Pirates: I Resurrected Roger

Chapter 279

Chapter 279:

“If you want to overthrow the world government, it does not mean that war can be solved.”

As he said that, Liu Feng turned his eyes to Vega Punk, who was aside, and asked, “How’s the injury on Fisher Tiger’s side?”

Vegapunk said slowly: “The vital signs have gradually stabilized. After a large amount of blood transfusion, his body is recovering rapidly.”

“The physique of the murlocs is inherently stronger, and for the time being, there is not much danger to their lives.”

“However, with your ability, you should be concerned about this.”

When he said the last sentence, Vegapunk raised his eyebrows subconsciously, raised his head and stared at Liu Feng with those eyes full of wisdom.

Yes, even if Fisher Tiger dies, nothing is a problem for Liu Feng who has the ability to resurrect the dead.

Liu Feng shook his head and said: “Politics is politics, technology is technology, Vega Punk, often reality is far more complicated and obscure than science.”

“If Fisher Tiger were to die in such a civil strife, it would be great for those who worship and want to chase after the entire murloc island.

It’s going to be a very heavy blow for anyone with Fisher Tiger.”

“It’s not that resurrection can make up for the past.”

“The human heart is a very complicated thing.”

Vega Punk paused, as if thinking about Liu Feng’s words.

But after a while, he shook his head again and said softly: “Humans are really incomprehensible creatures.”

He was able to decipher the most obscure, complex and incomprehensible secrets in this sea, but he still couldn’t understand human psychology.

I have to say, at this point, Liu Feng’s “wisdom”

But to go far beyond yourself.

“So Marshal Liu Feng, do you have any suggestions on how to deal with the fish-man island?”

Just when Liu Feng was talking to Vega Punk, Eiji and Neptune exchanged glances, and finally Eiji asked.

Liu Feng smiled and said: “You don’t need to be so careful. As I said, I have no interest in the internal affairs of your Fishman Island.”

“If it wasn’t for the World Government this time, I wouldn’t even set foot on the land of Fishman Island.”

“Since Princess Yiji has come back, I can give up and leave this matter to you, Dragon Palace City.”

“With the talent of Princess Otohime, I am very confident that the next peace policy for the murlocs and humans will be well advanced.”

Otohime began to implement the peaceful policy of humans and murlocs many years ago, and it also achieved good results at that time.

It’s just that because of the shooting of Hody Jones, she died in a public speech to collect signatures, which led to the peace policy between the two ethnic groups.

And now that she’s back, with her domineering and strange abilities, as well as her reputation on Fishman Island, she will definitely be able to go further.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the “runaway” of the white star

, The entire fishman island has fully realized that the power of the ancient weapon Sea King Poseidon is not something that mere mortals can control.

And Bai Xing himself can’t control such a huge power.

This also means that they want to build a murloc empire and rule the “beautiful dream” of the sea

, has been self-defeating.

Losing their ambitions, those who are just around the corner can only keep their mouths shut and stay safe.

At this time, Yi Ji’s expression flashed a hint of hesitation, she hesitated to speak, and finally couldn’t help but ask: “That Bai Xing”

663 Princess White Star, are you going or staying? 【1 more for full order】

Bai Xing Yes, in fact, compared with the new army’s overall political policy on Fishman Island, as Bai Xing’s mother, Princess Yiji, who is more concerned about Liu Feng’s personal view of Bai Xing.

The power of the ancient weapon Sea King Poseidon has been fully reflected in the previous events of the Sea Forest.

That kind of… the ultimate power that is enough to destroy an island, overturn a sea area, or even destroy the entire world. Logically speaking, no one else would allow such an uncontrollable force to appear.

Especially for a huge armed force organization like Xinhai, it is even more necessary to firmly grasp the power of ancient weapons in their own hands.

After all, the world government, the enemy of the new navy, is the owner of the ancient weapon king.

Only the power of ancient weapons can fight against ancient weapons.

If Liu Feng forcibly took Bai Xing away by military means, there would be nothing wrong with Princess Yiji and Ryugucheng.

Because of the Sea Forest incident, it has been enough to prove an extremely cruel problem.

– Fishman Island, there is not enough strength to protect Baixing.

The pawns of the World Government can easily touch Shirahoshi himself.

Seeing Princess Yiji’s cautious and hesitant face, as well as the glances from Neptune and the others next to him, Liu Feng sighed inwardly.

Although Shirahoshi is the ancient weapon Neptune Poseidon, in the eyes of Neptune and Otohime, she is still a little girl who needs to be taken care of and protected.

However, “I can understand your concerns, but I am more aware of one question. Do you think that Bai Xing’s continued stay in Dragon Palace City is really good for her future?”

Liu Feng pondered the words for a while and then spoke, his voice was low, but there was an unquestionable firmness.

“I know Bai Xing’s past. She has lived in the shadow of death and fear since she was a child. Even to this day, her character and mind are still the same… 8-9, 8-year-old little girl.”

“But one thing you need to understand is that the world, not just the world government, has its eyes on the white star.”

“Let her stay on Fishman Island, it’s not a good choice for you Fishman Baixing himself.”

When the words fell, Princess Otohime, Neptune and the others fell into a bottomless silence, pursing their lips tightly.

Although they are reluctant to admit it in their hearts, there is no doubt that what Liu Feng said is not unreasonable.

Mermaid princess white star

It is the news of the ancient weapon Sea King Poseidon, which has gradually spread throughout the world with the passage of time.

This also means that in addition to the world government on the bright side, countless ambitious guys who are hiding in the dark have also begun to stare at Bai Xing and are eager to move.

The recent appearance of many unidentified ships in the waters near Fishman Island is the best proof.

Previously, Fisher Tiger led the Sun Pirates to patrol the island to investigate the traces of these unidentified ships.

This allowed the rebel army to take advantage of the loophole and closed the entrance and exit of Fishman Island in one fell swoop, and then took the power of Ryugu Castle.

Although the navy has defeated the naval headquarters, it has successfully brought the entire front and rear half of the great waterway into its commander-in-chief.

But this does not mean that the new navy has an intricate and deep-rooted military control over this vast and endless sea.

This sea is really too big.

No one knows that somewhere in this sea there are ambitious guys lurking, trying to rise up in the last chaos.

And getting the power of the ancient weapon Sea King Poseidon is undoubtedly the fastest way to rise! Facing such a coveted situation, the relatively weak Fishman Island cannot protect Bai Xing well, and even they can’t even protect themselves! “Liu Marshal Feng, we believe that you will be able to protect Bai Xing, and we have no doubts about this.”

King Neptune and Princess Etoji looked at each other and said in a deep voice.

“However, you know what Shiratoshi’s character is like.”

“If you let her take her here, I’m afraid she won’t be able to accept it.”

“In case of arriving at the new army, in a brand-new and unfamiliar environment, the pressure on Bai Xing will also increase. The most fearful thing is that Bai Xing can’t bear such pressure”

Nepton gritted his teeth, worry written all over his face.

“——Finally, the power of the sea king erupted again”

When they said the last sentence, King Nepton and the others clenched their fists with lingering fear, and their faces flashed pale.

The doomsday horror scene is so unforgettable.

This time, Princess Otohime was successfully resurrected and Shirahoshi’s mental state was stabilized, but no one knows about the next time.

664 Sea King is born! Hades resurrected! ! 【2 more for full order】

Looking at the faces of Neptune and Princess Yiji in front of them, which were filled with worry and anxiety, Liu Feng secretly felt a headache.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, no wonder they.

It is human nature for any parent to want to do everything they can to protect their child from harm.

However, in many cases, the more excessive protection, the worse the impact on the child. Liu Feng thought for a while in his heart, and slowly said: “I can understand your good intentions, but the child will grow up after all. of”

“You can’t stand in front of Bai Xing all your life and let her continue to spend the rest of her life hiding in that dark hard-shell tower.”

“There are many, many beautiful scenery in this sea, waiting for her to discover and discover with her own eyes.”

“Perhaps you think that there are many hurdles in Bai Xing’s heart, or maybe you think that she doesn’t have the courage to accept the outside world.”

“But this kind of thing, after all, she has to try it herself to find out, right?”

“I can’t assure you that Bai Xing will be able to learn to control her God-given Neptune power, but what I can guarantee is that I, and the new navy, will do my best to protect Bai Xing’s well-being!! ”

“She’s been in the dark all her life, and maybe you think she’ll never get out of it again.”

“But you know what?”

“Actually, it only takes a moment for the sun to shine into the darkness.”

Listening to Liu Feng’s sincere words, both Neptune and Yiji’s eyes became a little dazed.

They all recalled the gloomy, dark, heavy hard-shell tower in unison.

In their hearts, they slowly recalled Bai Xing’s life in the past ten years.

Yes, their precious and dear daughter really deserves a better life in the dark for a lifetime.

Just “Father, Mother”

Suddenly, just when the two of them were hesitating, a soft, timid voice came from outside the door of the conference room.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Neptune and Otoji turned their heads in astonishment and looked over.

“White Star! Why are you here?”

I saw that Bai Xing had already stood in front of the door of the conference room, watching them carefully.

“Lord Father, Lord Mother, take a look.”

Seeing everyone’s eyes, Bai Xing looked at her in unison. First, she shrank back with a trembling, and then seemed to remember something again, took a deep breath, and said this sentence.

Princess Yiji was stunned and asked subconsciously, “Son, are you sure you want to go with Liu?”

“You’ve never been to the outside world”

Bai Xing’s immature face turned slowly: solemn and serious, she nodded earnestly: “Yes, Mother Mother.”

“Marshal Liu Feng is right, I have to learn to grow up after all.”

“And, just because I’ve never been to the outside world, I’m going to see it for myself, don’t I?”

“Everyone in Fishman Island has been protecting me, a crybaby, for a long, long time.”

“It’s time for me to learn to grow up.”

“Since this sea has given me such a powerful power, there must be an arrangement and meaning behind it.”

“Uncle Tiger is right, the power of Sea King Poseidon is not for destruction and destruction.”

“It’s for protection!”

“Guard those who have guarded me,”

“Guard the lands I love so dearly,”

“Guard those I love”

“I’m ready, Mom and Dad.”

Bai Xing finally smiled sweetly, but his eyes were firm.

“—I’m going to see the world.”

There was silence.

After a long time, King Neptune and Princess Etoji smiled at each other, shook their heads and said, “You really have grown up, Shirahoshi.”

Seeing this scene, Liu Feng smiled with satisfaction.

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