Pirates: Ninjas On The Straw Hats

Chapter 156 The Disappeared Meili

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

As the sound of drums came, the guests in the hotel fell into panic and hurriedly ate their food.

"The collection team is coming!!"

“Eat quickly, eat quickly!!”

boom! ! !

"Hello, fellow citizens."

The door of the hotel was pushed open. A man wearing a purple uniform, square glasses, and a mustache had a smile on his face:

"Did you enjoy your meal?"

He moved forward step by step, his eyes fixed on the guests beside him.

"The wine you drank seems to taste good."

“Don’t forget to pay the alcohol tax when you drink.”

The two soldiers following him stepped forward expressionlessly and forcefully took out the guest's wallet from his pocket.

"Wait a minute, this is filled with living expenses for my wife and children!"

Despite the customer's shouts, the soldier handed the entire wallet into the man's hands.

He didn't mean to count the money and collected the entire wallet.

"It is everyone's duty to pay taxes!"

“Those who don’t pay taxes are not qualified to live here!”

Xin felt sick to his stomach. Paying taxes is indeed an obligation, but you should count it anyway. Taking all the money from others is nothing like paying taxes.

[Magic·This is not Technique]

The leading man glanced around and showed a puzzled expression:

"It's so strange. Did everyone run away in such a short time?"

"But forget it, collection team, move on to the next store!"

The soldiers following him also turned a blind eye to the guests around them and kept beating the drums again.

With the sound of drums, the collection team left the store.

"Here, your wallet."

"Thank you...thank you."

After receiving the wallet handed over by the letter, the man who had been taxed on alcohol had not yet figured out what was going on, so he could only respond blankly.

"If you want to thank me, tell us what's going on here. Who was that guy just now?"

From the man's narration, several people learned the details of the island.

The mayor here is named Witton, who formulated a series of tax policies:

You have to pay port tax when you stop the ship, you have to pay alcohol tax when you drink, you have to pay big plate tax when you eat from a big plate...

The man just now was Philips, the son of Mayor Witton, who was responsible for tax collection.

Compared with the policies formulated by the mayor, the tax collection team's methods are more brutal. They will even make up a reason for tax collection on the spot, just to squeeze out the oil and water from every citizen.

As for the reason why they collect taxes so crazily...

"It's because of him!!"

The diner pointed at Henzo, who had his head lowered, his eyes filled with hatred:

"He defrauded an unknown amount of funds on the pretext of researching rainbow fog!"

"Look;" the diner turned and pointed to the tower outside the window:

"That tower was built just to find the Rainbow Fog! It was all built with the money of our citizens!!"

"Calm down!" Xin stepped forward and held down the excited diners. Seeing that the guests around him were about to make a move, he hurriedly took out his wallet from Usopp's pocket.

"Let's pay the bill and pack another piece of meat and a milkshake."

After picking up the packed things, Xin left the hotel with a few people.

Henzo would probably get beaten if he didn't leave.

Of course, they would not put the blame on Henzo.

It's just a transfer of conflict, it's too childish.

Wouldn’t the citizens’ lives be easier without the Rainbow Tower?


Even if there is no Henzo, there will still be Hazo Henright or something, which is just an excuse for the mayor to collect money.

The Rainbow Tower may also be replaced by a pyramid, the Mayor's Tower, etc.

"Because your childhood friend disappeared in the rainbow fog, so you..."

"Rainbow fog, I really want to go in and have a look."

Before the letter was finished, Captain Luffy expressed his opinion.

But how could it be such a coincidence? Henzo had been searching for fifty years but couldn't find it. Could it be that the rainbow fog would appear as soon as they came?

While everyone was chatting here, the shopping team on the other side also encountered a situation.

They say they are a shopping team, but they are actually Nami and two coolies.

Sanji was carrying large and small bags, and Chopper transformed into a deer form, carrying loads of supplies on his back.

Even Chopper with Zoan’s Demon fruit power couldn’t help but complain:

"Do you still want to buy it?"

Nami, who was empty-handed, was still full of interest:

"Of course, girls will definitely need more things."

"There are also Robin's clothes inside."

"Hey Chopper, don't let anything fall!"


Poor Chopper became a tool deer.

"I'm talking about you guys! Do you think the things you are carrying are very heavy?"

A voice suddenly came, breaking the lively atmosphere:

"This also requires paying heavy goods tax!"

“Why is there such a strange tax?!”

Nami immediately complained, "What a strange island."

The man opposite the three men wore the same uniform as Philips, but the difference was that he also wore a strange armor on his upper body.

There is also a very thick pipe connected to the bicycle generator at the back.

There is a soldier above who is pedaling hard.

"This uncle is the grandson of Mayor Witton, Lake."

Perhaps it was the confidence brought by the armor on his body, but Lake's voice was very arrogant:

"Outsiders, are you trying to evade taxes?"

The two arms of the armor collided with each other, stimulating a stream of electricity and shooting towards Nami and the other three.

Sanji put down the shopping bag in his hand and quickly stood in front of Nami and Chopper, using his body to resist the damage of the electric current.

"Let me teach you etiquette from the beginning;"

The electric current brought some black marks on Sanji's face, which made his face even more gloomy:

"Asshole guy who attacks a lady."

"No...impossible, this is electricity!"

The Sanji in front of him looked completely unscathed except for being a little black. Reike angrily shouted at the soldiers:

"You!! Have you properly generated electricity for me!?"

The soldier felt that he was wronged and was about to smoke.

"Electric current? This level is not even one-tenth of that of a certain bastard hedgehog."

Sanji picked up the shopping bag and handed it to Chopper, asking the two of them to hide first to avoid being accidentally injured.

His feet were wrapped with a bright black armed color. He was not without improvement. Compared with his bare feet in Alabasta, he was already able to wrap the armed color around his shoes.

"Strange taxes and insolent savages."

Sanji sprinted forward, jumped into the air, and aimed his arms-colored feet at the transparent mask on Lake's armor:

"Kick against etiquette!"

The legs wrapped in armed colors kicked sideways without any pause, breaking through the armored arms of Lake's defense, and kicked the armor's mask into pieces with unabated momentum.

The head was hit, and the armored Reik flew backwards, knocking down the soldiers behind him.

The surrounding citizens had already left for fear of being affected by the fighting.

Sanji picked up the shopping bag again, and the three decided to return to the Meili first.

Carrying so many things makes any movement inconvenient.

However, when they leisurely returned to the rocky area where they had previously stopped, the Mellie was gone.

"Eh!? Where's the Meili? Was it taken away by those people?"

Chopper was a little flustered, thinking that the collection team had taken away the ship.

Sanji looked around, trying to find someone:

"No, the guy with the green algae head is still up there, so this won't happen."

"Hey! Bastard Hedgehog, don't play tricks on us with illusions!!"

Nami stopped the kappa looking for the hedgehog:

"Give up, it's not Xin's illusion."

"The Merry is really gone."

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