Pirates: Ninjas On The Straw Hats

Chapter 41 A Small Gift For Everyone

The day after leaving Cocoyasi Village, on a sunny morning, the Meili slowly and firmly moved towards the Grand Line.

Usopp sat cross-legged on the deck studying homemade chili sauce stars, and Zoro dozed off against the guardrail.

Sanji became a loyal guard, protecting the three orange trees brought by Nami, while Luffy was competing with Sanji in a battle of wits and courage to eat an orange.

Nobu was leisurely reading Ninjutsu scrolls on Nami's recliner. Although he knew a lot of Ninjutsu, it was always right to learn more.

He randomly separated a Shadow Clone and walked to the second floor of the cabin. Nami was standing here looking at the chart to calibrate the course.

"Where are we now Nami?"

"Ah!! Don't make any noise to scare people!!"

Nami, who was looking at the chart intently, was startled and said angrily, but still pointed to a certain point on the map.

After carefully looking at it and confirming its position, the clone immediately disbanded on its own, and the smoke that popped out startled Nami again.


A compass hit Xin's head, and Nami's voice came:

“Next time you ask questions, I’ll be there in person!!!”

He stood up and picked up the compass on the ground, rubbed the big bulge on his head, and said a little aggrievedly:

"Isn't it more convenient for me? Anyway, I have to clone myself again if I ask."

"After all, why do you care so much about location and route? This is the eighth time since yesterday!!!"

Nami is a bit broken. Every time there is a small change in the route, she has to ask for a letter. The first two times, she even knew the main body to ask, and the rest were all Shadow Clone.


The letter showed a mysterious smile:

"You'll find out later!"

"Can the ship dock first, Luffy?"

"Ah? Are you going to fish here?"

"Hmph~ You'll find out later, Nami, there won't be a storm or anything if we stop here, right?"

"No, not really, but what on earth are you going to do? It's mysterious."

"Hey, hey, hey, you'll be fine later!"

The letter that he wanted to pretend was mysterious was hit on the head by a compass again.

But the Meili was still gradually slowing down and stopping. Although she didn't know what Xin was going to do, stopping for a while wouldn't delay anything.


The waiting time was not long, and a memory suddenly appeared in Xin's mind, and he knew that the time had come.

"All eyes are on me Zio!"

"Look at me, look at me!"

Xin raised his hands and shouted to everyone. Zoro, who was woken up, was a little angry and said in an unhappy tone:

"What are you arguing about, Hedgehog Head? Are you going to announce to everyone that your true form is a hedgehog plus dessert!?"

Ignoring Zoro, seeing everyone looking at him curiously, Xin nodded with satisfaction and pointed to the stern of the ship:

"I have an announcement!"

"Gather at the stern of the ship!"

All six people came to the stern of the ship, and saw another letter tied to a rope behind the Meili, connected to a small boat, running wildly on the sea.

"Wow~ You went to buy meat, right?"

Luffy saw that the boat was full of food, and thought that Xin felt that the meat was not enough, so he used Shadow Clone to buy meat.

Shaking his head, Xin also planned to sell it off:

"Huh huh huh~"

Boom! ! !

The head that wanted to pretend to be mysterious instantly came into close contact with the deck. Nami raised his smoking fist and said with a murderous look:

"You just wanted to say you'll find out later, right?! Hedgehog head!!!"

"As expected of Nami!"

Xin, who was lying on his face, stretched out his hand tremblingly and gave a thumbs up. Then Nami kicked her in the back again.

Fortunately, the boat arrived, and Xin no longer had the intention to keep it secret.

The Shadow Clone had completed its mission and dissipated. Xin jumped off and carried the boat back to the Mellie.

After carefully placing the boat on the deck, Xin explained to everyone:

"I used Shadow Clone to follow the mouse colonel to Branch No. 16 and got some things there."

After lifting the tarpaulin covering the small bed, the first thing that came into view was a pile of treasures and baileys, as well as a very hard-looking chain with a lock.

"There is indeed a locked refrigerator in the base, but my identity was exposed at that time, so I had to rush to get such an iron chain."

Taking the handed chain and looking at Luffy, Sanji said with satisfaction:

"It helps a lot. Finally there won't be any mice eating in the refrigerator in the middle of the night."

"Here, this is a bronze statue. I only found copper in the base, so I made one myself using Fire Style."

Luffy was still pouting and sulking, but after hearing this, he immediately smiled and hugged the rough bronze statue of a sheep's head:

"Wow, it looks exactly like Meili, so handsome!!"

"This bag contains bullets. I couldn't find any ready-made gunpowder. You need to process it yourself."

A large package that needed to be hugged by both hands was stuffed into Usopp's arms, and his voice of thanks could be heard through the package:

"Thank you for your letter. Now there is no shortage of gunpowder!"

"And Zoro, there aren't any good knives in the base. We'll go back to the next town and buy some. But I got a lot of good wine from the kitchen."

He took a bottle and took a sip. It was indeed better than the ordinary ones. Zoro turned his head away and looked towards the sea:

"It's just average, but I owe you a favor this time."

"Hey, can I understand that the wine is delicious but I am embarrassed to say thank you?"

"Stop being so sentimental, you prickly head!"

"It's so indirect, Zoro!"

Nami quietly squeezed Zoro away and stared at the letter with two watery eyes:

"If it were mine, I would definitely rush over and say thank you!"

"Why are you looking at me?"

Xin pretended to be confused and asked innocently.

"No, I just have a lot to see. Do you need me to help Mr. Xin sort it out~"

"No, no, you will definitely hide it privately."

Nami quietly came behind Xin and rubbed his shoulders, while speaking softly:

"Sir Nobu~ You must be very tired from lifting the boat just now. Let me rub your shoulders~"

"Okay, okay, you used too much force."

"Would you like some dessert to replenish your energy? I'll make it myself?"

"No, no, you have to pay for cooking."

"But Nami, you are really gentle. You are not like a certain woman who calls me Mr. Xin when you have something to do, and calls me Hedgehog Head when nothing happens."

"Oh, my head hurts so much. Could it be that some tigress hit me with a compass?"

"If you look carefully, your nose is a little red. Could it be that some violent woman punched me in the back of the head and made me land on my face?"



"Huh? It's so noisy outside!"

In the kitchen, Sanji wrapped a locking chain around the refrigerator so that he would not be afraid of Luffy coming to eat it in the middle of the night. Just as it was finished, I heard screams coming from outside.

He went out curiously to check.

On the deck, Zoro looked at a fat man with a pitiful expression. Luffy and Usopp were sitting on their knees with their hands clasped together as if praying for someone.

Nami sat on the fat man and beat someone violently while speaking:

"Tigress? Violent woman!? I'll let you know what violence is!!"

"What happened?"

Sanji was puzzled by the situation on the deck. He stared at the unfamiliar fat man with one eye wide open:

"Who is that person? An enemy?"

"No...no, that seems to be..."


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