Pirates: Start the vampire fruit, rescue the empress

Chapter 287

Mount Colpo, the home of the mountain thief.

Sephiroth glanced at the sun that had tilted to the west, and he immediately smiled and said:

“2”> “It’s not too early!”

It’s also time to make dinner….

it just so happened that when I went up the mountain today, I came across a tiger and beat it.

I’ll use this to add dishes to you tonight! < p idx="6"> Hearing this, Saab laughed directly and said: “7”> “Hahaha!

There are more than ten of us here, and one tiger is simply not enough to stuff your teeth….

let’s go to the river and shoot two more crocodiles back! ”

“Huh!? I think this tiger should be enough to eat, if it is not enough, I also have some food in my space…” < p idx="11"> As he spoke, Sephiroth pulled out the butcher knife on his waist, opened the carry-on space, and dragged the giant tiger, which was more than five meters tall and more than ten meters long, directly out.

Seeing this scene, Luffy’s eyes suddenly shone and he said with admiration:

“13”> “It’s amazing!” Sephiroth, you actually hit a tiger that big. ”

After Ace looked at the size and appearance of the tiger, he suddenly looked surprised:

“15”> “This… This…… Can’t go wrong!

this tiger is the owner of Mount Kolpo!?

the fiercest beast on this mountain! ”

“What’s so surprising about this… A kitten!

In this world, creatures more powerful than it are everywhere…” said Sephiroth lightly.

however, he could clearly feel that the eyes of the three brothers looking at him were full of adoration and admiration.

On weekdays, Luffy and they were chaotic by this big tiger and suffered a lot of losses.

“Dadan, borrow your kitchen, don’t you mind…?”

Sephiroth turned his head to look at Da Dan not far away, who quickly shook his head and lowered his posture very low, indicating that although he used it, when he ran out, just let her clean it.

just kidding!

regardless of whether the incident with Vice Admiral Sephiroth is true or not, it is certainly not a simple character to see that people can take out such a large tiger unscathed.

therefore, Dadan directly chose from the heart!

in the kitchen of the Da Dan House, the red-roofed wooden house.

Marcino watched Sephiroth quickly dispose of the tiger’s carcass with the crisp and neat knife technique of a cow, and she was a little surprised:

“29”> “I didn’t expect you to cook!”

“Of course, I have a lot of strengths…

you will be surprised when you gradually get to know me in the future! Sephiroth said with a pun.

“Hmm! Then I’ll wait and see! ”

Marcino smiled and nodded, her heart simple, completely unaware that she was trying to step on the accelerator to race.

if it was this old Siji of Gion, she would definitely react instantly, and help him refuel and slam on the accelerator….

with the help of Marcino, busy for an hour or so, the whole tiger’s body was made by him into more than thirty dishes, even the bones were taken by him to boil the soup…

hall, looking at the thirty-odd dishes that Lu Lu put on the table one after another, Luffy shouted impatiently:

“37”> “I’m moving!”

as soon as his voice fell, Ace, Saab, and Dadan’s family, like hungry dogs grabbing food, rushed up, while eating happily, you fought for me!

so much so that many dishes have been messed up and knocked over.

Marcino and Sephiroth were side by side, and he looked at the extremely chaotic dining scene, and he couldn’t help but hold his forehead, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, Macchino couldn’t help but chuckle and turned his head to look at the silver-haired young man on the side:

“42”> “It seems that everyone likes your cooking!”

“well~! To get your compliment, I instantly felt that even if they spoiled the dishes, it was not a very angry thing…” < p idx="44"> As he spoke, Sephiroth naturally raised his right hand and put his arm around Marcino’s slender waist, who leaned into his arms.

Saab held a piece of roast tiger meat in both hands, and while nibbling, he sighed:

“Sure enough, sailing is indispensable for food!”

When I go to sea, I must first find a chef with the best skills to be my partner…”< P idx="48"> Hearing this, Ace immediately came to Saab’s side, and he said with a smug look: “49”> “I will be the first to become a pirate….

your dreams are destined to come to naught, then you will get on my boat! ”

the conversation between the two reached Luffy’s ears, and he immediately stood up and said without showing weakness:

“52”> “Too cunning!” I’m going to be the first to be a pirate!”

When the time comes, you will all obediently get on my ship!” ”

At this moment, Karp, who was burly, wearing a red floral shirt on the upper body and black shorts on the lower body, quietly appeared behind the three brothers, his face was gloomy as water, like a beast ready to choose people at any time.

poof-! ×N

Seeing this scene, the bandit Dadan’s family, who originally wanted to say something, was instantly so frightened that they spewed out all the wine and food in their mouths, and the three brothers were puzzled for a while.


Karp stood tall, his hands clenched into fists, and he snorted coldly.

very unfortunate, he just listened to all the words of his unfilial grandson word for word….

looking at Ace and Luffy, who turned their heads with stiff movements and turned pale with fright, Karp first said “Click!” Click! After clenching his fist twice, his forehead jumped straight, and he hated that iron could not be made into a steel road:

“Still saying that kind of thing!?

I still don’t understand, are you going to be a navy in the future…!? ”

bang! Bang!

Karp went down with two punches in a row, and two large bags grew directly above Luffy and Ace’s heads, and the two fell straight to the ground.


As he drank lowly, Da Dan quickly put down the meat and wine glass in his hand, ran to his side, and very skillfully stood up straight, ready to be trained.



waiting for her was a heavenly old punch from Karp, which directly grew a large bag on the top of her head, and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

< p idx="70"> Da Dan covered his hands in pain, grinning in pain, and complained with some dissatisfaction: “Mr. Karp, why do even I have to be beaten….”< p idx="72"> Hearing this, Karp clenched his fists and said with a look of course: “Of course,

it’s because you didn’t educate these two little ghosts well!”

that look is simply saying, if you are not convinced, you can come and reason with his fist… The Truth of Physics!

Saab looked at the scene of domestic violence in front of him, he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and his face showed a shocked expression:

“76”> “Karp…? Is this the grandfather of Ace and Luffy? ”

“Hey! Little ghost, you seem to have said that you want to go to sea or something, right…? ”

Karp looked unkindly at Saab in the blue dress, causing the latter to take a slight step back, afraid to answer.


Luffy immediately jumped out of the ground, he based on the principle of good brother morality, decisively punished his eldest brother, he with a dissatisfied expression, shouted at Karp:

“81”> “He’s not a ghost!” …… It’s Saab!

we drank the wine together and vowed to become pirates! ”

“Oh!? It seems that the little bastard that needs me to clean up has changed from two to three! < p idx="84"> Karp clenched his fist into a “Click!” Click! The smile on his face became more and more kind.

the next moment.

bang bang-bang-!

Under Karp’s pair of iron fists, the three brothers were beaten to the head and cried bitterly.

Moments later, the three brothers were chased out of the house by Karp and sneaked into the woods.

but they were still chased by Karp and beaten with blue noses and swollen faces, fainted on the ground, and their legs and feet twitched twice from time to time.

about this, Sephiros simply can’t complain!

Karp’s family education policy of punching you with his fist if he disobeys is simply a dog shaking his head when he sees it!

children educated in this way are either subdued and fearful, and become a person who is only willing to promise, timid and afraid of things, or they are unobedient and stubborn to death, and go all the way to the black character.

I don’t know whether Karp uses this education method to destroy his grandson, or keeps forcing the other party to become pirates….

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