Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 183 Long Street

Central Avenue of the Capital of Flowers.

Many people reacted from the original panic.

Someone, let's hunt down Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido!

Is it the "Kozuki Samurai" prophesied by Mrs. Shi 20 years ago? But·······

Some people went back to the window and quietly looked at the street. Those people didn't look like warriors...

Dylan didn't care about the prying eyes around him. Before he came, he had Vic inform Maha, and asked him to prepare enough "light paintings" to broadcast the battle in real time.

From the gate of Shiryu's Chopped Flower Capital, the battle has already started "Light Painting Live" throughout Wanokuni.

Rabbit Bowl Jail.

By the time the Guyelman brothers arrived here with G5's elite troops, the quarry had basically stopped functioning.

After killing all the members of the "Beasts Pirates" and the samurai with the Kurozumi family crest, they began to release the prisoners one by one from the prison.

The two brothers stood at the exit of the prison, watching one after another prisoners file out from the inside.


When a short figure wearing a bamboo hat came to the door, the older big brother indifferently called to stop the team.

The body wearing the hat paused slightly, and the expression could not be seen clearly under the hat.

"Come with us, or die."

He Song's heart tightened, it seemed that he was an enemy rather than a friend, and the target was himself.

He still doesn't know what's going on outside, when he looked up at the quarry full of corpses of "givers", "laughers" and members of Kurozumi's family, Kawasatsu felt a wave of doubts in his heart.

enemy of enemy...

Seeing that he didn't answer, Guyelman's younger brother had already put his hand on Muku's handle.

This is their extra task. In addition to cleaning up the remnants of Beasts Pirates and Kurozumi's family in other towns, this person is on the special list.

Tuwan Prison, one of the original "Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath", He Song.

Find him, take him to the capital of flowers, and execute him on the spot if he resists.

"it is good."

Although he doesn't know the opponent's purpose yet, since he came as Kaido's enemy, he wants to see the end no matter what.

The twin big brother nodded and said to Marine behind him: "Leave 10 people to maintain order, and go to the front of Guanghua to wait for the 'new lord'. The rest - behind the bell."

After nodding towards his younger brother, the big brother took Hesong and headed towards the capital of flowers.

The original slaves and prisoners released the remaining prisoners one by one under the supervision of G5 Marine, and then they gathered together and stood on the stone platform of the gravel yard to look at the light painting on the stone wall.

The new lord...

Is Kurozumi Orochi dying?

The younger people have hope in their hearts, no matter who they are. It's better than Kurozumi Orochi anyway.

The older ones began to meditate.

Is it "Samurai of the Kozuki family"?

They looked up at the picture in the light painting. Apart from hundreds of guys dressed like the people here, the most conspicuous ones in the light painting were the five people who walked to the front of the line.

There were no warriors they were familiar with, nor the "Nine Heroes in Red Sheaths" they remembered.

Maha, who was sitting in the general's mansion, was also in a very difficult situation at this time.

The war between the Dark Dragon and Mariejois is imminent.

But the World government still let him stay here.

Of course he knows the importance of Wanokuni, but he also knows the means and power of the dark dragon.

How should he communicate with the "Dark Dragon"...

After pondering for a while, he thought of his colleague who had been stationed with Wanokuni all the year round—Vic.

On the other side, the fidgety Kurozumi paced around the room anxiously.

According to CP0 and Fu Lu Shou, the guy who has entered the city has more power than Kaido.

Although he hated the Kozuki family, more than 20 years of "general" career has made him used to this kind of life.

How can I persuade the other party to continue to let him take the position of "general".

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't find a good solution, so Kurozumi shouted out the door in frustration:

"Go ask Xiao Zi to come and accompany me!"

"Xiao Zi has gone out, I'm afraid it will take some time..."

"Go! Trash!"


Listening to the distant footsteps in the corridor, Kurozumi Orochi sat on the spot with an uncertain face.

The ghosts of the Kozuki family...


In the middle of Flower City Avenue, Dylan raised his hand.

The whole team stopped in place instantly.

On the other side of the long street, a team several times larger than G5 appeared in their field of vision.

The one walking in the front is the "strongest creature" - Kaido.

Shiryu was back behind Dylan to stand with Ain, Tom and Tahir.

The originally domineering "Beasts Pirates" members were all quiet at this moment.

More than a year ago, the man opposite came to Wanokuni alone and injured "Admiral Kaido".

Two months ago, Master Jack the Drough, who went out to hunt down the "samurai", disappeared.

Someone heard that it was killed by the guy opposite.


Someone swallowed lightly. It was the pirate who had seen Dylan in Ghost Island a year ago.

Mr. Fudsford, who had the ability to challenge for the position of "Big Kanban", was hacked in half by the guy opposite him without even making it through.

And Yamato, who was walking outside the "Beasts Pirates" line, immediately raised his eyebrows when he saw Dylan.

It was him, that guy!

When he came to Wanokuni, he easily broke the bomb shackles that Quinn had put on his hands.

But he refused to untie the other one because of his distaste for Goten.

Although I don't know why Kaido didn't put the shackles back on her, Yamato didn't appreciate Kaido in his heart.

She walked aside, glanced at Dylan in the distance, and then at Kaido who was silent.

These two guys... are not good people!

Feeling Yamato's gaze Dylan glanced at him.

"Great filial daughter" Yamato...

Dylan looked over at his wrists, the shackles had been undone.


Dylan smiled at Kaido, who, after all, had feelings for Yamato.

But... just like Garp, Sukiyaki guys.

Fathers in this world don't seem to be good at teaching their offspring.

Or they don't know how to teach their offspring at all, either they just beat them up or let them go.

Both teams stopped, only Dylan and Kaido were still slowly advancing.

When the two walked to a distance of more than 10 meters, they stopped very tacitly.

"How is it, Kaido?"

Dylan smiled slightly at Kaido: "Waiting for 20 years in Wanokuni, now, do you have a feeling that your time is wasted?"

Kaido, who was carrying a mace, grinned:

"Ooooooooooh, who knows, this kind of thing..."

A cloud of flames emerged from under his feet.

"It doesn't matter anymore!"

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