Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 209 Marine's Justice

Simultaneously with the Battle of Mariejois was the War of the Four Seas.

East Blue completed the integration first.

Because all the alliance countries have long been surrounded by the "peace round table".

All members of the royal family have also been screened and screened.

Followed by South Blue, although Craig has left, but South Blue is still sweeping the Quartet at lightning speed under the leadership of the Third Army.

The main targets of their attack are those regimes and royal families known for their brutality.

West Blue and North Blue disintegrated instantly under the impact of the Dongtata tribe, the fur tribe, and the Balchico Islands.

Numerous "joint countries" frantically tried to contact Mariejois, but got no response.

Some people think of Marine.

They first ordered Marine to protect themselves, but they were all refused without exception.

Then they started begging, they started bribing.

Some Marines who were not firm enough to stand loose, but word spread quickly.

The branch colonel who had trespassed in the palace was stripped of his command by his subordinates and expelled from the Marine.


"Hold your breath."

Crane Vice Admiral sighed as he looked at Gion who was about to move.

at this time······

Although Dylan didn't tell them the truth, he thought Dylan was right.

Once Dylan and his men fail, Marine still needs to guard the world.

"Crane big sister!"

Gion clasped Kimpira's handle with his right hand, straightened his cloak, then turned to look at Crane Vice Admiral:

"Waiting is useless! Now that Sakazuki has made his choice, Marine must take a stand!"

"If you think it's too risky, then I will fight as an individual!"

"Playing? Are you going to Mariejois?"

Gion shook his head.

She slowly opened the door: "The guys who escaped from Impel down have already started to make trouble, now... it's time to perform our duties!"

"When little Dylan comes back, if what greets him is a devastated world, then Marine...is a failure!"

Crane Vice Admiral looked at Gion in surprise, and then a smile appeared in her eyes: "Go...do what you want to do."

When Gion walked out of the fortress, Temporary Marshal "Black Arm" Zephyr was standing on a high platform, and under the high tower were many generals of the headquarters.

Zephyr looked at the familiar faces and the fighting spirit on their faces.

"I don't have Mariejois for my Marshal position,"

Zephyr first joked that most of the generals and schools on the square were his students. Hearing Zephyr's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"But Mr. Zephyr... your 'marshal' is recognized by us!"

"That's right! Give the order. Teacher Zephyr!"

"Call the Marshal! Idiot!"

"Give order! Marshal Zephyr!"

Zephyr shook the mechanical arm of his right hand, and several figures walked out behind him.

"Naval Headquarters 'Great Staff Advisor' - Crane".

"Naval Headquarters 'Great Inspector' - Sengoku".

"Admiral of Headquarters - A Smile".

"Admiral of Headquarters - Polusalino".

They lined up behind Zephyr.

"Don't let those bastards fish in troubled waters, give orders. Zephyr!"

"Oh~~oh~~~ Teacher Zephyr~~~I will still listen to your orders~~~~"

Zephyr looked at Kizaru with his hands in his pockets and smiled angrily.

Dylan didn't really like Kizaru, but he wasn't hostile either.

He personally had some opinions on Kizaru, he was too self-centered, his position was unclear, and he relied too much on the power of fruit when fighting.

"Porusalino, you bastard, since you say so...then you go to the depths of New World first, and execute all those lingering fellows!"

"Oh~~oh~~~It's really scary~~~ Teacher Zephyr~~~"

As Polusalino dissipated into a point of light, Zephyr took two steps forward.

The huge broadcast screen instantly lit up, and news agencies and Marine branches all over the world stared at this scene:

"We joined Marine not to serve someone, nor to bow down to a certain force."

"We are full of passion and hope to bear the name of justice."

"Some people accuse me that we are the private weapons of the World government, and some people abuse us as lackeys under the feet of Celestial Dragons."

"But no one can deny Marine's sacrifice and contribution to world peace over the centuries."


"We will follow our will and fulfill our vocation!"

"Protect those who were unguarded before! Defeat those who were unconquerable before!"


boom! !

Marineford, Grand Line, Four Seas——

Marines all over the world stood up and beat their chests at the same time.

"Take up arms—"

"Destroy the remaining pirates—"

"Fight for justice!!"

The whole world responded at the same time, breaking through the sky:

"Fight for justice!!"

Naval Headquarters, all senior generals set sail.

Watching the warships swarming out, Zephyr looked west, in the direction of Greenbit.

"Smoker...G5...I leave it to you!"

In the G5 square, the Guyelman brothers stood beside Smoker with Tashigi.

"You lead the 01-08 combat unit to sail, and cooperate with the headquarters and other branches to cross advance. Catch those guys who come out!"


After the Guyelmans and Tashigi left, Smoker looked at Zephyr on the screen in the Arched Hall.

"Relax, Teacher Zephyr."


Zephyr stepped off the ledge and headed towards his warship.

"Are you going too? Doesn't Marineford need to be garrisoned?"

"Little Crane,"

Zephyr turned to look at his old comrade. "Marineford...isn't here."

"Oh?" Crane Vice Admiral had a faint smile on his face, not much of a surprise.

Zephyr pointed to the position of his heart on his chest:

"It's here!"

Seeing Zephyr's disappearing figure, Crane Vice Admiral smiled slightly, remembering what Dylan said more than two years ago.

"Forts destroyed can be rebuilt, islands sunk can be relocated, justice lies - that is Marineford!"

She turned her head and glanced at the impatient "Black Threshold" Hina.



Twin Gorges.

Alex stood on the high platform with "Beijing View" and looked into the distance.

The "Black Banner Army" behind him is already ready to go.


After the fleet of the Black Banner Army set off, a girl wearing gloves appeared on the high platform.

Behind her was a blue-haired girl about her age.


Annie stood facing the wind, and she felt the breath in the strong wind.

That is the call of the "new era" and the sound of "ideal".

"Vivi... You once asked me if the world could become like Girona, and now I will give you my answer."

Annie turned and looked at her friend.

"The world is bound to be like that because we've spent half our lives fighting for it!"

[The preparations are over, tomorrow will start the story of Im and Joey Boy, and then it will be the final chapter. 】

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