Pirates: Ninjas On The Straw Hats

Chapter 102 The Joining Of Chopper

The addition of Chopper is not sudden. Under Usopp's explanation, Shin also understands the ins and outs.

Xin was unconscious for about half a day after returning to the castle, and it was already night.

While Xin was in a coma, Luffy originally wanted to invite Kuleha to be the ship's doctor, but she was rejected.

Turning around, Luffy stared at Chopper again. In Luffy's eyes, Chopper, a guy who can transform in three stages, is so cool.

Luffy's infectious energy is very powerful. In addition, the three of them had helped Chopper once before, so they became familiar with each other in half a day.

Nami heard about Chopper's story and the identity of the doctor from Kuleha, and relayed these to Luffy, who strengthened her determination to recruit Chopper into the team.

Chopper has always felt inferior to his blue nose and identity as a talking reindeer. He has always wanted to contact humans but was afraid to do so.

When Luffy invited him for the first time, Chopper refused. Luffy suddenly had a whim and made his face into weird shapes.

"Look, I'm a monster too."

Usopp thought of what the letter would call him, and he always called himself a long-nosed monster. The three of them played like this all afternoon, which completely opened up Chopper's heart.

Chopper agreed to join in, and they went to sea together after Xin woke up.

"By the way, you don't know yet."

Flying in the air, Usopp suddenly said to Chopper:

"Xin is also a red-eyed monster. He also had a title before, called the Burning Red-Eyed Monster!"

"Don't give me a strange title, you long-nosed monster!"

Shadow Clone, who was dragging Usopp along, understood instantly and directly choked Long Nose.

"Ah! I'm going to be killed!!"


While the four of them were fighting outside, Kuleha had already taken the key to the weapons warehouse in the castle, followed by Sanji, whom she had attracted.

"Why do you need so many cannons?"

"Stop talking nonsense and move quickly!"

With a hint of relief and sadness in her eyes, Kuleha directed Sanji to move all the cannons in the arsenal to the roof and put some powdery stuff inside.

Then she turned to Sanji and said:

"Next, I have to go back to the room to deal with some things. No matter what happens outside, I will not come out to check. I will relay these words to the little hedgehog, did you hear me?"

"okay, I get it."


"What a duplicitous old man..."

call out! A scalpel flew over from nowhere.

"What a good doctor."

Xin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Damn it, how powerful is this old woman? Is she always staring at him?

At this time, everyone gathered at the gate of the castle. Of course, it was impossible to really wait for two days, and they would definitely sneak away quietly.

The words conveyed by Sanji confirmed that Kuleha and the others left by default, and now there was only one thing left.

"Do we really not have to go and say goodbye?"

Vivi said hesitantly:

"Dr. Kuleha must be regarded as Shin's savior."

Nami stepped forward and held her shoulders:

"Forget it, they should be hugging each other and crying now, after all, they have been together for so long."


Zoro listened and said, "I think I heard crying."

"Really? Why does it sound like a scream to me?"

"Did your illness burn out your head? How could there be a scream when you say goodbye?"


"Everyone! Get on the sled, we're going down the mountain!!"



I saw Chopper transforming into a deer form, pulling a sleigh and running out of the castle, hurriedly asking everyone to get on the car.

Behind him, Kuleha chased Chopper with a bunch of weapons, and kept telling Chopper to stop.

The friends hurriedly got into the car, but only Xin felt something was wrong. If this old woman really wanted to stop her, how could she not stop Chopper.

He separated a Shadow Clone and turned it into stone and stayed here, and the main body followed the team.

Under the moonlit night, all members of the Straw Hats crowded into a small sled. Nobu sat at the back of the car, grabbing Luffy's hand and hanging him on the back of the car like a kite.

The cable was so small that it looked like a sleigh flying in the sky from a distance, which caused the villagers to exclaim.

Perhaps out of fear of being captured, Chopper led everyone into the forest below without stopping before stopping.

He quietly looked at the country he had lived in for more than ten years, and felt a little regretful that he could not say goodbye properly.


Kuleha kicked a stone in the snow:

"Come out, little spiky-headed brat."

Shadow Clone released the transformation with an awkward smile on his face, and as expected he was still seen through:

"Is this really an okay way to say goodbye?"

"Hey, I don't like anyone who cries!"

Even though she said this, there were already tears in Kuleha's eyes. To her, Chopper was like her own son.

"You happen to be able to breathe fire, right? Come with me!"

Kuleha led the Shadow Clone to the roof, which was filled with cannons pointing toward the sky.

"Fire Style·Dragon Fire"

The linear flames connected all the cannons in series, causing them to fire almost simultaneously.

Boom boom boom! ! !

"Okay boy, go turn on all the lights for me!"

Shadow Clone rushed to turn on the lights again. Under the light, the snowflakes in the sky turned pink.

On this island where snow falls all year round, Sakura flowers bloom.

"Is this your farewell gift?"

"No...it was a gift from that silly boy's father and I."

"The miraculous Sakura flower blooming on Winter Island is such an interesting idea."

"He's just a quack."

Kuleha looked at the foot of the mountain silently, and her powerful sense of sight allowed her to sense the location of Chopper:

"Go ahead, silly son."

Chopper, who was at the bottom of the mountain, had already burst into tears, looking at the gift given to him by his adoptive father and mother with tears streaming down his face.

Everyone returned to the Meili, and in order to celebrate Xin's awakening and Chopper's joining, they decided to hold a grand party.

Of course, before that, they had to fish out a duck that was frozen into an ice sculpture from the lake.

"Karu, how could you become like this!"

Vivi worriedly put a blanket on Karu, and Karu shivered and screamed.

"Hahaha, you slipped down accidentally, you are clumsy!"

"Shut up! Mr. Bushido!!"

"He said he saw Zoro disappearing while swimming in the lake, so he jumped in out of worry and froze."

"It's all your fault!!"

Sanji punched the green algae head, avenging Vivi's Karu. Nami looked at Chopper in surprise:

"Can you understand what animals say?"

"Because I am an animal."

"It's amazing. He understands both medical skills and the language of animals."

"Silly...silly, I have nothing to be happy about if you praise me so much!!"

"I'm obviously very happy."

Everyone was watching Chopper's cute show, but there was a clanking sound coming from the kitchen.

"This is the last chocolate ice cream, it's mine!!"

"I obviously got it first!!"

"What are you talking about? I made a reservation last night!!"

"I haven't eaten in days! It's mine!!"

"I haven't eaten for half a day! I'm hungry too!!"

"I've been busy on the island all day, and I want to eat too!"

"I'm a patient, you two bastards!"

"I'm the captain!!"


"Ha! The long-nosed monster has nothing to say and is out!"


Usopp was thrown out, but the sound in the kitchen hadn't stopped yet.

"Don't try to show me your captain's arrogance at a time like this!!"

"I'm the captain!"

"I'm still sick!!"

"I'm the captain!"


"I'm the captain!"

"I eat eat eat eat eat!"

"Ah! Believe it!! I want to eat it too!!"

"Too late too late, my stupid captain!!"

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