to the waves clearly appeared in the In his mind, in less than a minute, the three-masted sailing ship chasing them had a sharp increase in bullet rate, and was directly hit four times by Du Hang!

On the deck, Roger smiled. He really didn’t expect Du Hang’s bombardment to be so powerful. This bombardment technique is much better than Roger’s.

At this moment, a piercing sound came, and Roger was taken aback when he heard the sound.

It’s a chain bomb!

The so-called chain bomb is to connect two relatively small shells with a chain. After firing, one shell will drag the other shell and fly centrifugally, so a big hole will be torn out in the sail. Or tear up the rigging. If you are lucky, you can even tear off the mast and paralyze the enemy ship!

Although this was the first time that Roger had faced the navy head-on, he was not false at all, and his movements were not messy at all. Hearing the sound of chain bombs, he let go of the rudder in his hand without hesitation, pulled out the water With the knife in his hand, he soared into the air all of a sudden, facing the roaring shells!

boom! !

In mid-air, Roger swung his knife fiercely, cutting the two spinning cannonballs in half! With the momentum of the shell, Roger turned over and fell back to the deck, just in time to regain his grip on the rudder.

On his knife, a black energy quickly faded.

Du Hang just crawled out of the cabin, and almost spit out blood when he saw this scene.

Roger’s grandson, the armed color can already be attached to the weapon! No wonder he can fight so well without eating fruit. This is simply a genius in the field of domineering. If he has this kind of armed domineering, why not walk sideways in the East China Sea?

[A powerful move has been detected. According to the host’s cognition, it is automatically named Armed-colored Domineering. The analysis of Armed-colored Domineering has begun. The current progress is 1%. Please contact the host with similar abilities to facilitate system analysis and brain analysis. When a certain value is reached, the host will organize the usage procedure of the move! 】

Hearing Zhinao’s words, Du Hang couldn’t help being taken aback, and then almost laughed out loud.

Before, he thought that the analysis of the brain was limited to sorting out physical moves, increasing one’s combat experience, and investigation analysis, and the like, but he didn’t expect that the brain had the magical function of copying other people’s abilities!

If you say that, maybe in the future, the brain will be able to analyze the fruit abilities of other people, and turn yourself into a superpower with countless abilities?

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited, right?

Just thinking about it, Du Hang was shaken by a shell that hit the side of the ship.

“Du Hang, our ship seems to be dying, what should we do?” Roger asked.

“Don’t worry, I came here with the mentality of destroying the boat from the very beginning. You see… I haven’t hit the brig at the back since the beginning. Our new means of transportation is that!”

Looking at the misfired patrol boat, Major Dale laughed.

“Very good, although these two pirates are good, but unfortunately they are still not as good as I, Dale, they are already dead, ready to fight on board! It is best to capture them alive!”


With a heavy muffled impact, the three-masted sailing ship directly hit the side of Du Hang’s ship, and a large group of marines jumped onto the deck of the ship with knives, searching for traces of Du Hang and Roger.

No one saw it, but everyone felt that their feet were a little weird.

“Hey, do you guys think… there’s something on the deck?”

“It’s like… this, this is!”

“Oil! It’s oil! Run!!”

Not far away, Du Hang and Roger easily took care of everyone on the navy’s two-masted ship, and completed the house-changing tactic. Looking at their own ship not far away that was occupied by the navy, Du Hang smiled and picked up the cigarette. Rod took a sip.

“Goodbye, my first opponent.”

The voice fell, and the flames shot up into the sky!

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