Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 167 The Secret Of Teach


As the word of Dylan in De Reiss Rosa spread, the morale of the entire G5 was even higher.

Although what he said was tantamount to sedition in the eyes of many alliance countries and the World government.

But for the soldiers of G5.


Pirates are now nothing to fear.

As the pirates themselves judged.

Even without Dylan Vice Admiral.

Only Tahir Rear Admiral, Shiryu Rear Admiral, Tom Rear Admiral, Zephyr Instructor and Mr. Bullet are enough to wipe out the rest of the pirates.

Not to mention the support of Marineford!

When they first came here, the goal of many people may be to suppress the pirates, or even just hope to block the big pirates at the gate of New World.

But as the G5 grows stronger, they yearn for "true peace" and "true equality"!

Peace is close at hand, how can we stand idly by!

Everyone's heart is crying out, crying out.

"The human heart is already available, where are you going to start?"

The others are still sticking to their posts, and only Tahir and Nuo Qigao are still with him in Dylan's office.

"Linlin," Dylan smiled.

When he chose G5 back then, his original first goal was the "BIG MOM" pirate group.

But with the fog clearing, and some outside thrust. In the end, he took the lead in destroying the "Red Hair Pirates" with the help of Garp's hand and the traction of the straw hat.

"Oh? Isn't it Blackbeard?"

Tahir doesn't think Dylan will go to Wanokuni first, because Dylan has already concluded that Wanokuni is one of the few "forbidden areas" he wants to stay in this world.

"Teach..." Dylan glanced towards the west.

"It's used to contain it, and now its influence on Marineford has dropped drastically. The disadvantage of the national treasure... probably lies in some kind of 'uncontrollable' or 'regional restrictions'."

"So they may not be able to take the initiative to chase Teach. Whether it's CP0 or those people in red, they may not be Teach's opponent."

"They are still waiting for me to do business. They also expected that I will definitely go to Mariejois to find them. But Teach may not. He doesn't have to go, he just needs to destroy it in all directions."


Tahir nodded.

After the de Reiss Rosa incident, the game between the two sides began.

But the World government seems confident.

"national treasure"·······

"In addition, I still need to confirm something on Linlin. This may also be related to whether the slaughter of Teach goes well later."

"Blackbeard? The secret of his twin fruits?"

It's no secret at the top of G5 that Blackbeard has the ability to strip "Devil Fruit". His double fruit was revealed two years ago after he became Four Emperors.

He got the "Twisted Fruit" which is as destructive as the "Shock Fruit".

"Do not·······"

Dylan shook his head.

"There should be three...and the twisted fruit is the third one."


Tahir's expression changed slightly, but then he seemed to think of something.

"His pirate flag... is indeed three skeletons."

In most of the pirate groups in this world, their pirate flags are formulated according to certain characteristics of the captain himself.

Such as Monkey D. Luffy's straw hat

Griffin with red hair and a scar on his left eye.

Whitebeard, Roger's beard.

So if Teach described his pirate flag as three skulls and eight bones early on...

"Eight bones... what do they represent?"

This is contrary to common sense.

"Octopus, right? Or an octopus. That should be his first fruit. What I care about is actually not this. The gap between him and the national treasure cannot be bridged by many fruits."

Tahir nodded. In the battle of De Reiss Rosa, Rocks himself had already shown strength far beyond the power of 3 fruits.


Judging from the performance of Summit War, he is too dependent on the fruit, although he has the ability of Dark Fruit to nullify the fruit ability.


Don't forget that in addition to being a "Thunder Fruit" ability user, Dylan is also a top-notch powerhouse in Haki and swordsmanship.

"Why do you think Teach can obtain three fruit abilities?"

The dark blue folding fan twirled on Tahir's slender fingertips, he pondered for a moment and said: "The twisted fruit is out of the scope of the discussion, because it is a relatively common Paramecia fruit. "

"Dark Fruit's words...it shouldn't be, because according to our dense thread description, Five Elders once commented that no one in history has been able to take double fruits and not die. Then this gain is obviously not from Dark Fruit of."

"The octopus fruit? Zoan?"

After finishing speaking, Tahir's brows frowned, and actually something was wrong...

It is true that octopuses have 3 hearts...but the problem is... the essence of Teach should still be human...

"It seems that you have thought of it. His essence is still human, unless his body is an octopus, has three hearts naturally, and the original blood factor structure is different from that of human beings."

"But I don't think so."

Because Blackbeard had a childhood.

Should he be born in the Snow Country? It could also be Drum Island.

Dylan knocked on the table and sorted out his thoughts: "First of all, octopus fruit can indeed make people have certain octopus characteristics. But we all know that characteristics-does not represent eternal, essential transformation. For example, Dalton, He ate the Niu Niu fruit. Does he have 4 stomachs now?"

"Jack, he ate the mammoth fruit, but he is still a fish in essence. In addition, the fruit's ability can be imprisoned and deprived. It can be seen from this that the transformation is not essential, but additive. Unless He can reach my level..."

Dylan smiled: "But obviously Teach is far from it."

"Then, if this is used as an argument, the benefits brought by the octopus fruit will be ruled out!"

If Teach had reached his heights, what the hell was lurking around him. One punch to the death of Whitebeard and that's it.

There is no need to engage in so much conspiracy.


Dylan nodded: "This is the direction I need to prove, but not all."

"Look..." Dylan drew three circles on the table.

"Soul...or personality...well... there are still some people in this world who have multiple personalities, but can they eat double fruits?"

"Beautiful Sword Cavendish?"

"Yes, but split personality should not be regarded as multiple souls. This kind of mental illness is at most a kind of mental illness. But it is also a reference direction."

Dylan took out three photos.

These are photos of Blackbeard taken at different times.

Tahir showed a puzzled look after just a glance.

Missing teeth are different on each photo.

There are 3 pieces missing.

There are 4 missing.

There are no missing teeth.

"I think there are three complete souls in his body. And he went to Drum Island back then to improve his physical defects - three complete souls, with three real hearts!"

"Did he show the power of Dark Fruit in the days after he killed Whitebeard Pirates Captain Sage?"

Tahir shook his head after recalling it for a while: "It's not in the records, the first time should be Banaro Island."

"So at that time, he got the Dark Fruit, but didn't eat it right away! He was waiting, waiting for the right time."

"After getting the Dark Fruit, immediately set off to Magnetic Drum Island and find that old hag to transform his body."

"In Summit War, what he wanted to experiment was to capture Shock Fruit instead of 'eating the second fruit'."

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