Pirates: I Resurrected Roger

Chapter 242

Chapter 242:

Thinking of this, Fujitora and Lu Niu couldn’t help but sighed in their hearts, pity the hearts of parents all over the world, Roger, this is to use their own lives to make up for the guilt of their sons.

Each of them knew that Roger was bound to die here, and they believed that Roger himself knew this very well, but he still chose to do so resolutely.

Behind the admirals, two old figures were leaning against the wall of the central military fortress. The heavy shadows from the eaves of the city wall covered their faces in the light and shadow, and also made the wrinkles on their faces appear clearer. , deep, as if carved with a sharp dagger.

A small yin here seems to have completely cut off the war-torn battlefield outside, and it is deadly silent.

Neither of them spoke, one of them was smoking a suffocating cigarette, and his hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

“Cap, do you regret it?”

At a certain moment, one of the figures suddenly spoke, and his voice was hoarse, as if his throat had been scorched by red-hot steel.

It is Warring States.

When the voice fell, the hand of the Warring States holding the cigarette trembled violently, and a large piece of soot on the cigarette was slowly shaken to the ground.

A strange red light flashed across the shadows.

When the other person heard this, his body trembled, his head, already gray, was stubbornly lowered, and he didn’t dare to raise his head to look at the tragic battlefield.

Do you regret it, old **** in the Warring States period, I really don’t know that man, but before he died, he entrusted himself the last orphan and last hope in this sea.

He gave everything to me.

He believes that I can protect Ace, even at the cost of my life.

However, in the end, I could only watch his son, my grandson Ace dying in front of me.

Nothing can be changed, nothing can be changed.

I betrayed his trust, I am sorry for him, and even more for Ace.

Do I regret it? Of course I regret it!! I regret so much that my **** are green!! But I am a navy after all!! What I have behind my shoulders is the greatest belief in my life!! Karp is crazy in his heart Roaring and shouting, the pair of iron fists that were invincible all over the world clenched tightly, the blue veins on the back of the hands bulged, as if terrifying earthworms were shaking, squirming even between the fingers because of excessive force. It pierced the skin with force, oozing scarlet blood.

But he still didn’t dare to raise his head to look at that battlefield, to see that… the man who still had deep or shallow injuries on his body.

Teeth, gritted eyes, bloodshot tears oozing hideous and scarlet, already covered his face.

Boom!! At this moment, an earth-shattering roaring explosion suddenly exploded in the center of the battlefield, “Great Flame Ring – Dragon Roar!!”

Roar!! Accompanied by the furious roar of the flames, a large-scale fire dragon slammed across the ground, drowning thousands of navies in the sea of fire.

A figure walked out looming in the depths of the sea of fire, holding a **** sword in his hand, he raised the sword in the distance, and looked coldly in the direction of the central military fortress, “Magma brat, get out of here! !!”

There are some things today, the update is relatively late, but I will try my best to update 5. Those who can’t wait can watch it tomorrow.

548 Akainu: Do you think you are still the One Piece? [3 more for full order]

There is red sand everywhere, and there is death everywhere.

The scarlet red swept through together, and it was all withered and cracked.

On the battlefield, the flames sometimes circled, sometimes twisted, chasing each other like fire elves, climbing toward the black smoke-filled sky.

Its temperature is so hot that it even seems to make the air: twisted, liquefied, and emits a strange glow in the bright and uncertain firelight.

The picture that comes into view is a sea of red fire.

“Magma kid, get out and die for Lao Tzu!!”

The loud and cold voice slowly rippled out in the sea of flames, but in an instant it included the huge Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone on the battlefield changed slightly, and they only felt a biting chill gushing out from the soles of their feet, and then they ran up their legs and spine, and came straight into their minds.

They stared at the figure who slowly walked out of the boiling fire with the sword raised slowly, with shock and horror on their faces, and they were all cold.

Could it be that that man really thinks he can cut a **** path in the midst of the army and screw off the head of their supreme commander? Is he crazy? But when they turned their eyes towards Roger At that time, he was suddenly stunned.

Because in that man’s blood-stained face, in that pair of eyes full of wild fighting intent, each of them could not find the slightest hesitation, timidity and fear in those eyes.

Yes, there is only indomitable sense of reason and self-confidence.

Then, the navy suddenly discovered an extremely terrifying cruel fact that made them tremble all over.

——Roger’s boat that landed on the Marine Vanduo military port was still swaying and bumping in the seawater of the offshore port, as if it would fall apart at any time, overturning and sinking into the sea.

And from the port land on the edge of the boat, a shocking blood road, covered with black marks burned by the high temperature flames, spread all the way to the feet of Roger in front of him, and it was thousands of meters long.

The distance is not too long or not short, and there are corpses that melt like liquid everywhere, and the air is full of scorched spines of human flesh, which is similar to the smell of meat roasted on a campfire.

But this should be full of aroma “meat”

, mixed with the smell of blood, but there is a disgusting smell that makes people nauseous and diverts water from the stomach.

A kilometer of blood, Roger never took a step back!! “Get out and die”

Hearing Roger’s confident and domineering voice, the corners of Akainu’s mouth slowly revealed on the central military fortress.

A sly sneer came out.

“That’s arrogant enough, Roger.”

“I thought you were the one… One Piece?”

He suddenly shook his head disapprovingly, and murmured softly, “Even if you were the one… One Piece?”

“In that era, weren’t we chased by our navy all over the sea and fled in a hurry?”

The young Akainu also participated in the mission of crusade against the Roger Pirates with the older generation of naval veterans such as Garp and Sengoku.

At that time, he also had a fierce confrontation with members of the Roger Pirates.

Although he was still very young and immature back then, he was still far and far away from a peak powerhouse like Roger, who stood at the top of this sea.

However, even Akainu at that time never had the slightest fear of Roger, the pirate king, in his heart.

Because he has sufficient confidence in himself, sooner or later, he will definitely be able to catch up with these old guys of the old era, and then lead the navy, hold the banner of justice, and use all the pirates on this sea to the best of their ability. Tough, the most iron-blooded means of suppressing and killing everyone!! And now, decades have passed, the… youthful navy kid in those days has finally thrived and transformed into a “justice”

The highest leader, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, has dozens of powerful countries and island territories under his command. In this sea, the only person who can be compared with him is that… the man named Liu Feng. That’s it! Even the world government that has ruled this sea for 800 years, he will not pay attention to it!! Seeing Roger throw himself into the net like this, he screams the stupidity of wanting to screw his head off Appearance, Akainu just thought it was extremely ridiculous and absurd.

The present is not what it used to be, I am not now… the… weak naval recruit back then, the Navy has come to the most prosperous period in history under my leadership!! “Don’t look down on yourself too much”

Akainu suddenly sneered, his figure burst out with incomparably powerful and majestic aura, a platform under his feet collapsed suddenly, his body flew up, and in mid-air, hot black smoke emanated from his arms. The formed magma fist slammed down towards Roger, who was in the center of the battlefield, on an astonishing scale!! “You are just like that old guy with Whitebeard!!”

“Just a remnant of the old days!!!”

549 Akainu vs Roger! Magma vs Fire! ! [4 more for full order]

“Big Fire Spit!!”

Akainu’s eyes flashed with crimson fighting intent, and the huge magma fist with a diameter of ten meters was thrown out of his arm!! The deadly high temperature seemed to reflect the entire sky in blood red.

As the setting sun is about to end, the whole world is brewing a strange chilling atmosphere at this moment.

The twilight was deep, and the suffocating pressure was crushed from the sky in the hot wind, causing Roger to narrow his eyes subconsciously.

“So, is this the Devil Fruit power that punches my son Ace through his body?”

With a cold expression, he suddenly flashed a cold grin on his lips.

“Really good attack power.”

He slowly took a deep breath, raised his head, and in the pupil reflection in his eyes, the huge fist that fell like a scarlet meteorite approached at an astonishing speed.

A wisp of invisible violent air waves quickly lingered on his arm, and then dyed the long sword in his hand black, as solid as steel.

Chi!! The throbbing flames, like flowers in full bloom, lingered on the sword body, spewing out amazing waves of fire, actually piercing the ground pointed by the sword tip into a bottomless scorched black groove.

“Magma kid, you are right.”

“I’m just like Whitebeard, I’m just a remnant of the old times”

“But even so”

“It’s more than enough to chop off your head!!”

Roger laughed loudly and swung his sword brazenly!! Swish!! Suddenly a soaring fire wave broke out in the void, and the riot was like a volcano bursting.

Circles of crimson ripples clearly visible to the naked eye rippled out in the void.

The sword energy wrapped in astonishing flames soared like a fire dragon, and collided fiercely with the bursting magma fist in mid-air!! Boom!! The after-flame and magma rain curtain in the sky swept down densely, like a rain of fire Pour down.

An incomparably strange scene appeared. The raging flames soaring into the sky, at the moment when they met the magma, seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, and they melted away like water.

Roger’s face sank, but the figure rushed out instead of retreating.

Wow!! The domineering sharp sword easily cuts through the rain curtain, and the impenetrable sword waves seem to be swept by a gust of wind.

The next moment, under the horrified gazes of countless navies, two figures with equally domineering aura, chilling and noisily collided fiercely in mid-air! Like a comet hitting the earth, the boundless crimson air waves collided with their fists. The place where the long swords clashed shot out, and the two

As the center, it spreads out in a mighty and turbulent direction in all directions.

The earth was burnt and dried layer by layer, and then the overlapping waves like the sea were set off.

Within a radius of one kilometer, whether it was a naval soldier or a fort building, it was lifted out alive by this terrifying hot air wave, and then quickly turned into a piece of scorched earth in mid-air.

An even more terrifying scene followed. The two people who collided violently shouted at the same time, and the invisible majestic air pressure burst into deafening roars in the void. Interlaced blinking.

The whole world, as if at this moment, fell into dead silence and solidification. In the eyes of everyone, the world in front of them lost all colors and turned into a dark one.

Boom!! The distant sky suddenly exploded with waves, and then huge crisscrossing grooves pushed the thick clouds away gradually, as if the sky was about to crack into countless pieces and collapse at any time.

The collision of domineering colors!! At this moment, the former king of pirates, and the current supreme commander of the navy, both showed their respective supreme ambitions and spirits to the whole world!! Seeing this scene, Roger’s A gloomy look flashed across his face.

The little devil Akainu has awakened the domineering arrogance of the king! The spirit of the king!! This is unexpected.

You must know that the awakening of domineering and domineering will basically appear when a person is very young.

Because it’s a one-of-a-kind qualification.

And the appearance of this kind of aptitude will appear more in the pirates who are free, unrestrained, and act unscrupulously.

Among the navies, there are very few who can awaken the domineering and domineering look!! Over the years, as far as Roger has known, among the navies that have emerged in large numbers, there are only two outliers, Sengoku and Garp.

As for other people, such as Ze Fa, no matter how strong he is, he will never be able to awaken his tyrannical arrogance in his entire life.

Because being a navy itself means a kind of bondage!! The world government that suppresses you is the biggest obstacle to your courage and expansion!! Without even the most basic freedom and will, how could you have The qualifications of the king! However, the red dog is actually at: 55 years old “old age”

, Forcibly awakened the domineering and domineering!! This also means to a certain extent, this magma kid in front of him does have the potential and determination to lead the navy to a height of world domination!!

[There is another chapter to make up tomorrow, too sleepy] (free chapter)

550 magma, but it restrains flames! ! 【1 more for full order】

The orange-red giant flames swelled up a purgatory-like wind, blowing the naval flags over the entire naval headquarters, Marine Fando.

The earth hissed and burst under the terrifying high temperature, and the jumping embers of light rose in the vast smoke screen and flew towards the gloomy sky, like thousands of fireflies born in the world.

The magma was ejected, and the scorching earth bulged in a strange shape, spewing out a high-heat fiery red liquid, as if submerging the world.

The two figures have once again set off an earth-shattering battle.

Every time the two collided, every time they fought, there would be a deafening roar, bursting flames and magma, crazily intertwined around their bodies, shooting scarlet violent air waves, forcing the surrounding people. The sailors retreated.

“Too strong, this is no longer a battle that humans can participate in”

“Those two men, whether it is domineering, physical skills, or devil fruit abilities, have developed to an unimaginable level.”

“I have never seen such a brutal and terrifying war in my life”


The navy officers who were forced to retreat to the distance of a thousand meters were all dark and frightened, staring at the hot **** on earth with pale faces, and fell into a bottomless shock.

Wherever the two men passed, everything was burnt to ashes by the terrifying high temperature. Others, even the powerful lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters, wanted to intervene, but they were instantly shattered. Domineering defense, roasted to dry.

Between the sky and the earth filled with billowing smoke, it was already dyed red by the crimson light, as if it had been coated with a layer of fiery red paint.

Keng!! Boom!! Another crisp humming sound of swords clashing suddenly exploded in the void, accompanied by the terrifying blast of air waves, the ground beneath the two of them cracked open, setting off Roger and Akainu. It also flew out at the same time, opening the distance.

Slightly panting, Roger’s eyes were scarlet and the Akainu was cold, and his heart gradually sank.

The difficulty of this magma kid was beyond his expectations.

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